travel in pirates

Chapter 87 Meeting

Chapter 87 Meeting (for Subscription)

After seeing Yasuo sit down, the proprietress smiled and waved her hand and said, "Please sit down, I will teach these ignorant little devils a little bit, and it will be fine soon!"

After speaking, he beat up several strong men lying on the ground again. After the beatings were almost dead, he searched all the money from them and threw it out.

"I'm sorry to keep the guests waiting. My name is Xia Qi, and I'm the owner of this bar. You can call me Aunt Xia. I'll get ready right now." The proprietress clapped her hands and walked over as if nothing happened. .

"Okay, sorry for the trouble, Aunt Xia."

"You're welcome." Xia Qi took out what Yasuo ordered from the refrigerator, and put it on the table.

"Aunt Xia, how much are these things?" Yasuo pointed to the things on the table and said.

"Hehe, it's rare for a big person to come. I'll treat the audience today." After flicking the cigarette ash, Xia Qi said with a smile.

It seems that Xia Qi, the proprietress in front of her, has recognized Yasuo's identity, a prince who is not a pirate, Shichibukai, but there is no tension on her face at all.

"That's really embarrassing for costing you money, but how can I be called a big shot, and the one in your family is nothing!" Yasuo thanked Xia Qi.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to know him, but he is no longer a pirate." Xia Qi looked at Yasuo in surprise.

But she also knew that Yasuo's arrival should be without hostility, otherwise he shouldn't have come alone.

The reputation of the pirate slayer is not for nothing, the bloody means are widely spread in the sea, and with his identity as Qi Wuhai, Xia Qi thought at first that he was here to trouble himself and his men. .

But judging by the current situation, Yasuo's intention to come should not be.

"It's a pity that he's not here now, and I haven't seen him for a long time." Xia Qi said.

"Really? That's really a pity. I don't have a chance to meet the legendary character this time." Yasuo said with a slightly regretful tone.

The man they were talking about was the right hand of the legendary One Piece King - Pluto Rayleigh.

Since One Piece brother D. Roger disbanded the pirates and surrendered himself, Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, has not appeared on the sea for a long time. After retirement, Rayleigh has been living in seclusion in the Xiaqi Bar on the Chambord Islands, sitting at ease. A coater.

His biggest hobby is to go to an auction house to sell himself when he has no money, and then loot the nobles who auctioned him off.

The official appearance is when Luffy entered the auction room. For the so-called inheritance, he became Luffy's master for 2 years and taught the practice of domineering.

It seems that if he missed Rayleigh this time, he should have gone to auction himself again.

If you haven't seen it, then you haven't seen it. I originally planned to see the strength and swordsmanship of the legendary One Piece's right hand, and learn from each other.

Calculating this period of time, Rayleigh's auction is probably the one of the protagonist Luffy. It seems that the island will soon become lively.

Supernova 11 will gather on this island soon, Kidd Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates, Hawkins Pirates, Radio Pirates, Heart Pirates, Bonnie Pirates, Flame Tank Pirates, Breaking Ring The Monk Pirates and the Drake Pirates have a total of eleven pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million.

Because Luffy shot at the Tianlongren in the auction house, he attracted the general Huang Yuan, and was finally defeated. The Straw Hat Pirates fell apart because of this, and they reunited again two years later.

At this moment, the Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando, the Navy's highest conference room.

Seats were filled with admirals, the lowest one was vice admiral, the main seat was Admiral Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters, followed by Garp and Crane, and the three generals, Kizaru, Aokiji and Akainu.

Everyone was sitting upright, even Karp, who had never done anything serious, was silent in his seat, because he really couldn't laugh at this meeting.

The crane next to him also looked at him with some concern.

"Everyone is here, then the meeting will begin." Sengoku announced, and then continued: "First of all, it is about Yasuo, the new king of Shichibukai. Everyone here already knows this decision. The other thing is About Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach."

After experiencing what happened to Yasuo, Blackbeard still made the original move, and the plan was still carried out.

"Blackbeard? Hey, what's the relationship between that guy and Whitebeard? Could it be father and son?" Huang Yuan interjected.

"He was originally just a crew member of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates," Sengoku said.

"Mr. Sengoku, let's get straight to the point. We're not called back this time because of a pirate from the second team of Whitebeard, right?" Aokiji said.

"Okay." Warring States didn't delay, and went directly to the topic: "This meeting is about the pirate that Blackbeard handed over to join the King Shichibukai. What we want to discuss is how to deal with him."

"Huh? Mr. Sengoku, isn't the position of Shichibukai under the king already full? How can I still join?" Akainu asked.

"Because of this incident, Hai Xia Jinpei, one of the former kings of the seven martial arts, was deprived of the title of the king's seven martial arts by the world government, and was replaced by Blackbeard." Sengoku replied.

"Hey? Who is that pirate? We need to be recalled." A lieutenant general asked.

"The captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, has fallen into our hands." Sengoku replied blankly.


Hearing Fire Fist Ace's name, the conference room fell into silence for a while.Although many people already knew about this, they were still very surprised. After all, this is a Four Emperors involved in the new world.

"Mr. Sengoku, have you thought about how to deal with it?" Aokiji asked.

"I suggest that this kind of heinous pirate be executed publicly, so that we can demonstrate the strength of our navy and better fight against pirates at sea. What about the Whitebeard Pirates? Pirates are pirates, and we must You will be sanctioned." Akainu said directly.

"That's right, a pirate is a pirate, and it must be executed publicly." Vice Admiral Ghost Spider echoed directly.

"Public execution? That might lead to a full-scale war, right? With Whitebeard's respect for his crew." Aokiji interjected.

"It's not possible, but it will definitely be. If Fire Fist Ace is publicly executed, then the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely come. Then, a full-scale war will be impossible to avoid." Warring States added.

"Then what does Mr. Zhan Guo mean?" Huang Yuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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