travel in pirates

Chapter 49 Testimonials on shelves

Chapter 49 Testimonials on shelves (I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day)
It will be on the shelves soon, and I am still very nervous. I wrote a book for the first time, and it was put on the shelves with only 12 words.

The collection of this book is more than 700 points, and I don’t know how many book friends will subscribe to my very ordinary book by then.

However, I read that other books have testimonials, and I also posted one, which is not considered a testimonial, just to say something from my heart.

When I took the college entrance examination, I only scored 92 points in Chinese, and I almost failed. Although I barely got into an undergraduate course, composition and writing style have always been my weaknesses, so many places are very naive.

Regarding this book, if you have any ideas, you can put them in the comments or in this chapter. What kind of supporting role do you want to see? You can write it down. The villain is still the navy, pirates or something.

I have read the comments if you have any thoughts. According to most people's thoughts, the protagonist's weapon is set to be Lanqie. In fact, thinking about it, this weapon is the best.

I also thank many book friends for reminding me of the typo, as long as I saw it, I changed it.I accept the criticisms of some book friends with an open mind, and the writing is indeed very average.

On the National Day, I ask everyone to make a first order and support. I wish everyone a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

Thanks to:

Wan Jianqiu

Never forget the original intention
no heroine supporters

Bookworm, Ying
trace flow

Purple Mountain People Best Actor
Thank you for your rewards.

Thanks to everyone for bringing up some mistakes in my chapters.

There is nothing else, I wish you all a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival again.

(End of this chapter)

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