travel in pirates

Chapter 367 Ending

Chapter 367 Ending
three days later.

At this moment, Yasuo in the battle has already forgotten everything around him, and only Mihawk exists in his eyes.

The two have been fighting for three days without knowing it. Looking at the battle on the field, today may be the time for the two to decide the outcome.

Sweat was blown into the air with the high-speed movement of the two, and there was a strange brilliance in the sun.

"Boss, who do you think will win this battle?"

On a huge pirate ship, a fat man holding a chicken leg asked.

The man who was asked had red hair and left one right hand. He was the captain of the red-haired pirates, one of the Four Emperors, Red-haired Shanks.

Shanks looked serious and happy, and said: "It's hard to say, but this battle is really exciting. It is indeed a duel between the world's top swordsmen. It has not been so exciting for a long time."

"The two fought for three days and three nights, but there was no sign of weakening in the battle. It's really too powerful. Hawkeye can be said to have shot with all his strength this time. That Yasuo was able to fight Hawkeye for so long. What a shame! Nice young man."

Beckman, who was smoking a cigarette, said with emotion.

For three days and three nights, the surrounding crowd did not decrease in the slightest, and the interest on their faces was also very strong.

The navy and the pirates watched the duel together, and the whole scene was very harmonious, and no one made trouble.

Because duels between the strong are very rare, whoever dares to make trouble is the enemy of everyone, even the Four Emperors and the Navy watched silently.

This is a tacit agreement that no one dares to break.

For the two who are still fighting, people are talking about it all the time, and no one can predict the final winner of this battle.

It is still unknown who the title of the world's number one swordsman will belong to.

On the nameless island, Yasuo originally developed a square no smaller than the town, because the battle between the two has become a mess.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a deep pit now, because the area where the battle between the two of them spread was several meters lower almost out of thin air.

While the air waves were flying, the soil fell like raindrops. Lanqie and Heidao interlaced in the shape of "ten", and they were in a stalemate.

Seeing that neither side could do anything to the other, the two changed their moves in an instant, and started slashing at each other again.

File clang... boom... file clang...

The continuous sound of collision resounded throughout the sky, afterimages emerged, and the confrontation of two swords seemed to have evolved into a confrontation of countless long swords.

The figures of the two were covered by the afterimage of the long sword being swung, and only the dancing of the arm could be vaguely seen, and two flames splashed out from time to time, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

The air current driven by the swing of the long sword created deep ravines in the forest under the two people's feet. Before the sawdust flew into the air, it was crushed into powder by the sword energy surrounding the two of them.

There was a bang, and the two figures burst out, and their feet rubbed against the ground violently, making squeaking and creaking sounds.

With every step, a big hole was stepped on, and there was a loud noise, and the ground was covered with countless cracks. The strength of both sides was too strong, and the ground couldn't bear it at all.

After retreating about ten steps, Yasuo completely lost his strength and controlled his figure, while Mihawk retreated twenty steps, and Yasuo had already begun to gain the upper hand.

Mihawk's face was very shocked, this guy actually became stronger again in the battle, he was indeed a monster.

Fighting with such a monster is really enjoyable, and Mihawk instantly felt full of strength all over his body.

"Are these two monsters? After three days and three nights of fighting with all their strength, there is still such a powerful destructive power!"

The watching crowd once again showed shocked faces, and they have shown shocked expressions for countless times.

These two are not human at all, they are too strong.

With a swish, the black knife was reversed, and Mihawk's figure flashed, holding the black knife Yasuo, and attacked Yasuo.

quick!quick!Unparalleled speed, Mihawk's move has brought the speed to the extreme. The black knife is like a ray of light, and the whole sword seems to disappear, making it impossible for you to predict where the sword will come from.

The sword turned, trembled slightly, and made a clear buzzing sound, but Yasuo closed his eyes and remained motionless, waiting for Mihawk to attack him.

Having fought against Mihawk so many times, the two of them have a detailed understanding of the moves between the two sides, just like Mihawk's move, which relies entirely on unparalleled speed.

Let the whole black knife, Ye, surpass the limit that the naked eye can distinguish, as if it suddenly disappeared, and it is difficult to predict where to attack, because every part of the body may be the direction of Mihawk's attack.

It may be said that it is very difficult to change moves at such a fast speed, and it is difficult to get rid of the powerful inertial force, but the next step is where Mihawk is strong. He has mastered swordsmanship to an extremely advanced level, and he can already swing the night like an arm at will. .

Mihawk is a man who practiced swordsmanship to the whole body!
In an instant, a bright light seemed to come from the sky, surpassing the limit and the speed of light, and it seemed that this light was left in the world, filling the world.

The closed eyes also opened at this moment, a ray of light flashed by, grasped the wind tightly, and the tip of the sword slid quickly, like a galaxy hanging from the sky, did not attack the ray of light, but the broad sword was blocked across the chest forward.

clang!A slight sound resounded from his chest, and that ray of light dissipated between the sky and the earth at the same time.

I saw that the broad sword body on the chest accurately touched the tip of the black knife Ye, and Mihawk rushed in front of Yasuo, holding the black knife with both hands and stabbing Yasuo.

At that time, the bright light is just a false move, but the real ultimate move is this stab. At the level of Mihawk, swordsmanship is no longer limited to gorgeous moves. The real ultimate move is often hidden behind it, making it hard to guard against.

Feeling the trembling of his right hand, Yasuo smiled slightly and said, "Mihawk, it's you who was almost fooled by your false trick just now."

"Mihawk, it was almost your last blow just now, and it's time for you to take my move. As long as you can continue, then you will win this duel."

Yasuo said excitedly.

"Okay, come on!" Mihawk spared his words like gold, with a very solemn face, and he prepared his posture to wait for Yasuo's last move.

"One Sword Style · Wind Control Profound Art · Exhaustion · Blastful Wind Endless Slash!"

Without further ado, Yasuo charged straight up, and rushed in front of Hawkeye, his hands flying chasing the wind, and the sky was covered by afterimages.

However, to everyone's surprise, this afterimage didn't stay in place, but attacked the eagle-eyed Mihawk from all directions, as if every sword was real and someone had overridden it.

Like Mihawk before, Yasuo's move is also speed, but Mihawk's sword is extremely fast, while Yasuo's speed is under the change of moves.

In an instant, the direction of the monk changed dozens of times, so every afterimage was actually Yasuo's sword, but these changes happened in an instant.

wipe!Two cold lights flashed.

The figures of the two holding swords in both hands also passed by at that moment, and the surrounding world was silent. Many people focused their eyes on the two, wanting to know who would lose between these two powerful swordsmen. win.

Yasuo and Hawkeye withdrew their weapons at the same time, Yasuo looked happy, but a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Mihawk's mouth.

"You are great, I lost, and the title of world's number one swordsman belongs to you."

The failed Mihawk didn't show any signs of depression, on the contrary, he was in good spirits, and he finally had a goal.

Next, he has to practice hard, he is confident that he will get back the title of world's number one swordsman after the next battle.

Without hesitation, Mihawk turned away and boarded his boat.

"The outcome is decided, it is."

"Yasuo actually won!!!"

"The world's number one swordsman has changed!!!"

"The Gale Swordsman Yasuo is now the world's number one swordsman!!!"

"Big news, big news, I must take the time to spread this news to the entire sea!"

. . . . . .

Mihawk was actually defeated, and the crowd watching the battle fell silent, and then a lot of unbelievable voices erupted, some excited, some unbelievable.

But everything has happened.

The world's number one swordsman, Yasuo, officially ascended the throne today under the gaze of everyone.

a week later.

The news about Yasuo becoming the world's number one swordsman is still the hottest in this sea, and the enthusiasm is estimated to last for a long time.

People who challenged Yasuo released their own challenge letters in an endless stream. These swordsmen thought that Mihawk was old, and they must be stronger than Suo, and the world's number one swordsman was himself.

However, Yasuo seemed to disappear after that battle, and he simply ignored the challenge handed over by others.

Because Yasuo had more important things to do after the battle.

After the decisive battle, the voices in my head were finally heard.

"Outsider, you should leave!"

It was the words that had puzzled Yasuo for more than seven months, and he finally heard them.

It turned out that the will of the world was talking to Yasuo, but he just heard it clearly.

The will of the world has spoken, Yasuo does not belong to this world after all, it is forcing Yasuo to leave.

Yasuo also felt a strange force affecting him all the time, wanting to make him leave.

He had a feeling that as long as he slashed at the sky with all his strength, it was time for him to leave.

Looking at Pikachu who was still playing, Yasuo finally planned to leave, this is not his home, it's time to go home.

Explained with Pikachu for a week, let him understand where he is going, let him exercise well, and then I will wait for him to meet in the past.

But in fact, Yasuo doesn't know if Pikachu can leave this world, but that's all he can say.

One month later, on this day, the weather was very clear and cloudless.

Yasuo looked at the sea again, and his brother Pikachu.

As if he had made up his mind, Yasuo pulled out Lanche and swung his sword suddenly towards the sky.

In an instant, something strange appeared in the sky, and a huge crack appeared.

Then a huge suction was aimed at Yasuo, sucking Yasuo away in the blink of an eye.

Yasuo, who has been in Pirate World for more than ten years, finally left here, looked back at Pikachu again, and his figure disappeared.

So far, a legend has flowed out of the world of pirates.

As long as the strength reaches the height of Yasuo, he can try to leave this world and go to a stronger place to forge ahead.

Once this legend was spread, most people immediately believed it to be true, because Yasuo really left like this.

But after many years, no one has succeeded.

But Yasuo's pet Pikachu seems to have succeeded, and some people say that Mihawk succeeded, and went to another world to fight Yasuo again.

It's just that no one has confirmed such news, and gradually this legend has become a secret, and fewer and fewer people know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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