Chapter 10
The journey to the Land of Waves was uneventful. After two days at sea, Junmaro finally set foot on the land of the Land of Waves.

At this time, the Kingdom of Waves has not yet been controlled by Kado, and the lives of the people of the Kingdom of Waves are far from being in dire straits as they were at the beginning of the plot.As soon as I arrived at the pier, I could see many children playing ninja games with wooden kunai on the side of the pier.

Rejecting the good intention of the kind-hearted businessman uncle to send Junmalu home in person, Junmalu ran away, telling the uncle, "What a good boy, he doesn't want to cause us trouble at all, if my children are so obedient That's good, the stinky boy knows how to anger me every day." Sighs like this are far behind.

It's not that Junmalu doesn't know how to get the favor, but that his entire identity is made up by himself. How can there be any grandma who is crying and blind in the country of waves, looking forward to her grandson's return, can find it, and let him The uncle will be ruined if he keeps going.

After all, the country of Nami is still a small country on an island, and the design of the Naruto Bridge leading to the country of fire has not even come out. Although the tranquil rural scenery is good, Kimomaro did not stop here too much.

Jun Malu plans to use the old method to find a kind person to take him to the Land of Fire, but this time he doesn't have to go door to door to ask for help. There is a kind person in the original book in the Kingdom of Waves.

"Big sister, do you know where Mr. Dazna's home is?" Junmalu asked in a timid voice as he poked the passing aunt lightly.

The aunt in her 30s burst into laughter when she heard this, she covered her face and smiled at Jun Malu: "Oh, how can I be so young, the kid is so polite, come on, big sister will take you to find Da Mister Ziner."

Dazna, as a well-known bridge builder in the Land of Waves, is known to many people in the Land of Waves.Under the leadership of that aunt, Junmalu found Dazna's house without any effort.

"Mr. Dazna, I heard that you are the kindest and kindest person in the neighborhood. I would like to ask you for your help. I originally lived next to the Fire Country Bamboo Street. She is simply not a human being, hurting my grandma and depriving me of someone..." Under a tear-jerking and touching nonsense, Dazner's newly pregnant daughter listened to Mr. Dazner with a sense of justice. Seeing this, he immediately decided to take Junmaro to the Land of Fire.

After arriving in the Land of Fire, Jun Malu said goodbye to Dazna who was going to send him home, saying that he was very grateful to Mr. Dazna for his help and would return in the future.Turn around and fly away.

Dazna looked at Jun Malu who was leaving quickly, and couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat ran down: "This kid runs really fast."

After a shameful act of being cute and pitiful, Junmaro finally arrived in the Land of Fire, secretly remembering the help of Dazna and the businessman uncle in his heart, and Junmaro strode towards finding Tsunade's apprenticeship.

But this time, Junmalu's good luck seems to have run out. It seems that he has seen too many aftermaths. God consciously wants him to see the dark side of this world.Less than half a day after bidding farewell to Dazna, he faintly heard screams and wild laughter.Hearing such a voice, Jun Malu couldn't help but change his face, and walked quickly as if he was far away.

The destination is a burning village, where a group of bandits holding swords and faces are laughing wildly and having a sinful feast.Blood flowed across the ground, and broken limbs and arms were everywhere.The thieves broke into the house, and after hearing a few screams, they could be seen laughing and walking out with all kinds of money or livestock.

What's more, when they met a beautiful woman at home during the robbery, they immediately abandoned their money-making business and bullied themselves to tear the woman's clothes, trying to do things in broad daylight.

An old man knelt on the ground and hugged a bandit's thigh tightly, hoping that he would not kill his grandson, but the bandit kicked him away without hesitation, and raised the butcher knife at the frightened child on the ground .

The scenes in front of him constantly stimulated Jun Malu's nerves, and the tragic situation of the villagers who were bullied and slaughtered in front of him made him clenched his fists.

The peaceful life and legal education in his previous life made him unable to remain indifferent to the atrocities in front of him. Which boy does not have a martial arts dream in his heart?In his previous life, when he was just an ordinary person, he didn't dare to stand up and stop someone from robbing and stealing. At most, he dared to call 110 secretly.Now that he is considered a ninja and possesses such powerful power as the bone vein, how can he watch the atrocities happen in front of his eyes?
Then I thought that I was able to escape from Wuyin Village thanks to the help of these ordinary people. At this time, seeing these ordinary people like Dazna and the businessman were randomly taken away by bandits, Jun Malu was even more so. I felt an unprecedented impulse growing in my heart.

At this moment, he wanted to kill.

Jun Malu rushed out from the woods at full speed, shouting to stop.The bandit was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously stopped, looked back at Jun Malu in the distance, and smiled disdainfully:
"I thought someone would dare to meddle in other people's business. It turned out to be a stinky brat. Don't worry, it will be your turn next." After saying that, he kept his hand and slashed down fiercely.

Seeing this, Jun Malu was furious, and a bone bone shot out from his hand, and shot impartially at the hand of the bandit holding the knife. The bandit was injured and could no longer hold it in pain. The knife, the long knife in his hand came out and hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Jun Malu gathered the chakra to his feet, stepped on his body and shot out, and the bone knife hidden in his sleeve had appeared in his hand at some point.Aim at the bandit's chest and stab it without hesitation.

The bone knife passed through the chest, and the bandit couldn't even resist, and fell to the ground with a scream.

The bandits around were shocked when they saw this. Who would have thought that their accomplice, a 30-year-old man in his prime, would be killed so easily by a child.One of them said to the surrounding companions: "This kid is not easy, let's go together." The three immediately looked at each other and rushed towards Jun Malu together.

Jun Malu's fighting talent is indeed powerful. Although he has not officially fought a few times before, he was not in a hurry when faced with a three-person double-team. He reacted instinctively almost instantly, and immediately chakra gathered at his feet With a strong step, the whole person jumped into the air and dodged the oncoming knife sideways, and cut the man's neck with his backhand, and the man fell to the ground clutching his neck.

The crisis has not been resolved yet, Junmalu's chakra is constantly transporting to the feet, he raised his leg and kicked heavily on the chest of the bandit who rushed to the rear. A mouthful of old blood flew out like a broken kite.Regardless of the situation of the bandit behind him, he raised his hand and shot at the eyebrow of the bandit on the left who was about to chop down with the knife.

How could the bandit avoid such a short distance, he could only watch Qianben zoom in before his eyes, piercing between his eyebrows.They lost their lives even before they could cry out.

 This chapter was published a bit late because of the cover work. Are you satisfied with this new cover?

(End of this chapter)

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