Chapter 20 text 21
According to rumors in the world, the descendant of Fairy Bixia, the head of the Bauhinia Gate who disappeared for ten years, reappeared in the world.

He is extremely elegant, unrestrained and unrestrained, and his behavior style is unconventional but he does whatever he wants.It first appeared in Pingyang Village, Jinzhou to help the village alleviate the drought disaster.

At the birthday banquet of Yan Rufan, the leader of the martial arts alliance, he not only ignored the leader, but also scolded him everywhere, claiming that Yan Rufan, as the leader of the alliance, did a lot of evil, regardless of black and white.

Everyone thinks that she is slandering, the leader of the Yan League is modest and polite, and has been well-known in the world for many years.So everyone gathered together to capture her, but she didn't know that she was not surprised, she roamed around the masters with ease, and even went to the leader of the geese, and shaved off the beard and eyebrows of the leader of the geese with a sword!
Just as the audience was surprised, she threw a ledger in the air, and the black and white letters reflected the sun and flew in front of everyone.
She easily defeated the leader of the martial arts alliance, and sat lazily on the main seat, resting her chin with one hand, "The leader of the martial arts alliance is nothing more than that, such an old man."

Although he was dissatisfied with the little girl's outrageous words, anyone who has seen her can understand the essence of her martial arts. "A few nights ago, I went to this person's house with nothing to do. Unexpectedly, I 'just happened' to see this account book. I thought it was very interesting and shared it with everyone. But you don't seem very happy?"

After speaking, he stood up, ignored their gazes, smiled and left Yan Mansion.Her whereabouts were uncertain, and soon it was reported that she went to Kui Linshan alone, defeated the ghosts of Kui Linshan, and obtained the elixir; she also went to the Broken Soul Forest at night, and wiped out the entire heresy - Broken Soul Sect!Furthermore...

Her rumours, which have become almost mythical, have been mixed.Some people say that this woman is a devil who will cause turmoil in the martial arts world; So... But no matter what, she already has a place in the arena.

Hearing the words, the man in black stopped holding his breath, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief when he heard a scent invade. He was about to speak, but was interrupted: "You believe me when I say it's not poisonous, what if I lie to you? Are you that stupid? Haha—”

The man in black paused, and was teased by a girl. No matter what he said, he couldn't bear it, but since she was here just now, he couldn't detect any aura of her. In terms of martial arts, he decided to be under it, so he couldn't get angry.

"The heroine must be the descendant of Fairy Bixia—the heroine Ziyan." His tone was a little stiff, and he looked down with a frown, not denying the name that people in the world had given her.Fairy Bixia?She didn't know her, but if she guessed correctly, the pile of bones in the secret room was probably the Bixia Fairy they were talking about.

According to "Baifeng Biography of Strange People": In the year 250 of Baifeng and the 78th year of Liyue Dynasty, since the Liyue Dynasty, a woman in green clothes with supernatural medical skills went all the way to the north, hanging pots to help the world, and everywhere she went was prosperous. state.With the essence of martial arts, he later created the Bauhinia Gate, which specializes in punishing injustice in the world, and the Baifeng Continent has a century of prosperity.In the next ten years, his person disappeared, and the door also disappeared.So far it is an anecdote.

(End of this chapter)

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