Chapter 523

Jinniang squinted her eyes with a smile, happily counting the banknotes Bai Chengyu gave her, and her face collapsed after counting, "Third brother-in-law, you are too small, it's only 500 taels, and it's not spicy to make pepper. .”

Bai Chengyu smiled like a rascal, took a step back and said, "Ah, brother-in-law, I naturally can't compare with His Highness, what is His Highness's status, I just have to get his job done, besides, brother-in-law, I'm poor, so I can't help it." This little money is still left over from the time of recruiting. Do you want it? Anyway, I want to get a share. This is not negotiable. Otherwise, I will go back to Beijing to pick up your third sister, and we will live here with you. .”

The prince heard black lines on his face, Bai Shengyu had always given him the impression of being refined and respectful, but he didn't expect to look like a rascal in front of Jinniang, he is also a Jinshi and younger brother, a person who is familiar with sages, Could it be that once you get in touch with Jinniang, you will have such a big change?

However, after Bai Chengyu made such a fuss, he also understood a little bit. Since even Bai Shengyu can mix shares, it is naturally a no-problem business, but he feels warmer in his heart. If it is not the business of the base, then it is naturally Jinniang and Xiaoting created it themselves, and she is willing to share it with herself, which shows that she is sincerely good to herself.

As a prince, if you want to win over courtiers and establish and maintain your own power, you have to spend money everywhere. The amount allocated to the prince's mansion by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is customized every year. If it exceeds too much, even if the emperor doesn't say it, the imperial envoys will be shocked. If Jinniang and Xiaoting can really cover the expenses of the Prince's Mansion every year, they can let go of their hands and use their fists vigorously. Those who want to seize the throne have already lost for a while in terms of money. Plus, the army trained by Xiaoting... The more the prince thought about it, the more he was satisfied. Although he almost died in the trip to the south of the Yangtze River, the harvest was unexpected.

The prince's brows and eyes widened, and there was a smile in his eyes. When he thought about it, his chubby son was in a better mood, and the sorrow of leaving for a while also dissipated a lot, and he felt a little homesick, "Well, since Mr. Bai has a share, so I will also share it, and wait for my younger siblings to earn money to support my family. My son is a few months old now. Oh, I have agreed. , I want to take it back and be my daughter-in-law."

As soon as Jinniang heard the prince talking about this matter again, her face darkened. She murmured and couldn't say anything. After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind: "This child of mine will definitely have a son. , never give birth to a daughter."

If you give birth to a daughter, you don't enter the royal family. It's a tomb piled with gold and white jade. Moreover, the eldest son of the crown prince will also inherit the throne. The harem must be the Sangong and Sixth Court. She doesn't want to steal her husband.

"Hahaha, brothers and sisters, even if you have a son this time, you will still have a daughter after the next one. No one will try to snatch it from me. Your daughter is reserved by the prince." The prince laughed and stood up. When he was about to leave, the princess came out from the east wing, just in time to hear the prince's words, so she came over to salute.

The prince hurriedly raised his hand to excuse him, and said, "Aunt Wang has worked hard all the way, but is she used to living in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Returning to Your Highness, the climate in the south of the Yangtze River is pleasant and the scenery is beautiful, and my wife likes it very much." The princess bowed gracefully and replied.

"Aunt Wang doesn't need to be too polite, just sit down and talk." The prince sat down again, looked at the princess gently and said, "I don't know how Uncle Wang is sick, is there someone in the mansion who will take good care of him?"

"Returning to Your Highness, the mansion has someone to take care of it, but now that the courtier's wife is thousands of miles away, I'm really worried. I'm here to ask His Highness to take care of you. Poor Prince... After waking up, I'm afraid I'll lose my memory for a long time, even people will I can’t recognize it.” The princess looked sad, and she tried the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief as she spoke, the prince was also very sad when he saw it, and after glancing at Jinniang, he said to the princess: “It’s natural, Aunt Wang, please don’t worry, go back alone After that, we will definitely send someone to protect Uncle Wang, so that no one will hurt him in the slightest."

The princess was overjoyed when she got up and bowed again, and Jinniang naturally got up and bowed down. The prince felt distressed when he saw the Lord, and it was really inconvenient to salute with a big belly. He was afraid that Jinniang would show his waist, so he hurried forward to support the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and said : "Does Aunt Wang have anything else to do?"

The prince still has a grudge against the concubine. The sixth prince is the son of Concubine Liu. The concubine and concubine Liu have a deep affection for sisters. Over the years, they have been very close, but because of Jane's fifth concubine , Concubine Liu has never been very fond of seeing Prince Jane, but she is very kind to the princess. This time, the princess was hijacked but she was not hurt, which made the prince doubtful. Of course, he knew that the princess would not participate. The real thing was that the princess was following a different route than the others, but she was still blocked and pursued by others, so it couldn't be just a coincidence.

However, due to Xiaoting and Jinniang's face, the prince can't get into the details. When he returns to Beijing, he will have to investigate this matter carefully.

After the prince left, Jinniang and the princess talked about the prince's marriage, and the princess felt a headache when she heard it. The princess knew what it would be like for a daughter who married into the royal family. She is gentle and pleasant, pure and innocent, but in just a few years, the Lord has become scheming, and her tactics are beyond the concubine's imagination. Such a place can turn a good daughter's family into a lunatic, she The unborn granddaughter, hey, don't want to enter the royal family.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law rarely agreed, and they discussed how to push the marriage. After a while, Leng Huating came back sweating profusely, chatted with Jinniang and the princess, and then dragged Bai Shengyu into the study.

When he came out, Leng Huating asked Jinniang to prepare a small gift, saying that it was a favor. Jinniang sounded strange. In Jiangnan, he didn't recognize many people, and Leng Huating didn't have much contact with local officials. To whom?
"I'm married to a concubine in Jianghua Mansion today, so I should pay a visit no matter what." Leng Huating said to Jin Niang with a smile.

Jinniang was at a loss when she heard that, she had seen Jianghua Mansion Yi before, that fat, but very shrewd one, Leng Huating obviously didn't like that person, why did he marry a concubine? Are you going to give a gift?Is the relationship that good?
Leng Huating didn't explain, but went to the prince's residence together with Bai Shengyu.

The prince was preparing some things, when he heard that he was going to Jianghua Mansion, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he smiled and said, "Are you here to drag me along?"

(End of this chapter)

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