School grass, your foodie is gone again

Chapter 371 You seem to have something on your mind?

Chapter 371 You seem to have something on your mind?
"Don't waste it, no matter what, it's your hard work."

While speaking, he had already brought the spare ribs he had brought in front of him, picked up a piece, and ate it in a gentle manner.

"...." Most Qiyue lay on the rice in silence, no appetite at all for the sumptuous dishes.

"I'm stuffed."

Finally finished half a bowl of rice, she put down the bowl lightly, resting her hands restlessly on her thighs, she couldn't speak what was hidden in her heart, for fear of annoying him.

Ye Zun's hands stopped, and he glanced at her, "Eat so little." Remember, she has a big appetite, is she still thinking about that heartless man?
"...I, I'm on a diet. I've eaten too much recently. If I continue to eat like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to lose weight."

"You look concerned?"

Ye Zun lowered his eyes, and there was an air of indifference like the sea in his demeanor.

"I want to go back to China to see my mother, I..." Su Qiyue was restless, her eyes were full of guilt, for fear of being noticed by him.


His black sword eyebrows were deeply frowned, "You want to see Nangong Han?"

Being easily guessed, Zui Qiyue turned pale due to nervousness, her lips trembling slightly.

Trying to suppress the frenzied emotions, "I wanted to see my mother, and by the way... I wanted to ask Nangong Han face to face. Just reporting, I can't give up."

After she finished speaking, she realized that the atmosphere was oppressive, heavy and terrifying, and there was a kind of discomfort that made it difficult to breathe.

Trembling, she slowly and carefully looked up at him.

Smoke-gray hair quietly covered his forehead, and a pair of red phoenix eyes under the sword eyebrows, the breath in the eyes became painful, without the evil spirit of the past, instead there was a sense of oppressive momentum.

Her thin lips were tightly pursed, trying to restrain the burning anger in her heart.

Most Qiyue sensed his displeasure, and she knew very well that she touched his thunder again, and she felt both fear and inexplicable anger in her heart.

She has nothing to do with him, neither a relative, nor a lover, nor a friend, nor a classmate. Why should he be dry about her behavior, why should she care about his happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy in everything she does?

This kind of life of being imprisoned, with no privacy and no freedom at all, made her very angry and helpless.


The fear of him in my heart is greater than the anger towards him, and at last Qiyue falters, trying to find a reasonable explanation, but for a while, she can't find words.

"Do you think there is still a chance to ask him to stay? It's just embarrassing yourself. If Nangong Han still misses you, with his character, he would have come to you earlier."

Unexpectedly, Ye Zun didn't show any anger, and gave her a sideways glance, his tone full of disdain.

His words were like an extremely sharp knife that pierced ruthlessly into her heart, causing tears to fall down her eyes in great pain.

Knowing that she lost her composure, Qiyue didn't want to be too embarrassed in front of him, so she hurriedly stood up, "I'm a little bored, I'm going out for a walk." Saying that, she hurriedly left her seat and stumbled towards the door.

Watching her leave in embarrassment, the suppressed anger in his heart exploded all of a sudden, and he smashed the ceramic bowl in his hand to the ground with all his strength, and he kicked heavily.

The servant hurriedly squatted down to the ground, carefully picked up the pieces one by one, and then quickly retreated to the corner, for fear of accidentally angering him.


The servant was stunned for a second, remembering that Master Ye Zun hadn't smoked for a long time, why would he want to smoke again?
Not daring to think too much, the servant ran into the small room on the left, took out a pack of cigarettes, and ran out quickly.

After lighting the cigarette, Ye Zun walked towards the balcony beside him.

The night was slightly cool; the dim light shone on his slender body, making his shadow long.

(End of this chapter)

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