School grass, your foodie is gone again

Chapter 1114 The Man You Love

Chapter 1114 The Man You Love
At that time, she felt that the time was almost up, it was time to approach the end of July, she thought of many ways, but none of them could be perfect by pretending to be weak or pitiful.


Qiyue remembered that one evening when the sun was setting, she was walking on the tree-lined road, and suddenly a man came out from the grass and hugged her tightly.

That picture is still beautiful, but unfortunately, it is just a conspiracy.

"Use you to get close to Shuya City, and then borrow Shuya City's hand to let her deal with you."

【What, what? ! 】

Most Qiyue's shocking expression turned out that everything was An Ruojing's conspiracy.

"I want you all to die, those who fall in love with Nangong Han, those who Nangong Han loves, all of you will die!!"

"Including Nangong Han, he will die too! Ha...haha!!"

An Ruojing's face was extremely ferocious, and after she finished speaking, she began to laugh.

"..." The sharp laughter was very ear-piercing. Most Qiyue was terrified and struggled with the rope on her wrist, but unfortunately, her strength could not withstand it after all.

Powerless, he stared at An Ruojing who had gone mad with hatred.

"The group of men in the bar, do you really think it's a coincidence?"

Her gloomy words reminded Qiyue that she and An Ruojing went to see the doctor that day, and then went to the mall to buy clothes for her. It was evening after going around, and later, they went to eat dessert together.

Most Qiyue clearly remembers that her smile was so bright and her eyes were so bright at that time.

[No wonder, when passing by the bar, she would drag herself into the bar. 】

It turned out that everything was just An Ruojing's conspiracy.

However, is it really just a coincidence that Wuming exchanged the recording of Shu Yacheng with her for Ye Mingzhu?

An Ruojing continued, "Since you returned to the castle, within a few days, I have opened up with Shuyacheng. It was me who gave Shuyacheng the idea to use the pollen of Sansheng III to find Ye Zun and persuade her Ye Zun, let you drink it."

"..." Mo Qiyue's pupils became extremely shocked.

"Hmm..." She struggled and opened her mouth, trying to ask clearly, but her throat was unable to speak, which made her feel pain and anger in her heart.

An Ruojing raised the corners of her lips slightly. The original mutilated lips, coupled with her cold smile, looked even more eerie and terrifying.

"July, calm down, I know, you have a lot of doubts in your mind, and I also know that you don't remember Ye Zun at all."

Saying that, An Ruojing bent down pretending to be kind, reached out and patted her shoulder with a calm and gentle expression, "Don't get excited, I will tell you, I will tell you all the facts."

Qiyue was already dumb, and An Ruojing was not afraid that she would know the truth.


Most Qiyue's eyes were terrified, her lips were closed tightly, her chest was heaving violently, and she told herself in her heart to calm down and not get too excited.

Seeing her gradually calm down, An Ruojing twitched the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

"Ye Zun, he is the man you love deeply."

"...." Most Qiyue shook her head in a trance, indicating that it was impossible for her.

She used to love Nangong Han so much and determined him wholeheartedly, even though she had asked herself countless times, why did her feelings for Nangong Han weaken?She just felt that she must have misunderstood Nangong Han last time, so she didn't accept Nangong Han so quickly in her heart.

"You're right if you don't believe it, because you have completely forgotten all the memories about Ye Zun."

"I don't need to explain too much to you, why I want you to forget him, because you must be with Nangong Han wholeheartedly, so that I have the opportunity to get close to Shuya City, and Nangong Han."


(End of this chapter)

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