NBA human tank

Chapter 147 Leonard's Epiphany

Chapter 147 Leonard's Epiphany


Yang Yi had a great time fighting Green on the court, but Leonard's heart gradually became hot off the court.

Yang Yizai threw a three-pointer right at Green, but Green didn't respond.

He was really afraid of Fatty's tricks, he didn't even dare to jump, he could only open his arms as much as possible to interfere with Fatty's shooting.However, that was of no use. After the ball flew out of Yang Yi's palm, it crossed a parabola in the air, and then quickly fell into the basket, causing bursts of netting.

Popovich scratched his head when he saw that Green's defense against the fat man was useless.Now the Spurs' backcourt players can't stop Yang Yi at all, but Leonard, who can barely entangle Yang Yi, is still resting off the court. It's really anxious!

After being tricked by the fat man, Green is now a little timid towards the fat man, and he dare not try his best on the defensive end.

What the hell!It seems that the only way to compete with Yang Yi is after Leonard recovers.Popovich thought to himself.

And on the bench next to him, watching Yang Yi shoot in front of Green as if he was picking something out of a pocket, Kaka looked at his hands.If the little fat man can do it, so can he!He cheered himself up in his heart.

Fortunately, although the Spurs' backcourt couldn't stop the fat man, the Hornets' inside line couldn't help Duncan take the lead in the bombardment, and the two teams didn't get too far apart in score.

By the end of the first quarter, the score on the court was 36:34, and the Hornets led the Spurs by two points.

The two teams scored such a high score in the first quarter, which was a bit beyond the expectations of the Hornets fans.The Spurs have always given people the impression of a balanced offense and defense, especially the power of the defensive end, which made him dare not underestimate it.After all, several championships won by the Spurs are based on defense.

The Hornets are not surprised by the opponent's high score fans, because everyone knows that the Hornets' defense is full of loopholes.Especially Yang Yi, who is simply the Hornets' number one defensive black hole.

There is no doubt about the strength of the Spurs, and being able to fight like this with the Spurs can only show that the Hornets are at least not as bad as the Spurs in terms of attack power.And everyone knows who the biggest hero is. Even when Paul was there, the Hornets were not as fierce as they are now!

"Who is in charge here?" Bill, the on-site commentator of the Smoothie King Arena, was actively mobilizing the emotions of the fans.

"The One!"

"Who is leading us forward?"

"Thw One!"

"Who is invincible and invincible?"

"The One!"

During the break in the first quarter, the Smoothie King Center was filled with shouts from fans. They pinned their love for basketball and their expectations for the team on Yang Yi.

"Boss, you are becoming more and more prestigious now! In the past, when the fans called you, they occasionally called me, but now they just ignore me." Gordon sat on the bench and complained to Yang Yi.

Seeing his resentful expression, the fat man couldn't help but burst out laughing.Gordon had never been so funny before, but when he got close to Zhu Zhechi, the fat man's habits gradually infected him.So even in the tense game, he still can't help but have a little fun.

"Eric, if you work hard, you will have the opportunity to receive this kind of treatment from the fans." After a pause, the fat man whispered into his ear: "When I was in Kentucky, although I worked very hard, I got The one who cheers the most is often the boss of the team, Anthony Davis. At that time, I secretly vowed in my heart: I must get more cheers and applause than Anthony. After my unremitting efforts, you see, now I Get what I want!"

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he subconsciously patted Gordon on the shoulder, signaling him to work as hard as he did.

After listening to Yang Yi's words, Gordon was silent for a while, staring at the fans opposite without turning his eyes.Just when Yang Yi thought that his fooling was effective, Gordon stood up abruptly and said excitedly: "That's right, The One, I was almost fooled by you!"

"Of course not bad, this is my experience..." At this point, he immediately realized that Eric didn't believe him! "Why are you fooling me, Eric, I really came here like this. If you don't believe me, go to Kentucky and ask my little brother Yaya Toure, he heard what I said with his own ears!" The fat man patted Said with chest.

"Well, I almost believed it. If I can also average 45+ per game, then you don't need to say it. Everywhere I go, there will be flashing lights from the media!" Gordon rubbed his nose and said with some embarrassment.

Indeed, Yang Yi deserved the cheers from the fans. His extraordinary performance, even if he didn't lead the team to a series of victories, he would not be called a brush!

After all, there is no brush in the league who can average 45+ per game like him, and it is still a rookie season.The most important thing is that the fat man is obviously strong when he meets the strong.When he met Kobe and James, he got super high scores.Now that he is walking in other home courts in the league, ordinary fans dare not say that he is a brush!

The rest time passed unknowingly while Fatty and Gordon were chatting and spanking.After taking a few sips of Gatorade, Yang Yi quickly returned to the court, and Williams couldn't hold him back.

"The One, don't you want to take a break?" Williams tugged on the fat man's jersey, signaling him to take a break.

"It's okay, Monty, I can hold on now, you know, the explosive power of Chinese Kungfu cannot be underestimated." The fat man raised his biceps and said to the head coach with a smile.

After using Zhang Dashuai's unlimited energy card, he felt that he no longer knew what it was to be tired.After all, Marshal Zhang is the one who can still fight fiercely the next day with the ten daughters of Ye Yu!

Knowing that Yang Yi couldn't be persuaded, Williams didn't say too much. Ever since Fatty used Chinese Kungfu to prevaricate, Chinese Kungfu has become a panacea, which can be used by Fatty at any time.

"Then you have to be careful when you go up, and try not to get hurt." Williams said seriously.Although Yang Yi can lead the substitute players to fight with the Spurs, so that the Hornets will not be pulled away too much during the substitute matchup.But Williams doesn't want Fatty to lose out because of small things. Compared to a game against the top players in the league, he doesn't care much about winning or losing, as long as Yang Yi can be safe.

As soon as Yang entered the court, Leonard also threw away his coat and prepared to enter the court.He had an epiphany when watching Yang Yi deal with Green before, and now is the time to practice.

The Spurs have the ball, and the Spurs substitute Nando De Colo holds the ball and advances forward.After coming to the frontcourt, he immediately handed the ball to Leonard.

Although Xiaoka is only 21 years old this year, his outstanding performance makes him a well-deserved leader of the Spurs on the field. The Spurs' possession of the ball is played around him.

Standing in front of Leonard was the Hornets' backup, Darius Miller, Young's teammate at Kentucky.Miller occupies an important rotation player position in the Hornets, and he has improved rapidly, even better than when he was in Kentucky.It's just that all the players of the Hornets are shrouded in the shadow of the fat man, let alone a second-round pick!
Looking at the Spurs' No. [-] who was dribbling left and right in front of him, Miller decided to try his best to defend. This is a good opportunity to show himself, even if the opponent is much stronger than himself.

Just when Miller was about to perform well, Leonard moved. He took a big step to the left and then suddenly raised his hand to make a shot.His movement was sudden and Miller hadn't expected it at all.But after reacting, Miller immediately jumped up to interfere with Leonard's shooting.

However, he was horrified to find that when he jumped up, Leonard's ball was still tightly in his hands.

What the hell, is it possible that the fat man is possessed?This is the most real thought in Miller's heart at the moment of falling!
(End of this chapter)

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