Walk!Go and marry the king!

Chapter 213 When we meet again, there is one more woman by his side [1+]

Chapter 213 When we meet again, there is an extra girl by his side【8000+】

Lianmeng seemed to dislike Mu Luoxiao very much, and hurriedly left after saying this, but Mu Luoxiao didn't care, and drew his sword back with a bang.

There was only one thing on her mind, and that was counting the days.

Today, 360 five days have passed, no, it should be said, 360 six days.

In the past year, she has had only a handful of conversations with the masked man. The meeting is just a task assigned by him. When she completes the task, sometimes she doesn't even need him to say it personally. She only needs to send someone to pass the message to her, just like Lianmeng this time The arrival of the same.

What task required her to go back, she didn't know, but, taking advantage of this time to go back, she had some things to ask Jing Feng.

Day and night, she returned to Qiu Qingmen as quickly as possible.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but from a distance, it seems that there are fewer people here, but she didn't think too much, and walked towards Yiyun Pavilion.

Standing in front of the door of Yiyun Pavilion, she walked in, but someone opened the door before her.

Seeing Jingfeng was like seeing family members, she showed a long-lost smile.

"came back."


"Go in quickly, the Lord is waiting inside."

'Ok. "

Jing Feng nodded and walked away with a smile, but when he passed by her, he whispered something in her ear, "The old place is waiting for you, there is important news."

Mu Luoxiao lowered his eyes and understood clearly, without responding, he walked quickly into the water pavilion.

Through the beaded curtain and gauze, the indigo figure was playing the chess game in front of her sideways.

Mu Luoxiao remained silent, waiting for his special mission.

"I'm back." He stared at Bai Qi and said casually.


"Are you going to keep pretending to be dumb?" He sneered, knowing in his heart that she didn't want to talk to him.

He didn't force her either, and continued, "Do you know what's going on in this world now?"

"What am I going to do?" Obviously, she didn't want to stay here for too long.

As for what happened in this world, she doesn't know, and she has never been interested in inquiring about it. Outside, she sleeps during the day and kills people at night. Although she is in a busy city, she is more isolated from the world.

"The state of Wu has been destroyed, and its territory has been divided between Gu Yue and Bei Xiao."

'so what? "Mu Luoxiao was indifferent, as if the sky was falling and it was none of her business.

"What do you think is going to happen next?"

"I have no idea."

"Guess, it has a lot to do with you."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Luoxiao finally had some focus in his eyes, and said flatly, "One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers."

This has always been the case. In the face of interests, there has never been no friends, let alone two countries. It seems that war is inevitable in this world.

The masked man smiled deeply, Luoqi raised his eyes, "That's right, between the two countries, how do you win or lose? What do you think?"

'not my business. '

The masked man got up and approached her slowly, "The winner can only be Bei Xiao Country, do you understand?"

These words caused Mu Luoxiao to show a subtle smile, "Since when did you care about this kind of thing? No matter who wins or loses, it has nothing to do with you, does it?"

The masked man turned his back to her. For the first time, Mu Luoxiao felt his slender figure so familiar. If he hadn't been wearing this kind of robe
Shaking her head and smiling lightly, she didn't continue to think about it, because the idea was too ridiculous.

"Would you believe me if I said that all I did was waiting for this day?"

He didn't look back, but he could tell that his tone was very serious.


The masked man paused, and suddenly asked another question, "Do you still hate him?"

Mu Luoxiao raised his head in surprise, never expecting him to ask such a question.

"Hate?" he asked again.

"If you see him again, are you willing to do it? Huh? Use the knife in your hand to kill that person."

He glanced back and saw her clenched fists, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, "It seems that I still hate it."

"What is my mission? Don't say I'm leaving."

As soon as the masked man moved his fingers, something flew out of his hand and shot straight at the wall, and a set of scrolls unfolded.

In an instant, a portrait of a woman appeared in front of Mu Luoxiao. This woman could not be called beautiful, and she was a little plump. With just one glance, she remembered her appearance.

"She is the princess of Zhao country. Go to Zhao country's Langcheng princess mansion and protect her so that she can reach the capital of Beixiao country safely." He said and threw a sign at her.


"You don't ask why?"

"do not wanna know."

"Are you serious about being as calm as water?"

Only the sound of light footsteps responded to him.

It was at the moment she went out that his tightly clenched fist hidden in his sleeve was exposed. Under the mask, her thin lips were tightly pressed together, and after a long time, she uttered a few words, "Gu Qizhen!"

After leaving Yiyun Pavilion, Mu Luoxiao went straight to the place that he had made an appointment with Jingfeng. From a distance, Jingfeng was leaning against the cherry blossom tree looking at the cliff over there.

Mu Luoxiao turned over and landed in a few quick steps, not wanting to waste time walking.

Under the fallen tree, Jing Feng looked back and showed a smile on his face, the smile that only when seeing old friends.

He jumped down, walked towards her, and said with concern, "You've lost weight."

Mu Luoxiao smiled lightly, "I deliberately reduced it, how is it, did you find it?"

When it came to business, Jing Feng suppressed his smile and said seriously, "I didn't find myself, but I found a woman."

"Woman? What kind of woman? Is it the same as us?"

Mu Luoxiao was very anxious, it seemed that this was the only thing that could touch her heart.

About a year ago, she suddenly had an idea - to go back.

Although there were too many troubles during that time, she did not forget that dream, the white robe in the dream and the man in the white robe on the cliff. She was sure that she came to this world because of that man!

After telling Jing Feng about this, he has been looking for it secretly, but he has no clue. Now he suddenly said that he found a woman, and her heart seemed to be alive, and she was very excited.

Jing Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I just know that she is also looking for that man. If I hadn't been clever and clichéd, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know her name."

"What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"Speaking of it, this matter is really fantasy, but even we are resurrected from the corpse, this kind of thing is not impossible, that man is indeed not simple, neither he nor that woman are from this world, that woman is looking for He just came here."

"You mean, both of them are from our world? But even so, we don't have such advanced medical technology there, which can bring me back to life."

"Yes, that's it. Last time I just asked here, the woman saw it, and only said that she is in the same world as us. As for the man, she refused to disclose any information. By the way, She also said that she knew about you, told you not to worry, that man would not harm you, and told us not to look for him because it was useless, and then she went out while I was not paying attention, strange things, her Qinggong seems to be better than mine, as soon as I went out, I didn't catch half of the people."

Speaking of the latter, Jing Feng's tone was full of helplessness. This matter was the most difficult thing he encountered. In the past year, he even found the shadow of that man, which is really strange.

"I must find him. Only when I find him can I go back. By the way, what are their names?"

"Oh, the man's name is Beigong Yunqian, and the woman's name is Jin Mowei."

Mu Luoxiao nodded, chewing on these two names, no matter what, she had to find that Beigong Yunqian, if she could not answer, she would have to try.

Jing Feng saw that she was thinking deeply, so he asked her again, "Is there anything the Lord wants from you?"

Mu Luoxiao raised his head and approached the cliff, as if looking at it or wanting to see some people or things beyond her reach through it.

"He just asked me to protect a person and let her reach the capital safely."


"Princess of Zhao Kingdom"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jing Feng began to think, and walked back and forth a few steps.

"What's wrong?"

"I was thinking, why did he do this, why did he help Bei Xiao, as far as I know, no one should drag him into doing this, besides, Qiu Qingmen always only kills people and does nothing else."

Jing Feng saw that she was listening carefully, and then explained to her seriously, "You may not know that this year, Gu Yue and Bei Xiao joined forces to destroy Wu country. I told you before, this The strength of Wu State ranks third. I think it is because these two countries are afraid that the other party will unite with Wu State to destroy themselves, so they unite to destroy Wu State. Once this country is gone, only Gu Yue and Bei Xiao will be left Big country, among those small countries, only this country Zhao claims to have some strength on the ground, so, I guess, this Bei Xiao wants to bring Zhao country over."

"According to what you said, why don't they just unite together to destroy the rest of the country and fight a good battle to separate the winner?" Mu Luoxiao's tone was casual, and it was obvious that she didn't care about these things very much.

Jing Feng was very interested, and continued to say, "You don't understand this. When countries strive for hegemony, there is no fairness at all. They only talk about means. Now that the strength of the two countries is equal, it will be difficult to produce results if this fight continues. Winning over those small countries in the frontier fortresses, their strength accumulates. In fact, the monarchs of those small countries are also having headaches, and secretly don't know which team to stand on. In short, Gu Yue and Bei Xiao are already undercurrents, and wars may break out at any time , the princess of Zhao State is the most favored, and the emperor is a sick child, so the power is almost all in her hands."

Mu Luoxiao nodded, and asked him, "After talking so much, do you think why he did this?"

'Uh, I was thinking, what are you in a hurry for? "

Jing Feng scratched his head, Mu Luoxiao's lack of interest made him feel a bit disappointed.

Mu Luoxiao jumped onto the cherry blossom tree, sat there with his chin propped up, and casually asked, "How is Brother Monkey?"

"Alright, happy like a fairy." Jing Feng was still thinking, and answered casually.

Mu Luoxiao glanced at him, "How are you and Lan Suo?"

"Ahem, what did you say she was doing?"

Mu Luoxiao glanced at him again, and said the truth casually, "I saw you hugging her when I came back last time." "

"That's her"

"Her what?"

Jing Feng said angrily, "She pounced on herself."

"Then why don't you push her away?"

Jing Feng frowned, "I pushed! Pushed!"

Mu Luoxiao raised his eyebrows, disapproving.

"Hey, tell me, is there any unspeakable relationship between the Lord and the royal family of Beixiao Kingdom?" Jing Feng made a nonsense sentence, all he wanted was to divert Mu Luoxiao's attention.

"how could I know."

Thinking of something, Mu Luoxiao said again, "Why are Lianmeng and others called Senior Sister Lansuo? I remember she said that their master is not him, who is that?"

Jing Feng thought for a while, and said, "Besides you in the Qiu Qingmen, the Lord actually has another apprentice, but, as an apprentice, the Lord has never taught her anything, and she was already a first-class martial artist when she came in." She is the master of Lan Suo and the others."

The more Jing Feng said, Mu Luoxiao felt vaguely familiar, and asked him, "What's her name?"

"Jingyan, it's a pity that she was impotent and imprisoned by the lord."

Mu Luoxiao woke up like an electric shock, remembering the woman whose hands and feet were bound by iron chains.

Her last words are still ringing in her ears, "Tell him that Jing Yan misses him so much."

It was that poor woman who fell in love with Shan Qiaomo!
"What's wrong? Ningzi?"

Mu Luoxiao raised his head, and said quietly, "I've seen her before."

Jing Feng's eyes widened a little, "When?"

Recalling the time, Mu Luoxiao told him everything he saw and heard in the tower that day.

After hearing this, Jing Feng pondered for a while, nodded and said, "So that's the case. As far as I know, she was locked up before I was here, so I don't know what she did and why she failed. Now From what you said, it seems that she has entered the palace and has become a concubine."

Speaking of this, Jing Feng frowned, and before Mu Luoxiao could speak, he said, "But I remember that the fifth prince, Shan Qiao Mo, did not accept concubines, which is inconsistent with what you said, even if he became the prince I heard that he wants to marry a concubine."

Mu Luoxiao rolled his eyes a few times, trying to recall, "I don't remember if you don't tell me, I, I remember, uh, it seems that she also said who she will kill and who she can't kill."

"Could it be that what she said meant that she couldn't kill the person she loved, but wanted to kill Shan Qiaomo?"

Mu Luoxiao nodded, "It's possible."

"Let me think about it, among the current princes, only one concubine has died, and that is the fourth prince Shan Qiaoyu who was bestowed to death."

The more Jing Feng said, the more disturbed Mu Luoxiao's heart became, and he faintly felt that there was a certain truth about to come out.

She never forgot what Jing Yan said, "I found out your secret."

Could it be because of this that she was locked up? !After thinking about it, it wasn't right, she said at the time that the man didn't know his secret was known to her.

Mu Luoxiao couldn't turn the corner all at once with a lot of information hitting the ground.

Jing Feng still had a clear mind, he thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, the eldest prince and the fourth prince have always been at odds with the current crown prince, Shan Qiaomo. If Jing Yan is the concubine of the fourth prince, then she was originally It should be a spy placed next to the fourth prince, but later because of a long-term relationship, the big thing broke down, in other words, the lord sent her to help Shan Qiaomo!"

"Last year, the first prince and the fourth prince killed the prince, and the position of prince fell into the hands of Shan Qiaomo. Now it seems that the lord should have helped a lot."

Jing Feng was still talking, but Mu Luoxiao didn't have the heart to listen any more. Her mind was full of Jing Yan's words, "I discovered your secret."

In a blink of an eye.The sun was sinking, Xia Yang left only a piece of brilliance, Mu Luoxiao suddenly jumped down and ran back in a hurry, "I have to go beforehand, you help me take care of Brother Monkey!"

After explaining a sentence, she flew away.

The wind is whistling, which is very precious in this noisy and sultry summer, besides the sound of the wind, there is Jing Yan's words in Mu Luoxiao's ears.

what secret?Maybe now we will know!
All the way through the forest corridor, she rushed into Yiyun Pavilion, when she opened the bead curtain, there was no one there.

She rushed out the door and went directly to the air corridor.

As the night gradually fell, her slender figure running around was particularly eye-catching.

While running, she saw a few people coming from the Shizier path ahead, she hurriedly stopped, "Lianmeng, where is the Lord?"

Lian Meng talked lazily, and snorted, "Why should I tell you?"

Mu Luoxiao was in a hurry, so she hurriedly asked Hongying, who knew that they were all so arrogant, they didn't want to talk to Mu Luoxiao at all, after a long time, Mu Luoxiao finally felt angry, a soft sword slipped from her cuff Straighten it out and blocked the necks of Lianmeng and the others, "Say it!"

Hong Ying and the two flinched, but Lian Meng looked fearless, "I just won't tell you!"

"You..." Mu Luoxiao was impatient, but there was nothing he could do.

"The lord should not be here anymore."

Mu Luoxiao looked back, it was Lan Suo.

With the naked red dress off, she looks very small in lime green.

"Isn't he still there just now?"

"Was there just now, doesn't it mean that I'm here now? What's the matter? Is there something urgent for you to find him?" Lan Suo's tone was calm, and her voice was already nice, so it made people feel more comfortable.

"I'm looking for him in a bit of a hurry, but it's not in a hurry. I just want to confirm some things with him."

Lianmeng gave her a cold look, and snorted, "You're still the Lord's apprentice, you have to ask others about this kind of thing, you are not worthy to be the Lord's apprentice!"

"Lianmeng!" Lan Suo was secretly angry, and Lianmeng didn't dare to say anything.

Mu Luoxiao looked at her suddenly, with gentle eyes and a peaceful tone, "Whether worthy or not, he chose me as his apprentice."

No more words, Mu Luoxiao turned around and planned to go to another place to have a look, leaving Lianmeng, who was in a panic and scratching her hair, going mad with anger!
After searching for nearly two hours, she didn't see the figure of the masked man, so she had no choice but to give up and put this matter aside for the time being, and look for him when she came back after delivering the princess.

After bidding farewell to Jingfeng in the early morning of the next day, she immediately set off towards Zhao State without stopping. Fortunately, Qiu Qingmen is not very far from the border of Zhao State, and Zhao State is a small country. It only took her less than two months.

Looking at the big characters on the city gate, she knew that she had arrived at her destination.

Dismounting into the city, her appearance attracted the attention of many people.

People secretly looked at the girl who was wearing a black and red half-length long skirt. She was obviously a girl, but the black silk on her forehead and temples was braided and tied into a ponytail at the back. bead.

"Young lady, why did you wear a man's hair in a bun?"

When the whisper came, Mu Luoxiao let out a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was because of this. Thinking about it, Zhao Guo is really old-fashioned, what's wrong with being so tied up?
She ignored them and led the horse to find the way to the princess mansion.

There were so many people, she wisely chose to enter through the back door.

A servant-like person opened the door with a yawn. She didn't speak, and showed the doorman the sign given by the masked man.

The gatekeeper immediately changed his attitude, and Ha Yao stretched out his hand to invite Mu Luoxiao in.

"Girl, I've been looking forward to you. It's said over there that if you don't come, the princess won't be able to leave the mansion. I'm so anxious that the princess can't eat well or sleep well every day."

After turning a few corners and passing through a few rockery yards, Mu Luoxiao only heard a few female voices when he reached the other end of the corridor.

"Such a small amount! How can there be enough for this princess to eat! Which ignorant servant made it?! Tell him to roll over to this princess immediately!"

Mu Luoxiao was sweating wildly. Hearing this voice, this is not a princess, but a street-swearing shrew.

But she didn't think too much, and walked quickly to the compound.

The servant led her to stop at the door, and reported in a low voice, "Princess, someone is coming over there."

"Tell him to wait!"

Mu Luoxiao frowned slightly, what kind of princess is this, with a more brutal temper than her.

The slave smiled and apologized to Mu Luoxiao, "The princess has no other preferences, the only thing is to be greedy. Once she is upset about this matter, she will ignore anyone, even the emperor. There's nothing wrong with her."

"Quick! Remove everything for me! Cook it again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of kicking the stool, presumably he took the initiative of Mr. Diaoman, and after a while, several servants rushed out of the door while running and rolling.

It was not until the evening, after dinner, that Mu Luoxiao saw the princess in the painting. She was still plump and unattractive, but she was a bit more aggressive than the person in the painting.

She was wearing gold and silver, and her whole body was gleaming with gold, which was simply unbearably vulgar.

Mu Luoxiao stood upright, letting her look back and forth.

She is very similar to that kind of farm shrew. Not only is she born with a hulking back, but her gait is so sturdy.

With her waist in her hands, she sized up Mu Luoxiao several times from head to toe.

Suddenly, she stretched out her hand and slapped Mu Luoxiao on the shoulder fiercely!

After hearing a few 'ahhh', Mu Luoxiao reflexively blocked her hand, and when she realized it, she let go of it abruptly, and said lightly, "I'm offended, princess."

The princess was so angry that smoke was coming out of her nostrils, she didn't expect such a small body to have such great strength, and she wanted to hit Mu Luoxiao immediately.

The little maid at the side hurriedly persuaded, "Princess, she was sent from there. If you do it, it may cause unnecessary misunderstanding."

Fortunately, Princess Sturdy still had this understanding, so she didn't go overboard and beat Mu Luoxiao.

The next day, the sturdy princess slept until noon, and Mu Luoxiao was not in any mood. The man only said to send her there, and it didn't take long.

But she still couldn't figure it out, is there no princess or prince in this country of Zhao? How could such a princess be favored.

After three days, the princess just ate and drank, without any intention of leaving.

On the morning of the fourth day, she woke up suddenly, took a shower and changed clothes, and dressed ceremoniously. Mu Luoxiao was watching, not knowing what the hell she was going to do.

The servant girl took two gold hairpins and asked her which one she wanted. She looked at herself in the mirror beautifully, "Put them all for this princess!"

"Princess, that person didn't come until noon, it's still early, do you want to eat first?"

The sturdy princess waved her hand in vain, "No need, it's a little bit of a breath."

The corner of Mu Luoxiao's mouth raised a faint smile, it seemed that this young man must be meeting someone he likes.

"Princess, I'm listening to the book."
"Young Master She is handsome, and this princess naturally knows it, so you don't need to talk too much!"

As soon as she was scolded, the girl shrank back, but Mu Luoxiao saw her dodging eyes, full of fear and regret.

She was looking at the mirror intently, and suddenly saw Mu Luoxiao in the mirror with a look, frowned, and pointed back at her, "You, put a veil on this princess, hurry up!"

Mu Luoxiao just smiled and didn't speak, obediently put on a veil, but he knew very well in his heart that the body he passed through was indeed in good condition, better than her previous one.
Thinking of this, Mu Luoxiao's heart skipped a beat!She didn't find out for so long, she couldn't remember what she looked like in modern times!

Didn't notice her uneasiness, after dressing herself up, the princess went to the back kitchen to supervise, and the cook had to cook according to her instructions, Mu Luoxiao thought, if this is modern, this princess must be a qualified foodie And gourmet.

It was almost noon when the princess left the back kitchen and waited in the lobby wholeheartedly. Seeing that she couldn't sit still and her eyes were eager, Mu Luoxiao couldn't help being curious about the appearance of Mr. She.

"Princess, come, come!"

The servant's joyful voice came, the tough princess couldn't sit still any longer, she went out of the hall without even helping her, to meet that Young Master She.

Mu Luoxiao followed behind.

Through the crowd, one could faintly see a carriage just parked at the gate of the mansion.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mu Luoxiao felt that the figure standing beside the carriage was a little familiar.

"Yoyo, young master, I have been waiting for you for a long time, but I have brought you here."

Mu Luoxiao frowned, why did the princess speak so much like a bustard?

Hearing the sound, he raised his head, but he couldn't move his feet for an instant, his legs seemed to be filled with lead!
The world seemed to care about this moment of silence, and as the figures moved, she only looked at the face on the ground that had bound her all her life.

He stood in the sun, and he didn't know what to say to the princess. He smiled politely, behaved decently, majestic without losing etiquette, with a golden crown on his hair, and a beautiful golden silk brocade dress, which made him look refreshed and handsome. .

Her heart, which she thought would die quietly, seemed to be beating suddenly at this moment, which caught her off guard, and she almost lost her balance and fell down.

"Come, come, come in, the best dishes are ready for you."

He walked in with the princess, passed by her without stopping for a second, and didn't even give her a look. The foil beside him followed him closely, and he didn't notice her existence.

It was as if only she knew about it.

If it wasn't for a servant who called her softly, she didn't know how long she would stand in place.

There were a lot of people in the lobby, and she walked in slowly, but no one noticed.

Suddenly feeling that the veil was warm, she suddenly found that her nose was so sore, she quickly controlled her emotions.

This kind of feeling that made her hate deeply and love impossible was completely alive at this moment, tormenting her severely.

As soon as she raised her head, she belatedly realized that there was not only Hua Jian coming with him, but also another woman.

She was sitting next to him, dressed in purple, she looked calm and capable, and the eyes of the sturdy princess could almost burn her!
(End of this chapter)

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