Chapter 399 Emphasis
The 500 million is the New Year's money that Jiang Yaxian has worked so hard to save for many years, but there is no other way. If he wants to see Yuanxi, he can only use 500 million as a bet to meet her.

Calculated in this way, it is really expensive, his money is only enough to see her once.

"Since you spent 500 million and want to play with me, let's play... Stud, right? Chi Ze, ask the dealer to come in and deal the cards." Yuan Xi ordered calmly, his movements were smooth and smooth, and his gestures were swift. It is full of charm that people can't take their eyes off.

Jiang Yaxian couldn't help admiring in his heart, what a handsome woman...he really adores her...

During the few seconds when he was in a daze, the croupier had already placed the cards.

Jiang Yaxian picked up the cards like Yuanxi, cleared his throat, and said, "Call the landlord!"

Damn, what a bullshit sentence called Landlord... This is Stud, not Doudizhu, okay, little brother.

The corner of Yuan Xi's mouth twitched calmly, Chi Ze standing behind him and the croupier standing in the middle of the gaming table were petrified with her.

It's the first time I saw someone enter the casino, pick up the cards, and stare blankly at the guy playing Landlords, does this little brother have any idea...

Jiang Yaxian actually didn't know how to play stud, but he thought, isn't this gambling the same as playing cards, and it's all those kinds of games over and over again. If it's not fighting the landlord, is it necessary to use the game of smashing red one?
Thinking of this, he cleared his throat again and said, "Three belts and one!"

Well, if the phrase 'calling the landlord' just now was not enough to make Yuanxi go crazy, then this sentence of three belts and one has already ignited her anger.

Didn't this little guy see that everyone in the room was looking at him with strange eyes?Where did he get the confidence to say the phrase 'three belts and one'?

The cards in his hand were thrown on the table with a clatter, and his brows were furrowed, "Little brother, if you want to play Doudizhu or Shouhongyi, please go out and turn left into the Internet cafe. This is a casino, not called the landlord." , Three Points, Shunzi, Guanshang, Sorry, Three Belts and One, Dayou, Crush to Death, and Bomb!"

At this moment, Yuan Xi's self-cultivation is on the verge of collapse, and it is very possible that she will start cursing and cursing the Three Character Classic in the next second.

There was another sigh, and the helplessness became more profound and indescribable, "Chi Ze, take this little brother downstairs to withdraw the chips! As for you...what's your name..."

"Jiang Yaxian!"

"Oh, yes, Jiang Yaxian... Eldest sister really can't continue to play with you against her conscience. No matter what purpose and intention you came here to report to me, I will write it all off now, and you will return the chip money Take it, get out of here quickly! If you want to fight the landlord, go to the Internet cafe or the chess and card room, and don't come again."

Yuan Xi quickly finished what he had to say, and turned around to leave the VIP gaming room.

It's true that the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds. How do rich people raise their children now, and they will even let them go to the casino to play Landlords.

The little brother yelled 'Call the Landlord' just now with an accent... It sounds like he often plays online games, does she want to invite a few people here to make music for him?It's so cheap that I don't have any friends.

Seeing Yuanxi getting up to leave, Jiang Yaxian quickly chased after him.

"Wait! Don't go..."

(End of this chapter)

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