Chapter 363

Yuan Xi knows... Many things have been blown away with the wind with Chen Biqing's death, and the position of Yuan's chairman is no longer a luxury that requires struggle and hard work.

So logically, without any suspense, it became her possession.

It's like I haven't cut Qi Liu Hai's head in ten thousand years... Now I have to use Qi Liu Hai to cover up my ugliness.

The car was driving smoothly on the street leading to the cemetery. Chi Ze, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked at Yuan Xi's expressionless face through the rearview mirror, and asked softly, "Madam, you got the Yuanshi Casino, don't you?" happy?"

Hearing Chi Ze's words, Yuan Xi slowly opened his eyes.

"Happy... I can't mention it, I'm not happy, it's not. Just like when I was a child, I really wanted a Barbie doll. After spending a lot of effort and energy, being coquettish and cheating to get it, I am not so happy." Yuan Xi slightly hooked the corners of her lips, and suddenly realized that Chi Ze is a man and maybe she didn't understand her feelings, "You should not be interested in Barbie dolls... Maybe you don't understand my difficulties."

When Bie Yuanxi said this, Chi Ze seemed to smile slightly.

"Although I don't understand your concern about gains and losses, I know that today... except for the old Parker who did not participate in the board of directors, the other shareholders unanimously elected you as the chairman! You won this battle, and Chen Biqing lost! The result is like this, that's it Simple. I heard that old Pike's health is no longer good... After all, cancer is not a trivial disease. He may be waiting for Chen Yuanyuan to give birth with this last breath. He still can't believe that the child in Chen Yuanyuan's stomach is not him. So, what are you going to do with the woman locked in the dungeon? And Miss Yue's father...have you decided what to do with him?"

"No." Yuan Xi said truthfully, lazily stretching his arms and stretching his waist, "I wanted to hear Xianxian's opinion on what to do with Yue Wanshan, but now... she doesn't seem to have any There is a way to tell me her opinion, I have already talked to Li send her to the drug rehabilitation hospital tomorrow morning."

When Yue Xianyu was mentioned, Yuanxi's face was covered with a layer of frost as if he had sunk to the bottom of the valley.

"Madam, don't worry...Miss Yue has a good fortune, she will be fine. And...there is Dong Li, the boss will help." Chi Ze also gradually comforted, and it was over at noon today The board of directors, he went to the hospital with Yuanxi, and even Chi Ze, who had seen the big scene, seemed to be frightened.

Because Yue Xianyu at this really terrifying, and this kind of horror already needs the help of a doctor.

Yuan Xi was thinking, maybe what Teng Moxun said was right, compared to her, what Xianxian needed was professional treatment and psychological counseling, but she couldn't do anything.

Just when Yuan Xi was staring out of the window in a daze, Chi Ze had already discovered something was wrong.

From that intersection just now, there was a black car following him all the time. He changed seven or eight lanes to test whether that person was really following him and Yuanxi.

But the result is obviously not optimistic. He followed the car on the left to the left, and he followed the car on the right to the right...

That's right, tracking.

"Ma'am, sit still! I have to get rid of the car behind!" Chi Ze frowned and said, as if he was shocked by the difficult situation in front of him. In City A, who would dare to follow Yuan Xi? ?

Could it be that old Pike sent someone over?Besides, Chi Ze really can't think of other candidates...

But unexpectedly, Yuan Xi turned his head and glanced at the license plate of the car following behind, sighed leisurely, and said, "Chi Ze, don't throw it away!"

(End of this chapter)

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