Boss, if you are the one

Chapter 227 I Didn't Mean That Way

Chapter 227 I Didn't Mean That Way (3)
Realizing that she would think of the way Li Qingfeng looked at Ruan Mianmian, she quickly shook off her thoughts, that was a criminal.Maybe one day he will be arrested, so why should she pity him?For a person like this, it is the greatest punishment to be unloved for a lifetime.

Or, she can continue to think of ways to get close to him, and get his criminal evidence——

Ruan Mianmian didn't know this, when she got off work, she originally wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, she went upstairs to find Ying Junbang.After a day, he should have calmed down, right?

Going upstairs, Lin Feifei had a weird expression on her face. Before she was about to enter the door, she took a step forward: "Boss Ying didn't eat at noon today, you—"

"I see." Ruan Mianmian was really surprised when she arrived here.She knew that Ying Junbang was different from Wanwan, but she never thought that Ying Junbang would care so much about Ying Wanwan. They are obviously half brothers and sisters. Seriously speaking, it is understandable that Ying Juantian is like that , but Ying Junbang——

Pushing the door open, Ying Junbang seemed to be on the phone, and he didn't stop when he saw her enter.His expression was very serious, he looked at Ruan Mianmian who entered the door, his long and narrow eyes were as deep as a deep spring.

"Okay. I see. I'll be right over there."

hang up the phone.Seeing Ruan Mianmian standing there hesitating to speak.If in the past, he would have stepped forward to hug her, give her a kiss, and then the two of them would leave together, have dinner, date, and live a two-person world.

But at this time, Ying Junbang's expression was unprecedentedly ugly.He looked at Ruan Mianmian with a gloomy expression on his face: "Missing Wanwan."

Ruan Mianmian's eyes widened, and she couldn't find her own voice for a long time.Ying Junbang no longer cared about it.He packed his things, dialed the inside line, and asked Lin Feifei to book him a plane ticket, and he was going to Beijing.

Ruan Mianmian gritted her teeth and took a step forward: "I want to go too."

Ying Junbang looked at her with no expression on his face.The voice is very soft: "No need."

"I'm going too." Ruan Mianmian stood in front of him: "Even if you don't let me go, I will go by myself."

Her expression was firm, and her attitude was extremely persistent.

Ying Junbang looked at her face for a long while, and finally said lightly: "It's up to you."

He said so, but made Lin Feifei book another ticket.At the same time, he was told to ask for leave for Ruan Mianmian.

Ruan Mianmian followed Ying Junbang downstairs, her eyes fell on his side face, she was still a little angry, but now she went away a little bit.At this time, he still remembers to ask for leave for himself?

The two of them hurried home in silence, and packed up a few clothes casually. The temperature in Beidu was probably even colder than that in S city. She brought two thick coats. Seeing that Ying Junbang didn't seem to have any clothes, she helped him Put the two coats in the suitcase.

After bringing their documents and luggage, the two went directly to the airport.Ying Junbang kept his face somber all the way.Go to the airport and check in.Both of them have good appearance, standing together, they are very attractive, but neither of them paid attention to it, nor did they talk to each other.Just follow the flow of people and enter the boarding gate.

There was still some time before boarding, and the two sat in the waiting room.Through the huge glass wall, Ruan Mianmian saw a plane flying into the sky.She turned to look at Ying Junbang, he was on the phone, from just now to now, he has made no fewer than five calls.

"What's going on?" Seeing him put down his phone, Ruan Mianmian couldn't help but ask, "Why, Wan Wan disappeared?"

Didn't Ying Wanwan go to Beijing to find Ruan Jianzhong?How could it go missing?

"I don't know the exact situation now." Ying Junbang looked serious: "Brother went to Beidu and found the hotel Wanwan booked, but the hotel staff told him that Wanwan didn't come back last night. In fact, Wanwan After I left yesterday night, I haven’t come back.”

"She went to find Ruan Jianzhong before noon. Ruan Jianzhong returned to school around 01:30. Wanwan had disappeared when he came back. That is to say, since noon yesterday, Wanwan had disappeared. "Ying Junbang told her everything he knew.

Ruan Mianmian was taken aback for a moment: "What did your elder brother say?"

"Yes." Ying Junbang nodded: "He went to look for Wanwan as soon as the plane landed this morning, but he couldn't find it. Now Ying Wanwan's phone is turned off, and the person is gone. He didn't go back to the hotel, but his luggage is still there. "

This is definitely not something that Yingwan would do. Although she is young, she is a decent person.I will definitely not book a hotel room and not go back to live, and then the person disappears.

Ying Juantian has already gone to investigate the surveillance around the school, looking for some clues.He is rushing now just to help.

Ruan Mianmian was silent, and suddenly became more serious than ever.Ying Wanwan ran to find Ruan Jianzhong because she heard her so-called pursuit of happiness, Ying Juantian and Juanbang already wanted to punish her.

This will be gone by the end of the day.It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, how will she and Ying Junbang go on?Ruan Mianmian suddenly felt dazed.

Looking at Ying Junbang's side face, thinking of his habit of taking care of Ying Wanwan, Ruan Mianmian suddenly understood this point. If Ying Wanwan is fine, everyone will be happy.But once something happens to Ying Wanwan, then the relationship between her and Ying Junbang may come to an end.

Rubbing the forehead, the sequelae of not sleeping well last night can strike at this time.She was very tired and sleepy. She drank many cups of coffee to suppress the drowsiness in the office all day, but this time, she couldn't suppress it anymore.She is really tired.He closed his eyes and tilted his head subconsciously, but he soon woke up.Ying Junbang was still on the phone.She really had to be thankful that they were in the VIP lounge now, otherwise such phone calls one after another would probably disturb others.

She was really sleepy, and there was still some time before boarding the plane. She rushed all the way, and she didn't eat any food, and she was very hungry.Eyes closed again, head tilted to the side.Ying Junbang paused for a moment while holding the phone, but he swallowed the words he wanted to tell her to go back.

It was almost time to board the plane, and Ruan Mianmian boarded the plane with Ying Junbang.Ying Junbang asked the stewardess for a blanket, looked at the dark shadows in Ruan Mianmian's eyes, and covered her with a needle blanket: "If you are sleepy, take a rest."

Ruan Mianmian watched his movements and nodded, she was really tired.Looking at Ying Junbang, she pursed her lips: "Don't worry, every night is auspicious. You will be fine. You didn't have a good rest yesterday, so sleep for a while."

Ying Junbang didn't make a sound, he definitely couldn't fall asleep now.

"Go to sleep, I'll call you when we arrive." Ying Junbang's voice was flat, he turned to look at the magazine in his hand, and stopped looking at her.Ruan Mianmian lowered her eyes helplessly, turned her head, and fell asleep.

Ying Junbang put away the magazine when the plane took off, and looked at Ruan Mianmian, who had no signs of waking up at all, and was in a deep sleep. Her little face was slightly red, and she was in a deep sleep.

He could clearly feel from the faint black shadows in her eyes and the sound of her slightly heavy breathing that she must have not slept well last night.

Complicated emotions welled up in my heart.Staring at Ruan Mianmian's cheek for a while, she finally turned away.

What comes to mind is Wanwan, and the blood that seemed to be shed forever in the Ying family.That blood has always been his nightmare when he was a teenager, and a knot in his heart when he grows up.

There was a feeling of discomfort in his heart, memories made him uncomfortable, and he suppressed those churning emotions, now he only had one thought: Wanwan, you must be fine.There must be nothing wrong.

Ruan Mianmian did not sleep deeply, she was obviously extremely tired and sleepy, but she fell into a nightmare uncontrollably.In the dream, Ying Junbang pointed at her with wide eyes.

"What kind of thing is your brother? Is he worthy of my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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