Chapter 578
It has been a while since Murong Chong left the Qin Palace, just when everyone was about to forget about this male|favorite who used to hang out in the palace, Si Tianjian observed the stars at night and found a big ominous omen.

Si Tianjian invited Fu Jian to climb up to the observatory and said to King Qin: "Your Majesty, please see that the comet will not disperse that day, and it is regarded as a great ominous sign. This indicates that Yan will destroy Qin in ten years' time. I implore Your Majesty to make plans early." , Kill the Bailu (the contemptuous name of the Xianbei by the Qin people)."

However, Fu Jian was a broad-minded and very conceited person. Now that the Yan Kingdom was destroyed, the King of Yan was in Chang'an City, and he was still a wimp, so there was nothing to fear.

Killing such a person is really not a challenge, it is something that a hero like Fu Jian disdains to do, so Si Tianjian tried his best to remonstrate, but Fu Jian still turned a deaf ear to it.

Seven months after the vision appeared in the sky, another very strange thing happened in the Qin Palace. At that time, Qin King Fu Jian happened to be discussing matters with the ministers in the Mingguang Palace.

Suddenly another person with disheveled hair and wearing a white robe rushed in, seeing Fu Jian shouted: "Jiashen, Yiyou, fish and sheep cannibalize people, what a tragedy!"

The ministers were shocked, there was even time, and it clearly stated that the Xianbei people would make a comeback and wash Chang'an with blood, and people were suddenly worried.

Fu Jian said: "Who is here to confuse people with lies, come and take him down for me!" However, when all the people approached that person, that person disappeared out of thin air.

As a result, this supernatural event spread throughout the capital, and everyone believed in the omens from heaven to persuade King Qin to kill the Xianbei people as soon as possible to prevent future troubles.

However, even if it was such an obvious warning, Fu Jian chose to ignore it. After all, he did not believe that anyone could defeat him. He was a soldier all his life, killed countless enemies, was invincible in all battles, and was the real God of War.

And Murong Chui surrendered to him, Murong Wei was imprisoned in Chang'an City, Murong Chong lived with him for three years, and had a deep relationship, Fu Jian didn't believe that anyone else had the ability to lead the Xianbei people to rebel.

Wang Meng's persuasion failed many times, so he could only send killers to assassinate Murong Chong again and again, but since Murong Chong arrived in Pingyang, he has entered the forest like a tiger, no matter how difficult it is to deal with.

He trained a group of top experts to protect his mansion so impregnable that not even a fly could fly in. Moreover, Murong Chong was suspicious, and every person in the mansion had to go through layers of screening before entering the mansion.

It is as difficult as going to the sky to put a secret job by his side. Another point is that Murong Chong is not close to women. When he arrived in Pingyang, he never married a concubine, so this person has almost no weaknesses.

Wang Meng is very anxious, Murong Chong is far away in Pingyang, he can't reach him, but Murong Chui is in the capital, he has long disliked Murong Chui.

In his opinion, Murong Chui's talent, courage, and strategy are not inferior to Fu Jian's, and he is even more cautious and deceitful than Fu Jian.

He exudes dragon aura all over his body, he is not a lord who surrenders to others at all, but he is willing to cover up his edge and silently stands by Fu Jian's side. In Fu Jian's view, subduing a giant dragon is something to be proud of.

But in Wang Meng's view, keeping such a person by his side is tantamount to feeding a tiger into trouble, and sooner or later it will become a catastrophe.

Therefore, since Wang Meng couldn't move Murong Chong, he could at least get rid of Murong Chui first, so as to prevent them from colluding internally and externally in the future and putting Fu Jian in danger.

However, when Wang Meng just pointed the finger at Murong Chui, Murong Long had already started to act first.

(End of this chapter)

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