Chapter 551
Her body and hair seemed to be covered with water, and the sound of tick-tick-tick-tick kept ringing, her face was not clear, her hair covered her face, and she was still saying: "Princess, why are you Want to kill me?"

Sima Daofu screamed horribly, shouting, "Yurun! Yurun! Don't harm me! I know I'm wrong! I really know I'm wrong!"

Wang Xianzhi stood in front of Sima Daofu and said to her, "Wake up, are you having a nightmare?"

Sima Daofu looked at Wang Xianzhi with fearful eyes, and then looked at the empty corner of the wall. It turned out that there was nothing there, and everything was just his own illusion.

At this time, the maids came over after getting dressed, and shouted outside the door: "Princess? What's wrong with you, princess?"

Sima Daofu said in a trembling voice: "It's okay, it's okay, I had a nightmare."

Sima Daofu lay under the quilt again, shivering with fear, and leaned against Wang Xianzhi unconsciously, but Wang Xianzhi didn't reach out to hug her, as if he was asleep.

Wang Xianzhi clearly heard the words Sima Daofu yelled, the truth he yelled out in extreme fear. This sentence made Wang Xianzhi understand that the accident he once thought was caused by man-made.

The jewel in his palm, the daughter whom he regards as a treasure, was actually killed by this person in front of him. He seemed to see the resentful eyes of Xi Daomao and Yurun when they looked at him.

Sima Daofu tossed and turned until the middle of the night before falling asleep, but Wang Xianzhi stayed up all night.

After that night, Wang Xianzhi seldom went back to the Princess Mansion, and even if he did go back to the Princess Mansion sometimes, he would come and go in a hurry and never stay overnight.

Although Wang Xianzhi has been lukewarm towards Sima Daofu after marriage, he still respects her and takes her face and feelings into consideration, but now Sima Daofu can clearly feel that Wang Xianzhi has completely alienated her.

Their husband and wife relationship has existed in name only, and they have officially separated. Wang Xianzhi has been living with Caiyun.

If the son-in-law proposes to reconcile with the princess, it is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the royal family, and the end will be miserable, so Wang Xianzhi used this kind of cold violence to expect the princess to take the initiative to reconcile.

However, Sima Daofu's love for Wang Xian was deeply rooted. No matter how Wang Xianzhi ignored her, she never thought of giving up this marriage.

Cui'er said to Sima Daofu: "Princess, why don't you let Taoye (Caiyun) move to the Princess's mansion, then the son-in-law may come back every day, as long as you see each other often, the son-in-law may change his mind."

Sima Daofu didn't like to see Taoye very much, but Wang Xianzhi's resting there every day made her go crazy with jealousy, it was different now, she could do whatever she wanted at the beginning, only because of the backers in the palace.

However, now she has no way to enter the palace, gradually lost the favor of the queen mother and the emperor, and the attitude of the son-in-law is also very obvious today, if she removes the peach leaves by herself, I am afraid it will cut off the last trace of the relationship between their husband and wife affection.

Sima Daofu said to Cui'er: "Then you go to the other courtyard, just tell me what I mean, I want Taoye to return to live in the princess mansion."

Cui'er was ordered to go to the other courtyard and brought Sima Daofu's words. This was an order at all, and Caiyun could not refuse, so she could only pack her things silently.

Taking advantage of Cui'er not paying attention, Caiyun ordered the servants in the courtyard to rush to the palace and inform Wang Xianzhi to come back to save her.She was so far away from Sima Daofu on weekdays, Sima Daofu could give her medicine.

After that, living in the princess's mansion, wouldn't you worry about it every day, wondering if one day your life would be lost?

(End of this chapter)

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