Chapter 371 The Grand Wedding
Mo Xi couldn't imagine Xi Daomao's life after she came to her uncle's house, but it became difficult to see her again.

On the day of Wang Xianzhi's big wedding, red silk and satin were hung all over the trees in Jiankang City, the loud sound of gongs and drums shook the sky, and the wedding procession occupied the busiest street in the city.

People all over the city watched this grand wedding, second only to the emperor marrying his wife.

As Wang Xianzhi's best friend, Cao Rui was invited to the wedding. In stark contrast to the joyful atmosphere, the groom's pale and haggard face.

It wasn't just Wang Xianzhi who didn't look happy, all of Wang Xianzhi's relatives and friends had no joy on their faces. Their faces were heavy, as if they were attending a funeral. The scene was very strange.

Xi Daomao is not only Wang Xianzhi's wife, but also the cousin of Wang's brothers and the most beloved niece of Wang Xianzhi's mother.

The relationship between Xi Daomao and Wang Xianzhi is envied by anyone who is familiar with them, and praises the tacit understanding and affection.

However, such a pair of wall people separated like this, how can it not be embarrassing.

Mo Xi sat on the guest's seat, looked at Wang Xianzhi from a distance, and looked at him with a forced smile, unable to express his sympathy. The wedding night in the bridal chamber was originally a great joy in the world, but such a joy was so uncomfortable for Wang Xianzhi.

Caiyun is a good girl, she insists on following Xi Daomao, who has no one to rely on and is lonely, and wants to take care of her as best she can.

No one from Xi's family came, even if no one came, how could Xi Daomao not know?

Wang Xianzhi led one end of the wedding silk, and Princess Xin'an led the other end of the wedding silk, and walked into the new house together.

Mo Xi wondered what it was like when Xi Daomao got married?Did he shyly enter the new house under everyone's gaze like this?

But in the blink of an eye, things have changed, the once delicate bride has been tortured beyond recognition, and the high-spirited young man is now just a down-and-out person.

As a bystander, Mo Xi was filled with emotions, and couldn't help drinking one cup after another.

Just as he was getting drunk, his drunkenness was fading, but someone snatched the wine glass away suddenly. When he looked up, it was none other than that beautiful husband who overwhelmed the country and the city.

It's just that it's not clear whether this husband is his own. Compared with the pure love between Xi Daomao and Wang Xianzhi, Mo Xi and Cao Rui are more like relatives, taking care of each other, understanding each other, and supporting each other.

It's just that there is less worry, less twists and turns, and a little less heart-pounding feeling.

Cao Rui said to Mo Xi: "I want to drink and go home to get you a drink. It's not good if there are too many people here who get drunk and lose their composure."

Mo Xi was a little disappointed. It turned out that she was not worried about my health, but just afraid that I would make a joke.

What she was looking forward to, I couldn't tell clearly, but I just faintly felt that my heart and Cao Rui were drifting away, and I hoped that Cao Rui could be more tender and give her a reason to stay.

There are a lot of guests, a full house of high-ranking friends, and a lot of money. On such a lively day, the eyes are full of frustrated people.

Cao Rui didn't intend to stay in such a false excitement for a long time, so he dragged Mo Xi to leave the table early and go home.

After Mo Xi left, Xie Daoyun said to Wang Ningzhi: "Do you think there is something wrong with Mo Xi, and her relationship with Cao Rui is not as good as before."

Wang Ningzhi said: "She and Xi Daomao have such a good relationship, it's normal for her to be depressed today, what's wrong?"

Xie Daoyun shook her head and said: "I can't tell, she feels a little different in her whole body, and the way she looks at me is completely strange, as if she has forgotten our friendship."

(End of this chapter)

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