Chapter 279 Escape Plan 2
As soon as Cao Rui entered the room at night, Jing Ran couldn't wait to tell Cao Rui about her and Fu Yang's plan in the afternoon.

Cao Rui said: "It's indeed a good plan, but I can't guarantee that the Queen Mother will let me go that day. Normally, I should watch the night in the palace that day."

Jing Ran said: "Then why start planning step by step now, firstly let them take the two of us together, secondly help Fu Yang steal the mask, let Murong Chui cooperate with us to escape."

Cao Rui said: "However, it's okay for you to be in the palace. As long as you don't leave the Empress Dowager's palace, you are basically free. If you go outside, someone will definitely watch you every step of the way."

Jing Ran said: "When the time comes, you must help me lure them away!"

Cao Rui said, "Well, I will find a way."

Jing Ran asked Cao Rui, "I haven't seen you all day today, where have you been?"

Cao Rui said: "I went to find Murong Chui today and told him my plan. I plan to take you to escape to Yan State first, pass through Yan State and then return to Jin State."

Jing Ran echoed, "Yes, we are from the state of Jin. If Fu Jian found out that I was missing, he would definitely send someone to the south to catch me in the direction of the state of Jin, instead of thinking that I would go to the west of the state of Yan first. "

Cao Rui said: "Not necessarily, maybe a smart person like Fu Jian will see through our trick at a glance. In short, this is the current plan."

Jing Ran put her arms around Cao Rui and said tenderly, "Husband, I am really sorry for making you come to a foreign country for me and suffer so much grievance. When we go back, I will definitely treat you well."

Cao Rui said: "You just need to remember not to run away from home after you go back. The outside world is wonderful, but it is also very dangerous."

That night, Cao Rui stayed in Jing Ran's room, and left in a hurry before dawn.

However, Cao Rui didn't know that his frequent visits to Jing Ran's room had aroused the Queen Mother's suspicion. That night, someone was guarding not far from Jing Ran's room and saw Cao Rui staying in Jing Ran's room.

After the queen mother knew about it, she said to Ruyan, the court lady who was close to her, "In your opinion, Jing Ran and Cao Rui have known each other for a long time? Or have they just met?"

Ru Yan replied cautiously: "I don't know, but Commander Cao and Jing Ran have no contact with each other on weekdays, so how could they be together?"

The queen mother said: "Jing Ran once told me that she had a husband and son in the state of Jin. Could this Cao Rui be the husband he mentioned?"

Ruyan said: "I will send someone to investigate, slave girl, and I will get a reply tomorrow."

The Empress Dowager said: "Well, let's send someone to investigate. No matter what, these two people can no longer stay in the palace. Jing is the person His Majesty likes, but she has an affair with the commander of the palace. If His Majesty finds out, They must die."

Ruyan said: "But, now His Majesty is very strict with Jingran, it is impossible for us to kill them or let them go."

The queen mother said: "It's not good in this palace, so I killed them outside. In any case, I can't let these two people appear in front of your majesty again."

Ruyan said: "Why didn't the Queen Mother tell His Majesty directly? Let His Majesty come down and kill them?"

The queen mother sighed faintly, and said: "This is the first time Your Majesty has fallen in love with a woman. The love is so strong. If you let him know that Jing Ran is having an affair with others in the palace, Ai Jia is afraid that he will not be able to bear such a blow." What Aijia is even more afraid of is that even so, he still wants to keep Jingran, what should I do?"

Ruyan said: "The only chance for Jing Ran to leave the palace is next month's high priest? At that time, you will take both Jing Ran and Commander Cao, and the slaves will send people to kill them."

(End of this chapter)

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