Chapter 211

After Xu Mai finished his meditation, he came out of the stone room. He looked much younger than Ge Hong, his thin clothes fluttered in the wind, his loose black hair flaunted wildly, and his every move was full of elegance, like a man who couldn't eat Like a fairy of fireworks in the world.

Jing Ran hurried forward to salute, and said in a loud voice: "My nephew didn't know that my uncle lived in Mufu Mountain, so I didn't come to see you earlier, Wan Wang, don't blame my uncle."

Xu Mai looked at Jing Ran, and felt that this girl had clear features and a calm demeanor. She should be a smart and independent child, but this was not the reason why Ge Hong took her as his apprentice.

Xu Mai asked curiously: "Excuse me, why did your master insist on accepting you as an apprentice? As far as I know, your master didn't intend to accept apprentices in his life."

Jing Ran said with a smile: "Probably because my master is getting older now, and he feels that it is better for someone to pass on his abilities. Besides, it is more convenient to have someone around him to take care of him."

Xu Mai shook his head and said, "We cultivators have long given up on mundane matters, how can we think the same as ordinary people?"

Jing Ran said mysteriously: "Actually, I tricked him a few times and tricked him, that's why he accepted me."

Xu Mai was surprised and said: "What kind of trick can actually deceive my senior brother? You must know that my senior brother knows astronomy first, geography second, and knows everything."

Fortunately, Xu Mai is also a person who cultivates immortality and alchemy. The equipment and materials for chemical experiments here cannot be more complete.

Jing Ran conveniently did a few interesting chemical experiments, which were actually very simple chemical experiments, but the chemical phenomena produced were amazing.

Xu Mai, Yang Fang, and Xie Xuan were stunned. These materials are usually used for alchemy, and they never knew that there would be so many mysterious reactions between them.

Jing Ran suddenly thanked himself for having studied chemistry, otherwise he would be as innocent as them now, thinking that he hated chemistry and physics so much at the beginning, but now thinking about how useful these subjects are.

Xu Mai asked: "How do you know these things? It's not recorded in the book."

Jing Ran said nonsense: "I was naughty once when I was a child. I poured some things from the kitchen into the water and boiled them together. The result almost exploded. Since then, I like to put things of different materials into the water to observe their reactions. "

Xu Mai dubiously said: "Sure enough, there is never enough to learn in this world, there are always unknown things, there are always novel things, no wonder my senior brother will accept you as an apprentice, because you know what he doesn't know. "

Jing Ran thought that since he wanted something from Xu Mai, he had to show some sincerity.A person like Xu Mai who seeks immortality and asks for nothing, what can impress him?

Why not just give them something new, which can not only bring convenience to their lives, but also open their eyes.

Jing Ran said to Xu Mai: "Uncle Shi, I have a magical gift that I want to give Uncle Shi."

Xu Mai asked: "Oh? What gift?"

Jing Ran said solemnly: "A toilet."

Xie Xuan had been listening to their conversation seriously, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said, "Jing Ran, do you know what you're talking about?"

Yang Fang also said embarrassingly: "Of course we have toilets, so you don't need to worry about it."

Jing Ran said: "My latrine is amazing, just like the experiment I did just now, after it is done, you don't need to chop firewood for cooking, and it is convenient and clean."

Yang Fang said: "The toilet and cooking? You don't plan to put the toilet and the kitchen together? This is too disgusting, how do you cook?"

Jing Ran said confidently, "Just trust me, I won't let you down, I just need your help."

(End of this chapter)

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