Chapter 204 Hot Spring Love 2
The flint had dried up, Xie Xuan crawled out of the water, found a lot of dry firewood to light the fire, and found some thick branches to make a simple drying rack.

He hung his and Yang Yueru's clothes on the branches, and both of them sat naked by the fire, naked.Even though she had already had intercourse, Yang Yueru was also at a loss for what to do in the face of such a situation.

She curled her body into a ball and buried her head deeply in her chest.Xie Xuan looked at his shy little wife and felt an indescribable happiness in his heart.

He took his cloak from the branch and roasted it over the fire, and in a short while the cloak was dry.Xie Xuan quickly wrapped Yang Yueru in his outer robe.

Xie Xuan found a lot of withered grass again, made a grass nest, carried Yang Yueru to the grass nest, wrapped her tightly with his outer robe, and said, "Go to sleep first, I will dry the remaining few clothes." , just sleep."

Yang Yueru was indeed too tired, she hadn't eaten anything all day, and now she was new to labor, her whole body was sore and sore, she fell asleep as soon as she lay down.

While baking the clothes, Xie Xuan looked at Yang Yueru's sleeping face, and felt that the happiness in his heart was about to overflow.As soon as the clothes were baked, Xie Xuan quickly put them on and stood by Yang Yueru's side.

Xie Xuan hasn't slept or eaten anything for two days. He is tired and hungry now, but there are wolves, tigers and leopards in this mountain, so how can he sleep with peace of mind?
Xie Xuanqiang cheered up, looked around the dark surroundings vigilantly, and kept adding firewood to the fire, for fear that if the fire went out, Yang Yueru would be frozen to death.

Seeing that the sun was about to come out and the sky was getting brighter, Xie Xuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.

When Yang Yueru woke up, Xie Xuan was sleeping next to her, keeping his body in a sitting posture, with his head resting on a thick branch.

The fire was about to go out, so Yang Yueru got up to collect firewood.

But as soon as she walked to the edge of the woods, she saw a clouded leopard slowly coming out. It seemed that this clouded leopard was going to drink water at the edge of the hot spring.

Before Yunbao saw Yang Yueru, she quickly ran back to Xie Xuan's side, woke Xie Xuan up, and pointed to the woods with her finger.

Xie Xuan immediately became alert, thinking that the wolves were coming again, but he saw a clouded leopard slowly walking out.

Yang Yueru stuck to Xie Xuan's ear and said, "Why don't we jump into the water? Let's come out after it leaves."

Xie Xuan said: "Clouded leopards can swim, and you can't run in the water if you want to. However, clouded leopards are different from wolves, they come out to hunt alone, that is to say, there is only one clouded leopard. Why don't I fight for it?" Fight, maybe you can kill it."

Yang Yueru looked at Xie Xuan with begging eyes and said, "Don't take risks, I don't want you to take risks."

However, before Xie Xuan could answer her, the clouded leopard had already spotted them.Without any hesitation, the clouded leopard launched an attack. Its body slightly turned to the right, making a posture ready to jump.

This clouded leopard seems to have just grown up, with thick limbs, a very long tail, a round and small head, a protruding snout, and a golden-yellow body covered with large dark cloud-like markings.

Xie Xuan tightly held the branch in his hand, ready to fight to the death. Although the clouded leopard was not as big as a tiger, it attacked very fast, moved swiftly, was clean and neat when hunting prey, was good at climbing trees, and could swim, making it very difficult to deal with.

The clouded leopard rushed to Xie Xuan's side with a light pounce, and opened its mouth wide to bite Xie Xuan's neck. Xie Xuan hit the clouded leopard's head with a thick tree trunk, but the clouded leopard moved too fast and could always dodge it easily .

Xie Xuan was hungry and tired, and his whole body was weak, but he could only use his energy to deal with this clouded leopard.Cloud Leopard was afraid of the branch in Xie Xuan's hand, and turned towards Yang Yueru.

(End of this chapter)

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