Proud Doctor Woman

Chapter 102 The Battlefield

Chapter 102 Return to the Battlefield
After staying in Xijiangyue for five days, Nan Duiyi felt that these five days were like one day, fleeting.Before leaving, Grandma Qin prepared a package for her, which contained all the necessary things for her daughter's house, and these were usually prepared by red clothes.But Grandma Qin still put more thought into it than Hongyi.Although Nan Duiyi still resisted her, he still felt warm when he saw these things.I don't know when I will leave here again, I don't know when I will come back, and I don't know what has changed when I come back.

The carriage was galloping, and it had been driving for two days, but there was still no sign of Kyoto. Nan Qianyi finally lifted the curtain of the carriage, "Aren't we going back to Kyoto?" She remembered that the carriage was still heading in the direction of Kyoto when she left. When did she deviate from the waterway? Didn't even know!

"Yes, girl, yesterday the emperor ordered someone to send a secret report, asking us to send the girl to the battlefield directly." The guard outside the car said it unevenly.Such a matter should not be discussed with her!It's fine if you don't discuss it, and don't even say a word!Shake down the curtain angrily, it's better to go early!It's best to settle everything so that she can go back to Xijiangyue!

It was a day later when we arrived at the battlefield, Huai Chong was deploying in the army tent, he was also surprised to see Nan Quanyi, "Are you here again?"

"This is not my wish. If the emperor hadn't threatened me, I would rather not come! This time."

"This time we're going to beat the crap out of Xichun! They no longer have a king, and they can only have a child in a woman's womb as their master. After all, with the kindness of a woman, I believe that Xichun can be defeated in ten days!" said When it came to the war, Huai Chong was in high spirits, without the heaviness he had before.Sure enough, this is the real warrior!
"Girl, the emperor invited you to his tent to have a talk." The guards outside the door came over silently again, they were just invisible flies, Nan Suiyi was annoyed when he heard their voices, and it was rare that he was in a good mood Some were disturbed by them again.She waved impatiently, "No! I'm tired! What's the matter after I have enough rest!"

The guard had no intention of leaving, and said respectfully, making it impossible to refuse: "The concubine Wu is not in good health, I want to ask the girl to take a look."

"Nonsense!" What a nonsense!So is Rin Mo, and so is Candle Dance!Nan Suiyi slapped him up, and the guard straightened up immediately to lead the way, and before the people outside the tent informed him, Nan Quanyi opened the curtain and went in.What Zhuwu was not feeling well, the two of them were talking and laughing, Nan Quanyi glared at them angrily, but they didn't know it.

Zhu Wu turned around with a smile, "Stolen clothes, you are here!"

"I might as well not come! Your Majesty, if you only treat this matter as a joke, please don't drag me by the back. I will go back today!"

Lin Mo let go of the candle dance, and called Nan Qianyi in a leisurely voice: "Ayi, don't worry, I have such a temperament, don't you know it? Now, if you leave like this today, how can you let me go?" How about fulfilling the promise I made with you? If Ayi insists on seeing something, why not come with me."

Lin Mo stopped Zhu Wu and motioned Nan Duyi to follow.She wondered if there was anything else to see here.Outside the army tent, there is a high wall that has been built over time. Standing on the wall, you can have a clear view of the ground and the battlefield not far away.What did Rinmo say and did these things?
"Ayi, look over there." Following the direction Rinmo pointed, dust was flying there, one after another weak figures disappeared into the flames, and then wave after wave of people rushed up, and then died under the flames.Those who confronted them were the slightly tired soldiers of Xichun.Rin Mo actually used the patient as a tool to consume the enemy's physical strength!Although they are no longer human beings, they still live like human beings. How could he be so cruel!

Rin Mo never dared to feel ashamed, instead, he showed an expression of appreciation as if he was watching a vigorous performance.

"This is what you want to see? My original intention is to save people, not kill people!" She almost yelled, but Rin Mo was unmoved, "I'm giving them a chance. Logically, I should burn them all Death is the only thing, but I gave them another chance. As long as they can come back from there, I will give them the antidote. If you want to live, you must work hard. This seems to have nothing to do with Ayi's origin Deviation. If, as you said, they just offer the antidote with both hands, they will only be greedy. The benevolence of a woman will only harm you in the end, Ayi, do you understand what I mean?"

The benevolence of a woman is the benevolence of a woman!No matter what she is, she is a woman after all, she has no way to be kind to a woman!She didn't want that kind of inexplicable sympathy either, but what could she do!After all, she is a woman.

"I don't understand! You can just watch like this, but I can't be ruthless! You are the one who hurt them, so why do you say such a big truth hypocritically. I really regret that I didn't let Zhilian kill you!" Nan Qiang Yi turned angrily and went down the wall.Taking out Rou Chang, she thought she would never use it again, but she kept it by her side all the time.Feeling uneasy all over her body, she is going to save them!She wants to bring them back intact!
"Girl, you can't go out!" The imperial guards guarded the wall door, and the leader stopped Nan Suyi.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, the sword has no eyes!" Nan Duiyi held Rou Chang tightly, and at the same time, all the imperial guards also held their spears.The person in the lead was also not polite, and said: "Then we have to see if the girl has more sword eyes or we have more spears!"

Outside the high wall, someone slammed on the wall door, "Open the door! I have completed the task! Give me the antidote, I want to be a man! I want to live!" No matter how hard he begged, all he got was a cold sentence, "The time has not yet come, you should go back to the battlefield! You can only come back when the horn sounds!"

"Didn't you tell me to die alive!"

"This is the emperor's order, and we must not violate it."

The emperor's order is the emperor's order again!What's the matter with the long gun!Nan Quanyi yelled again, "Are you going to let me in or not!"

"Forgive us for being difficult to obey!" Killing four times, Nan Piyi was about to break out of the encirclement, she did not believe that these people had the courage!
Rin Mo's light voice sounded from behind, "Ayi, this is their life. Even if you bring them back, I will not give them the antidote as promised, because they did not save their lives. They If you don't abide by the agreement, I naturally don't have to abide by it."

"You! I can make the antidote for them myself, who cares about your antidote!" Nan steals the clothes and rushes forward, and Lin Mo's words are like cold water, dragging her into the abyss, "Alright, It doesn't matter if you don't care about my medicine, and it doesn't matter if you want to make the antidote yourself. It's just that you can find herbs. After all, I don't have many herbs on hand."

Damn it!She actually forgot this!The number of antidotes is limited, which means that even if all the sick people return from the battlefield, some people will still die.It wasn't a fair deal from the start.

She finally let go of Rou Chang in her hand, no matter how kind she is, she is powerless.Her sympathy is superfluous, she can only watch, even if she sympathizes with them, it is no different from looking at people with cold eyes.Because she can't do anything!
"Come here, send Ayi back to the tent. She seems to be tired after traveling all the way." The personal guard suddenly appeared and wanted to help Nan Suyi, but she refused.She got up slowly and walked back step by step.She didn't know where her tent was, and let the guards lead the way.What protects her personally?It's all a joke!When she fought against the guards with swords, no one came out to help her!

"You go, I don't want anyone outside today."

"Girl, the emperor has orders"

"Don't mention the emperor! Since the emperor sent you to my side, you should listen to me!" There was a stalemate, and finally Zhu Wu spoke out to resolve the silence.

She jumped over the guards, and said softly: "Today you are guarding ten zhang away, I will report the situation to the emperor, you can step back." The guards hesitated for a moment, but obediently stepped back.With a sullen face, Nan Pianyi turned around and lay back on the bed as the candle dance was like air.There were soft footsteps beside her ears, Zhu Wu sat on the head of her bed, took her hand lightly, and was pulled away by Nan Piyi again.

Candle Dance's voice was still so gentle, "Stealing clothes is still angry with the emperor? Or are you angry with me?"

"Even if I had the nine lives of a cat, I wouldn't dare!"

"Hehe," Zhu Wu covered her mouth and chuckled, then her tone was filled with sorrow, "This is a battlefield. I know that it's inappropriate for me to come here as a member of the harem, women and children. It's not good for the emperor's reputation, but I can't have children, and I can't stay with him for a long time. Although he didn't ask anything, he actually saw the clues of this. I just want to be with him for a few days. My suffering, steal Yi should understand. Are you still willing to forgive me?" Zhu Wu tried to hold Nan Quanyi's hand again, but this time she did not break free.

"Although, I don't quite agree with the emperor's actions, but he also has his own reasons. Women like us naturally don't understand it. If you make yourself angry and hurt your body, it's better to just watch from the side, maybe you can do it Maybe you can see some doorway?"

The hand that hadn't been warmed slipped away from Zhu Wu's again, Nan Duyi couldn't agree with this matter.Disregarding human life is what she hates the most!

Of the dozens of patients sent out, only nine returned alive.Their tragic situation made Thief sad, with extensive burns on his body.At this moment, they only wanted a small bottle of antidote.After a long period of suffering, they felt normal again, although they still had the marks of their fangs!That live newborn smile made Nan Duyi feel sad.The pain in her heart was greater than the joy, her antidote finally succeeded, her antidote finally saved the patient, but her antidote could not save many people.A small bottle of antidote cannot bring new life to all the sick people under the sun.If the method of re-doing people is to let them escape from the tiger's mouth, then she would rather not make an antidote in the first place.

For several days in succession, Rinmo sent several batches of patients to serve as human shields, but he could only annihilate them in one fell swoop when the patience of the soldiers was exhausted.How much antidote is left, Rin Mo is unwilling to disclose, just let the stolen clothes heal them.

The originally sophisticated plan seemed to be half successful, but something seemed to have happened on the front line.On this day, none of the patients who were dispatched came back alive, so Nan Quanyi couldn't help but went up to the wall to look at it.A familiar figure appeared under the corner of the wall, which surprised her unconsciously, "Vegetarian tuna!"

 Because tomorrow is the final exam, yes!It's the final exam!The author is going to review o(╥﹏╥)oo(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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