There are no women in esports, friends!

Chapter 315 Chapter 315. The place not to go

Chapter 315
Anzai felt relaxed and nervous at the same time.

Q1 advanced to the final, OD advanced to the semi-finals.Even if both sides stop here, such a record seems to be enough to give the division a slightly regretful but not lost answer.

What's more, she has already completed the betting agreement with the alliance boss - as long as OD enters the semi-finals, they will no longer hold her accountable for concealing her identity and playing professionally. She can continue to stay at OD with peace of mind until she retires on her own.

She has lived up to other people's expectations, but what about her own?Where is her original intention?
When he walked out of the training room and went downstairs to eat supper, OD met unexpectedly with Q1 who had returned from victory.

"Brilliant, brother!"

Players from both sides celebrated noisyly.

An winked at Mart again: "My liver is shaking!"

Mart smiled chicly: "It's up to you guys, give me a chance, play a game?"

Ann smiled again. Mart's date is obviously different from her previous private PK, he is in the finals of the World Championship.

"The world's number one AD?" An Zai said.

"The one that wins." Mart said.

Even after retiring, Ann reflected on herself again, she was still not worthy of the title of the world's number one AD.Because she has never had an immortal belief in AD heroes, what she has is only an obsession with victory.

An Zai's career left many regrets.The biggest controversy is that she has never been recognized by the public and officials as "the world's number one AD."

That title was a phantom she couldn't touch, a crown she wouldn't dare to take off even if she stood at the top.

After having dinner with her old teammates, An Zai was a little drunk.I don't know if this dizziness is caused by alcohol or nostalgia.

The old teammates left one by one, leaving her standing alone on the side of the road waiting for the next taxi.

Ann was bored of waiting, and walked slowly along the road.

This is not the way home.She was in no rush to go home at the moment.

After leaving for many years, she wanted to see the city.The hot pot restaurant from back then is still there, her old teammates are still there, and the passion and blood brought by the reunion are still there.

Besides home, there is another place that she can never forget after many years.

Ann got into the taxi again, reported an address, and drove in the opposite direction from home.

It is still the small building in memory, with lush vegetation, and a street lamp that will always faithfully illuminate the gate no matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter.

OD base.

In other words, it is the old base of OD.

Over the past few years, OD has moved away from the three-story building that brought them glory and vicissitudes, and turned to a more luxurious and well-equipped OD building.

But for An Zai, this is where her dream started.This is the place that carries her youthful memories and bumpy journey.

The old OD base doesn't know why it is used now, she didn't ask her teammates, and she didn't reveal any desire to come back and have a look.

The doors and windows in the small building are closed, and it is no longer the scene of sleepless nights.

In the past, this time was the busiest time in the base.Everyone has just finished the training match, and they are noisily judging their performance.Disgustingly rejected one round after another of supper proposals, and cheered after someone offered to treat them.

The grass in front of the base is where the OD players spread flowers and build teams.

Here they had played the childish game of eagle and chicken.Anzai was always the first "chicken" caught at the end of the team.Even if she is crowded in the team, she will be pulled out of the team by the ruthless "Ji Laoying", grabbing her neck and viciously throwing her on the grass.

An Zai walked back as far as possible to get as far away from the OD base as possible, wanting to take another look at the overall picture of the base.

The rooftop she likes to go to is still there.

Just can't see it.

It was empty above, and there was not a single pitiful and frail figure leaning on the fence and chanting spells to the air.

OD——For her, is it always a place where once she leaves, she can never return?
(End of this chapter)

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