There are no women in esports, friends!

Chapter 285 284. The Darkest Career

Chapter 285 284. The Darkest Career

That was the darkest week in ZAI's career. In the first match of the first round of the World Championship, OD VS KW lost 0:1.

Losing a game to the South Korean team was not unacceptable, but OD's performance was really disappointing.

Explosion during the laning period, dementia during the operation period, OD and double C are in a hurry to save the field, but the fighting becomes more and more chaotic.The low-level mistakes in the game are outrageous!Before the dragon team battle, ZAI's operation of pressing the wrong golden body to lose the team battle opportunity also contributed to the first joke in the World Championship.

In the final analysis, one word - fans!

It is a pity to lose a point, but it is not a fatal result.As long as the state is adjusted in the last two games, it is not difficult to advance to the group stage.

But the paradox is that in the next two consecutive group matches, ZAI and Poseidon, the most valuable double C in the league, played worse and worse.

OD seems to have lost the fierceness they are famous for in the LPL league. The whole team is full of daze and cowardice, and when the game is at a desperate disadvantage, everyone shows irrational impatience.The five people in the upper, middle and lower fields are like strangers gathered in a flexible arrangement, and their linkage and cooperation have become subconscious random reactions.

In the first week of the group stage, OD record: 0-3.

Such a result has almost sentenced OD to death in this World Championship-no hope of advancement, and he will go home in one round.

An Zai sat motionless on the battle bench, with overwhelming roars and dizzying blankness in his mind.




Is her dream of the World Championship ending with such a shameful mark?

The opponent WIN, who made OD swallow the bitter fruit of the third defeat with tears, came to shake hands with the joy and cheers of the home team's victory.

How hard it is to get up, and how weak it is when you fall back down.

The camera recorded the desperate and dazed expressions of the five teenagers. The OD battle table looked like an invisible enchantment was opened, and the depressive silence and great sadness were incompatible with the jubilation of the audience.

An tried to raise her head again to let the tears flow back. She was 0-3 and had no right to cry.

Ji Canghai lowered his eyes and remained expressionless, but anyone could see the gloomy despair and disappointment in the close-up shots.

That night, I don’t know how many people hugged their heads and cried in front of the screen, but the doubts and abuse remained on the Internet one by one, like ugly sores.

——What is winning?Is it worth it?Can I eat it?It is enough for people to be handsome!E-sports male model, go away and make money!
——Losing KW in the first game, well, I can accept it.It doesn't matter if we lose to B2 in the second game, we are already slow to start the competition.Losing WIN in the third game is over! OD your World Championship is over, do you know it!

——I am an OD fan, but I am even more of an e-sports fan! OD! Poseidon! ZAI!get out!
——OD double C!Peerless!Peerless!Stunning spicy chicken!
Hot searches about "OD status", "ZAI counseling", "Poseidon command", "Doujiu shopping", "Handsome sudden death", "OD double C, stunning hot chicken" are flooding major platforms at home and abroad.Even the World Championship commentary was full of disappointment with OD.

An Zai seemed to be bound in the busy city, lifelessly accepting all the filth splashed on her face on a high gallows. She didn't wipe, hide, or cry, not because she was powerless, but because she didn't deserve it.

In the final analysis, the three-game losing streak that caused the whole world to collapse was caused by herself.

To this day, the curse of "must win" still lingers in my mind. At the most depressing and numb moment, those two bloody characters still shone shockingly in my blank brain.

Dreams and futures are all born from the belief of "must win". When the belief becomes stronger and stronger, when the belief dominates the entire brain consciousness, the belief becomes the devil.

There are three things in life that cannot be concealed, cough, poverty and love.

If she knew that the rampant showdown was the chief culprit of disturbing her mind, if she knew that what was hidden under Ji Canghai's indifferent skin was insomnia and irritability all day long, maybe An would not be so reckless again.

But she did it anyway.

After all, she still became the sinner who "disturbed the army's morale".

If OD became the first team to be struck out as a joke by becoming the first to enter the World Championship, then she An Zai is the culprit.

(End of this chapter)

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