There are no women in esports, friends!

Chapter 263 262. No AD Lineup

Chapter 263 262. No AD Lineup
"This is like saying that without you, Anzai, the whole OD is useless!" Yang Ruo curled her lips and complained, "But it's refreshing! Domineering! I like it!" If you want to be humble and respectful, you have to be sober before the battle!

An then lowered her eyes to see the transparent straw filled with milky white milk, licked her lips and continued:
"Besides, instead of thinking about other things, let's think about whether Lao Xing, Lao Bai, Ji Canghai, Chacha, and PAI can play the game without me as an AD!"

Turning around, this is what An Zai wants to say.

"Five of them?" Jian Hao was surprised.

One word awakened the dreamer, Yang Ruo was an expert in tactical tricks, he was entangled in a dead end before and limited his thinking, at this time he suddenly broke through the boundaries of thinking, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"It's not like there was a version where the AD hero was greatly weakened and couldn't play. At that time, various competition areas around the world really studied a lot of show routines. If you say um! Yes! Do you have any specific ideas?"

An slapped Yang Ruo's thigh again:
"Brother Yang's brain is still working! Emmm, I'm just offering a suggestion, how to arrange it is not my business!" After speaking, he pinched the empty milk carton in his hand and planned to slap his ass and leave.

"Hehe, it's really your style to run away when you get excited!"

A sneer came from behind, and Ji Canghai leaned against the door frame with his arms folded, staring at An Zai seemingly unintentionally or pointedly.

An Zai felt guilty for a while after being stared at, shrank her neck and did not dare to move.

"Damn it! Xiao Ji, are you haunted? When and where did you stand? No sound at all?" Jian Hao, who was elderly and his heart was not beating steadily, was startled, and stroked his chest to breathe.

Ji Canghai smiled crookedly: "I knew this kitty would not let the God of Tea go so easily."

Yang Ruo was unaware of this momentary change. He lowered his head and frowned, thinking about the cards in his hand, and raised his eyes to see Ji Canghai stretch out his hand:
"You came at the right time! Hey~~~ Let's figure out your hero pool! If you let Lu Yuan and PAI play a duo to support the laning period, what hero can you use to win the situation!"

The new ideas provided by An Zai to Yang Ruo on the one hand solved the problem of substitute candidates for the World Championship, on the other hand, it also invisibly increased the training pressure of the entire team.Everyone not only has to train the regular lineup, but also has to hold meetings to discuss various possibilities for the lineup without AD.

Fortunately, the six-player lineup for the World Championship has been settled, and Lu Yuan's smooth and stable joining has given everyone a sigh of relief.The influence and role of Tea God in the team is far more than a simple support position on the field.Such an experienced and prestigious veteran is a reassurance for young players.As for the trivial matter of increasing the amount of training, who has time to care about it?Anyway, I'm going to the World Championships, so I didn't plan to give myself a rest time!

Dark circles and lack of sleep are a badge of honour, and walking out with them on your face is a form of braggadocio—look!We're going to the World Championship!busy!Oops, this kind of exhaustion is not something that those of you who can't make it to the World Championship can understand and experience!Go envious!Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!
There are still three days before the departure, nervousness and excitement appear alternately in the OD base, and everyone is a little nervous.

"Hey! Old Bai! Don't you often go abroad for vacation! Your English level is completely average, right?"

"Pull up! My English level is limited to the nine-year compulsory education, and I'm still at the bottom of the exam! I can express what I want in words, but I can't understand what people say!"

"Little Xiba! You stutter when communicating with Chinese people, but you can always talk smoothly with foreigners, right?"

"Ah! Seba! Me! Koreans can communicate! I can speak English, but I'm still a foreigner!"

"Xiao Ji! You are a serious college student! English, OK?"

".Is swearing easy?"


"Tea god? Eh. Forget it, the tea god who came to work without graduating from junior high school probably won't work."

"Hey hey hey~~baby~~~hehehehehe~~~~"

An Zai infinitely rolled his eyes, and already had a premonition that in addition to playing games, he also had to be tortured infinitely by being used as a translator.

(End of this chapter)

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