Chapter 119. Chapter 118.
It's a pity that KW is not in the mood to care about this crazy support right now. When they aimed their firepower at LongJing, OD had already killed KW's jungler first.

Could it be that Long Jing rushed in to attract harm physically?
KW felt that he had seen through everything, and simply ignored Lu Yuan, who was rampant, and concentrated on dealing with OD and double C.

The opponent's front row formed a wall in front of them, and Ji Canghai'an and Xing Nan had no chance of crossing the line of fire to cut into the back row.

"Boy! Come!"

When Lu Yuan got up on the spot, he threw the lamp, flashed, brushed the enemy behind, and adjusted his position in one go. He tried his best to forcefully shift his position behind the enemy.

An Zai beat and ran, flying towards the target as if his fingers were cramping.

"Go away!"

The moment An jumped over the crowd again, Lu Yuan finally died completely out of blood.An Zai landed and jumped again instantly, pulling the cut position out of a safe distance.

KW just concentrated fire and killed Xing Nan in the front row, leaving only the top laner, B7 and AD to fight against OD double C. The 3-on-2 field situation looks like KW is about to win this wave of dragon zone battles.

"Is it going to be cold? After grabbing the big dragon, you still don't run to beat Nima!!!"

"Tuan Mie directly! Goodbye!"

"OD actor, high-definition uncensored, online embarrassment!"

"OD actor, high-definition uncensored, online embarrassment!"

"OD actor, high-definition uncensored, online embarrassment!"

Just when B7 had regarded Poseidon in front of him as something in his pocket, there was a sudden gust of wind behind him, and the feathered arrow quickly pierced through the air and rushed straight to the back of his neck carrying the breath of death.

The moment B7 turned his head, he felt his throat choked and his throat felt cold, and his consciousness gradually became blurred in the anger that made him unable to breathe and the intense cold that poured out his blood. When he fell to the ground, only a series of questions remained in his mind - who is he?why is he hereHe's going to. Oh. He's going to kill me.
"ADADADADADAD!!!!!! Kill AD!!!" Lu Yuan, Li Bai, and Xingnan were lying on the ground, and the three dead bodies had to forget about Meng Yinchuan, tapping the keyboard and clicking the mouse to try to control the voice.

"You son! You son! Kill him! You son killed him!"



"NICE! Bastard! NICE!"


At this moment, An Zai only had two words in his mind:

"Five kills! Five kills, five kills, five kills! Give me five kills!!!"

Seeing that the situation was not right and the KW top laner fled, Ji Canghai chased after him with the last bit of blood on his back.

"Give me! Give me! Give me!"

An was not so active in grabbing food again, she only regretted that she didn't have ten flashes to hurry, and when an afterimage ran out just now——


Your teammate has been killed
. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

"Ji Canghai, are you poisonous! Are you poisonous!!!"


"...I'm not chasing you for you?"

"Then why did you take the head after you chased it to the end!"

"He's going to beat me back and I won't fight back?"


"What about your damage calculation? Is it difficult to leave a trace of blood for me!"

"I'm dead too, I'm a fart!"


"Will I still hear Penta kill on the field in my lifetime!"





The voice in the OD team is mixed with the quarrel between the two Cs in the sound of NICE.

"The team is destroyed! OD snatched the big dragon and wiped out KW! Killed the opponent's plan to push the tower with the dragon in the cradle! OD's bottom lane duo still played a fairy coordination in the chaotic battle! Assisted LongJing with the resurrection armor Pierce the enemy directly, use your life to bring ZAI to the back row, take four kills and destroy the opponent! Don't call me AD ZAI! I am not only an ADC! Unexpectedly, I am also an assassin ZAI! Take the leader of the enemy in the chaos Level! Throw into death and then survive, fall into death and then live!!!”

"And more importantly, after this wave of team battles, we saw that ZAI has already installed Liushen!! This means that the OD output of the subsequent team battles will not lose to the opponent at all!"

While the commentary was so excited that it split in place, the game's 6-kill voice and subtitles floated over the canyon——


"OD ZAI has dominated the game!"

"Can you believe it? 10 minutes ago ZAI was KDA with 0 kills, and in the blink of an eye he already dominated the game! In 10 minutes, all six players were wiped out, and our young LPL youngster went to heaven!"

The commentary was roaring, and the barrage was blowing.

"6666666! 6666666! June 6666666th, look at Gu Xiu, I hit six or nine heads in spring! Infinite loop [-]!"

"The brother who just fought the big dragon without running away, please come out and perform an explosion on the spot!!!"

"The player ZAI really can't fall in love! Why do you always have to create this kind of crazy knife routine! Visually, there will be a lot of garbage in the passerby game to give away heads under the guise of learning fairy routines!"

"Why am I kneeling and watching the game! I really can't learn this kind of routine! Because first of all, you need a support like LongJing, and second, your ID needs to be called ZAI!"

With two waves of team battles, OD quickly raised a fat ZAI with leading equipment in the field, and finally had some hard capital in team battles besides gambling routines.But looking at the overall situation, OD's disadvantage in the early stage is too great. The equipment of the other three players except the bottom lane is far from enough, especially Ji Canghai's weakness is not enough for OD to win in team battles.

The situation of KW is also not optimistic. They know that if OD is dragged on, it will bring great changes. After everyone gathers the six gods, all the advantages they have gained in the early stage will be wiped out, and the outcome will be a wave of teams. war thing.So they eagerly rearranged their line of troops and pushed forward forcefully, even without the blessing of the big dragon, they had to go to the high ground.

After all, KW has rich experience in scheming and calculations. After suffering a loss from a routine, he was able to deal with it at that time. It will be difficult for Lu Yuanan to repeat the same tricks in the next battle.

This tug-of-war of ups and downs made people's blood pressure soar. OD went through tens of minutes of frustration and finally turned twice in 10 minutes.And then fell into a boundless retreat.

"OD has already won two wonderful team battles, KW regrouped and made a comeback, can OD defend the high ground defense tower!!!"

The Highland Tower in the middle of OD fell.

"KW is now adopting [-]-[-] split-push, planning to unplug the last two side defense towers of OD at the same time! Is there any chance! LongJing! DouJiu! Can Handsome find an opportunity to start a team!!!! Poseidon Is there a chance? Steal the back row!! ZAI! Can ZAI show up again!!"

The highland tower on the OD side road is completely destroyed.

"KW started attacking the last two front tooth towers in a group, if this wave can't hold it, it will be gone! OD! Can you hold it! OD!"

OD an incisor tower collapsed.

KW strives for victory in a steady manner, and retreats immediately after tasting the sweetness, and only waits for the replenishment to be in a perfect state before advancing.

Three groups of super soldiers approached the city, and the OD generals were busy clearing the soldiers and had no time to care about them.Seeing that KW is about to attack again and start the final decisive battle.

"This wave of OD must be guarded! Thousands of thousands of thousands must be guarded! Does OD have any new routines that can give us another wave of surprises!! I beg you, really, OD Brothers, please hold on!"

Seeing that the balance of victory is constantly tilting towards KW, the commentator is only short of the weight of the last straw to completely crush OD, and the commentator is so anxious that there is a faint cry in his voice.The ominous premonition and the sense of powerlessness on the sidelines shattered the confidence of all LPL audiences.

(End of this chapter)

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