Chapter 116 115.OD come on
The coldness lasted until the entrance of the stage, and then several staff responsible for each block appeared one after another. Everyone saw that the OD team members kept a safe distance in a very measured manner, and only silently shouted in a voice they could hear: "Come on!"

An Zai walked all the way, and heard "Come on" repeated many times. These two words were deeply engraved in her brain like the target words of hypnosis, and her mind was empty like sleepwalking. Only those two words were repeated in her heart—— -come on.

Her hands were not trembling like before, she adjusted the equipment calmly, entered the account number, carefully arranged the position of the water cup, everything was in order, even she herself believed that she had entered the world of dust.

At this moment, a huge banner was suddenly raised near the edge of the stage—the most stable way to advance is to destroy the group!


"come on!!"

The five players on the field followed the sound at the same time, and saw a row of high-spirited teenagers lined up, holding banners and shouting—all brothers from Q1, BOS, and DM!
It turned out that they had already come to the stage to wait, and cheered for OD at the place closest to them!

"come on!"

"Hold on!"

"The group is destroyed!"


Congee One, KILL, Mart, Mall, and PAI who didn't know when to rush over, all the LPL professional players who faced each other day and night turned into the strongest fan group at this time, jumping their feet, shaking their fists and roaring.The security personnel at the side were startled by the sudden crowd, and they subconsciously rushed to clear the venue, but they were winked by the security guard who reacted first.

The big cameraman obviously didn't expect that there would be such a group of gorgeous supporters in the audience, so he stumbled and ran over to capture the shots with the camera on his back. The enthusiasm of tens of thousands of spectators and overwhelming cheers came immediately.

The support team of professional players off the field was still taken away by the security personnel half-pushed, half-persuaded, and half-indulgently. As they evacuated, they kept turning their heads and continued to wave banners.

"Riding the wind and breaking the waves eventually has a time!!! OD! Don't be cowardly!!!"

A shrill female voice yelled through the audience, and Zong Zai led a group of OD fans to shout heart-piercingly in the auditorium.

An Zai felt a burst of electric current smashing straight into the body along the Tianling Gai, a tingling feeling flowed through the whole body along the blood, and a huge energy surged in the chest.

Xing Nan was the most insane, leaning half of his body from the seat to avoid the cover of the computer monitor, and punched the audience hard.

"That. Keke" Yang Ruo wanted to say something through the headset, but when he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was extremely hoarse: "Five seconds, take off the earphones, and listen to these voices!"

An then took off the earphones, her palms dripping with sweat.

"Fate is in our own hands. From now on, let's put aside all past achievements, history, and glory. Our resumes are not as beautiful as the other's, but what does that matter? At the beginning of the game, everyone's equipment bar is empty, There will be no equipment bonus just because they have achieved any rankings and defeated any opponents. Throw a lucky person into the sea, and he will also climb up with a fish in his mouth! Your strength is not inferior to anyone, keep your mind, we Can win!"

"Brother Yang is right! Look at us bringing you a big fish!" Li Bai couldn't help shaking his buttocks excitedly.

"In the last LCK game, KW was sent. Neither of us has any experience in fighting. I just want to say one thing. To be ourselves, we must break through ourselves. Play out the routines we have prepared! You need to judge the situation on the spot. Once you encounter Disadvantage, find a way to at least secure a C position."


"I won't say much else, just two words - hold on."

"Hold on!"

Yang Ruo didn't give too much advice, and after finishing the BAN&PICK, he stepped off the stage neatly, and the five children who left their parents immediately became independent fighters.

The hunting wind in the Summoner's Canyon came in gusts.The sound effects of the system remain the same, familiar scenes, and familiar heroes, but today's canyon is somehow desolate.

The audience shouted "Come on", the commentators said "Leave everything to our OD", the brothers and teams said "Win", grandma said "Be brave and firm", and Yang Ruo said "Steady your mind", every word of encouragement ignited An No matter how passionate they are, they have the belief in winning, the courage to face powerful enemies, and the will to fight.But the reality is not a coward, you can subdue it with a slap and gnash your teeth viciously, and offer your desire. The reality, this floating black and white impermanence, can't be beaten to death, and if you don't pay attention, it will drag you into the abyss of eternal doom .Reality always disappoints and despairs.

OD is experiencing reality.

It is OD's consistent style of play to be good at snowballing infinite advantages in the early stage until victory, but today he was slapped hard by KW.

KW obviously grasped the fate of OD——Ji Canghai, peeled off OD's flamboyant and coquettish shell, ignored An's jumping up and down, and KW aimed all their spearheads at their central nervous system Poseidon from the beginning of the game. Accurately found OD's brain and heart. Poseidon is the core command position of OD, and ZAI in the bottom lane can show off to his heart's content without any worries because Poseidon clears the way for him.

There will be a wave of second-level catches, another wave of fourth-level catches, and another wave of sixth-level catches. The purpose of KW is not only to kill and get the head to limit his development, but also to completely crush the motor of Poseidon to death on the line.Most importantly, they want to completely break his mentality.As long as Poseidon's sanity is affected, being abused will definitely affect his command judgment.What's more, he played out his hidden irritability and went forward to fight, completely losing his mind. Then the OD without a brain is just a machine with no electricity, and it will fall apart without their effort.

With another wave of double-teaming by Ueno and Ueno, Ji Canghai was killed on the spot again.

"Damn! It's gone again?"

An then heard the voice broadcast and knew that Ji Canghai had confessed again.

"Let Chacha go for a walk and help you stabilize."

Because the opponent's firepower is concentrated in the middle, Anzai's bottom lane is not disturbed, maintaining the advantage of pawn line and pressing knife.It's just that Ji Canghai's frequent sudden death made Li Bai dare not go too far against the wilderness, and his vision of the river was also pitch black. A series of chain reactions made An dare not push his troops too far forward to grind the tower.

"Don't worry about yourself!" Ji Canghai said coldly, and as soon as the words came out, he found that his emotions were a little impatient.Calmness has always been his strongest barrier. He thought he would be able to stabilize himself after being "taken care of" again and again today, but he suddenly realized that he was panicking after he beat An Zai.

(End of this chapter)

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