There are no women in esports, friends!

Chapter 114 113. The Attacking Xing Nan

Chapter 114 113. The Attacking Xing Nan

"I'm going to fuck him! Who will protect me?" Xing Nan didn't forget to report on the way to kill.What if, uh, what if I get off by playing. I still have a brother to keep me safe~~
However. No answer.



Xing Nan suddenly felt bleak.Don't blue collars have human rights?It's so easy to go to a show, so no attention, no camera, no support?
".Is there no one?"

"Looking for eyes!" The teleporting double Cs said in unison.Hearing that Lao Xing was going to fight, the two of them didn't pretend to be dead and didn't react, but turned over the map to find the teleportation spot at the same time.

"I'll go. You guys, continue." The little angel Pai's hands were faster than his mouth, and he killed him nearby.

Ji Canghai opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything.Xing Nan's fight came out of the blue, completely out of plan.According to Ji Canghai's commanding thinking, at this time, he with the teleportation should go to face HYDE, and the other four should push forward in groups. This is the best policy.But after finally getting the chance to face HYDE, Xing Nan was obviously not reconciled to avoiding the whole game and not fighting. The fear of the first top laner in his heart was real, and his disbelief was also real.

Among the dark horse ODs that stand out this year, there are too many eye-catching existences, such as ZAI who is coquettish, smart and compelling, Poseidon who has a clear mind and thorough strategy, Doujiu who is already popular and has a good foundation, and Inheritance who has attracted much attention. PAI, who took the auxiliary position of Longjing, and even the coach Yang Ruo, who is strategizing and exuding a sense of magic.No matter in terms of battlefield performance, topicality or appearance, Xing Nan is always the one that is most easily overlooked among ODs.But Xing Nan's big heart and never caring about these things doesn't mean he doesn't want to prove himself.Every team member who chooses a career has an original intention to kill the Quartet.

This is an opportunity for Xing Nan to show his confidence and become famous. Whether as a teammate or a friend, Ji Canghai doesn't want to stop him. Since his brother wants to fight, he will support him unconditionally.

The decision has been made, and the tactical layout must be rearranged.Ji Canghai kept operating with his hands, and his brain was running fast.

"If someone supports you, let's TP together!" This sentence was said to An Zai.

Since Xing Nan went there with the intention of a single kill, there must be a capital to fight, and there are PAIs rushing to support him on the way, so 1V1 is expected to be fine.I'm afraid that HYDE will also have support behind him. If he is double-teamed at that time, he will not be able to steal chickens and lose money.Ji Canghai's task is to judge the situation, predict danger and find countermeasures.Xing Nan wants to upgrade and fight monsters alone to fight the boss of HYDE, he has to do it himself with real knives and guns, Ji Canghai can't help him, all he can do is to ensure that his brother will not be plotted by others, of course, if he can do it by the way It would be more perfect to plot against the opponent
Over there, Xing Nan saw the right time and stepped forward decisively. HYDE saw that the other party took the lead in provoking a dispute, but he was also quite stubborn, and he handled it with ease and did not flinch. After all, HYDE is used to arrogance. In his eyes, the strength of the heroes on both sides is at most [-]-[-], and he has a manipulation bonus. Anti-killing an unknown LPL small top laner is like picking something out of a pocket.What's more, there are teammates who come behind him to flatter him, so he doesn't need to be afraid of heads-up or numbers.The absolute confidence in strength made HYDE ignore the rather unusual equipment in Xing Nan's equipment column.

"Oh! oh! oh!"

PAI is still running wildly on the road, and the angle of view has been cut to Xing Nan to watch the live broadcast of the kill, and his emotions are screaming with tension as the two sides fight.There are many kinds of wonderful duels, and An Zai's fancy and various operations can easily dazzle people.Xing Nan's operation is stable and solid, every movement is economical and affordable, and his fists are straight to the flesh. Even if HYDE's coquettish movements are precise, he can't avoid the iron slap every time.

The more HYDE fights, the more he feels something is wrong. The amount of damage done by the opponent and his ability to withstand injuries are completely unreasonable!At this time, it was too late to realize that it was too late, Xing Nan's fat slap had already fallen, and he slapped HYDE into a meat paste on the spot.


"Bull B! Lao Xing!"



Four cheers came out in unison.

Single kill HYDE achievement, GET!

"66666! Handsome! Handsome! Handsome! Handsome!"

"Handsome, an ID that can swipe barrage in front of the enemy's eyes"

"First order? I'm sorry, I can't rank in the LPL!"

This single kill also successfully rescued the commentator.

"So that's how it was! Our commentators thought about what he did with this piece of equipment for a long time, and now Handsome has given everyone the answer—that is, solo kills!"

"Yes, as we said just now, this equipment is actually not very cost-effective in other aspects, but we all overlooked that it is the nemesis of heroes like HYDE! I believe HYDE has come back to it now, no I will make trouble for Handsome again, because this piece of equipment was made to kill him!"

"This makes TLS very uncomfortable. Their tried-and-tested solo play is now at a bottleneck. If HYDE continues to solo, he will face the threat of Handsome. It is a question of whether you can play again in 1234, and OD Both Cs have teleports, and these two teleports can support order grabs at any time, if HYDE dares to lead the line, his survival is in jeopardy."

"Now OD throws the problem to TLS, let's see how they deal with it!"

Cheers and celebrations outside the arena analyzed the situation, but there was never a moment of leisure on the arena.

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming! Help me, save me, save me!"

Xing Nan didn't have time to taste the joy after the solo kill. Looking back, he saw the TLS jungler descending from the sky and directly killing him, preparing to attack Xing Nan, who was in poor condition after the battle.One moment on the battlefield is a butcher's knife, and the next moment is a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Seeing that Xing Nan was about to fall to the ground when his health bar was low, a PAI flew out of the sky and at the critical moment, he took a sip of healing and pulled Xing Nan back from the gate of hell.

TLS Nakano originally came to save HYDE, but at this moment, although it was too late, he was unwilling to leave. Facing the residual blood Xing Nan and the auxiliary PAI, he was heartbroken. Naturally, PAI has no fighting power, but he has an eye stone on his body. One eye is inserted into the ground and two TPs light up instantly.

At this time, Xing Nan didn't need to be afraid of death anymore, he stood up and said, "Where to run! Leave it to me!"

The double C fell to the ground, and corpses littered the field.

"Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon!"

A wave of battles with zero for three, TLS only has a road duo left, when will it be better not to take Baron at this time?

OD rushed into the dragon pit, three people in the middle and lower field fought the dragon, Xing Nan and PAI all around to help defend.

TLS frequently suffered losses but did not lose the background of a strong team. The bottom lane duo went deep alone, frantically testing on the edge of the dragon pit.Xing Nan and PAI wanted to drive each other away, but they didn't want to be shown by TLS AD.

"Damn! How did I die?!" Xing Nan almost smashed the keyboard.



"Old Xing is dead?"

"Hi~~ It seems that their AD can play output."

In the first half of the game, OD has been competing with HYDE, crazily suppressing his development, but invisibly giving AD a wave of excitement, keeping a low profile and silently developing, and now the equipment can support a good output.

Although OD lost the life of the top laner, he got the dragon anyway, and the next task is to advance steadily and kill AD.

The character of TLS AD's style of play can be regarded as unique.Aggressive and vicious ADs like ZAI and MART are considered one extreme, while TLS ADs are another extreme—steady, shrinking, dog.Never take a risk, never be aggressive, never put yourself in danger.Although this kind of caution seems cowardly, it really makes the opponent helpless.

After several confrontations, the strengths of TLS AD are all revealed. Sure enough, those who can sit firmly in the starting lineup in the fiercely competitive LCK must have their own advantages.

"It's so annoying, this person always hides so far away, and I can't touch him at all!" Li Bai tried several times but failed.

"Ah ~ Xiba!" This person can keep wandering outside the range of PAI stably, which shows his accuracy in calculating the distance of auxiliary skills.

The duration of the big dragon buff is only the last 40 seconds, and the continuous pull and temptation of the two sides made OD unable to push another tower for a long time.

The two sides were deadlocked in front of the Highland Tower.

"Look at me, look at me!" Xing Nan shouted suddenly.

Everyone in OD immediately shook their heads to be alert.

Xing Nan was standing outside the wall of the high ground, facing the TLS AD partition wall, and instantly stuck to the wall and flashed into the enemy's high ground to entangle the opponent's C position. When Xing Nan pressed the flashing moment, his PAI skills kept up and were successfully brought to the high ground. The two cooperated without any problems. Seamless connection without communication.

The stunned mouths and eyes of the crowd didn't have time to widen, Gao Di immediately flashed into the third figure - ZAI!

How can this kind of snake spirit disease and nerve knife operation be less ZAI?The moment Xing Nan sent the message, she understood Lao Xing's intentions, and jumped across the wall almost at the same time.If Xing Nan failed to cling to others, Xing Nan's PAI may still have the possibility of escape, but ZAI did not.But An Zai didn't hesitate, she believed in Xing Nan, Lao Xing was not a person who took risks casually, since he sent a signal, he would surely succeed.

In the blink of an eye, the flashes of the OD trio instantly melted the AD who was originally in a safe position.The rapidity of this turn of events caused TLS people to be completely unresponsive.

"Kill kill kill kill!"

"Mid lane, mid lane, mid lane!!"

"Hey! Assist assist assist assist!"

"HYDEHYDEHYDE!!! No flash, no flash, no flash! Chasing him to death, chasing him to death, he can kill, kill, kill!!"

"Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata! Push ah ah ah ah!"

"Waves, waves, waves!!! NICE! Waves!!!"


"Get points, get points!"

"Xing Nan Niu B!!!"

The voice in the OD team is unprecedentedly lively.With a strong enemy at hand and heavy responsibilities on their shoulders, they withstood all the pressure and finally took a point against the incomparably powerful TLS!
The moment the base collapsed, An Zai felt relieved, and finally defended this level!The back that had always been straight seemed to have suddenly let go of all the strength and softened into a ball, and then straightened instantly with the raised fists, and the whole portrait and the spring bounced with the loosening.

"Beautiful! OD didn't let us down! They proved their strength with their actions! Once again they overthrew a strong enemy! This is the spirit of our young LPL team, no matter who you are! My OD nuclear bomb team is not Fear! Boom flat! Blast!"

"Oh! What kind of fairy team battle was that last wave! The top laner flashed into the high ground and brought the support into it at the same time. The most surprising thing is that the AD also flashed into the opponent's high ground to kill! This style of play is completely unreasonable I heard that you can hide and run, so I'll break into your house and pull you up from the bed to beat you, don't you be afraid!!!"

The commentary on the strong and domineering style of play and the audience are full of enthusiasm. OD has brought the unexpected style of play to the extreme.The five of them were out of breath as if they had just finished the [-]-meter sprint, and walked to the arena with victorious momentum, listening to the deafening cheers as if they were standing in the center of the storm.

LPL VS LCK——1:1.

The OD players who walked off the field were full of vigor, thousands of people cheered on the stage, and the staff applauded at the entrance of the stage.Two streaks of yellow light rushed over from a distance, screaming and rushing towards them.

"You brats!" Yang Ruo grinned to the back of his head. He never smiled like this when he won the game: "Beautiful job! Beautiful!" As he spoke, he raised his hand and rubbed everyone's heads.

On the side, Jian Hao wiped his tears frequently with a tissue, whimpering and moaning: "I'm scared to death! This heart is in my throat! Good job! Good job!"

If it is said that the happiest person in this victory is Xing Nan, the single kill in the whole game and the key team start at the end are enough to enter the highlights of the Intercontinental Tournament.OD Handsome, who has been unknown and unremarkable, became famous in one battle.

The English stream commentary posted a series of exclamation points and exclamations on Facebook to express his excitement.

"WOW!!! Handsome!!! Amazing!!!!!! OD!!!!"

"No matter who is today's champion, OD is undoubtedly the most eye-catching team in this intercontinental competition! What is commendable is that each of their players has a treasure!"

"Sorry, OD turns out not only AD is a lunatic, each of them is too bold! Is it true that the last wave of team battles collectively flashed over the wall to start a team?"

It was the first time that Xing Nan raised his eyebrows and asked for the hat of the bastard, and was surrounded by everyone and enjoyed a lot of rainbow farts.

The flow of people who came to congratulate finally dispersed, leaving only OD's own people in the lounge.Xing Nan smiled and rubbed his big hands and arched Ji Canghai: "Xiao Ji! Thank you!"

Ji Canghai's body swayed with Xing Nan's impact, and he raised his handsome chin with a bewildered expression: "What?"

"Create me a single kill opportunity!"

"Solo killing with ability, what's my business?" Ji Canghai shrugged his shoulders ungratefully.

Xing Nan knows that this person has a sad face and a soft heart, and he can't deal with affection and affection, but Xing Nan has a steelyard in his heart. The worth of a professional player is earned by him one game at a time. Every victory and every wonderful operation They are all gold-plated chips for themselves.He has been unknown for a long time, and today's performance would not be so smooth without the support of his teammates.

"Thank me! Thank me! My mother!" PAI hopped over to ask for praise and praise.

"Yes, yes, yes! Thankfully, you are the key one! Let me ask you to have JI milk from now on!" Xing Nan smiled wretchedly.

"Have~JI~milk~?? What do you mean?" PAI frowned and tried hard to decode.

"Hey hey hey hey, I praise you!"

The atmosphere in the OD training room is relaxed.No matter what the result is, they have already done what they can, and the rest will be handed over to the brothers in other teams.

In the third game, the LPL Q1 team and the LCK KW team played against each other.

Another head-to-head duel.The OD who walked off the stage and Q1 who walked on the stage met in the background, and everyone looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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