Chapter 212 Husband Don't Go!
"Everyone, I'm just passing by and have nothing to do with this woman."

Mo Xiaoxun smiled and said to the person blocking the way, trying to break Si Moyu's arm around his waist with both hands, but Si Moyu stuck to his body like a plaster, no matter what Don't let go.

"Husband, how could you treat me like this! You were the one who said you were going to destroy the Black Pavilion!" Si Moyu pretended to be about to cry, and said tremblingly with a crying voice.

Sure enough, when the former leader of the Black Pavilion heard what she said, he immediately transferred all the anger that was sprinkled on Si Moyu to Mo Xiaoxun, and the anger that shot out of his eyes almost pierced him.

Mo Xiaoxun didn't expect that such a black-bellied person would be tricked by Si Moyu this time!And was dragged into the muddy water like this!
"My lady, let's talk about this matter in the future." Mo Xiaoxun slowed his head, his words were extremely gentle, and he looked at Si Moyu with a smile on his face.

Si Moyu raised his head and saw Mo Xiaoxun's black eyes suddenly revealing a fierce aura as cold as ice and snow, and he shuddered.

After this incident, how could I still stay here and wait for you to have a good "talk"? !The White Tiger Jade Seal has also been obtained, so of course he slipped away!
"Perhaps if you kill both of you, there will be no leader at the end of the night, right?" The former leader of the Hei Pavilion drew out the long knife from his waist and gestured towards the two of them.

Then those people standing at the door also took out their weapons and forced Si Moyu and Mo Xiaoxun to the window.

"Hey, didn't you bring some guards with you when you came out?!" Si Moyu looked at the people surrounding him, the room that was originally quite small suddenly seemed overcrowded, and there were still many people outside the door!

"Of course not, I'm traveling in a micro-service."

This number is at least dozens of people, although Mo Xiaoxun and Si Moyu's martial arts are not low, but Mo Xiaoxun is the White Tiger Prince no matter what, if something happens here, people will of course have a great evaluation of him reduce!

Si Moyu didn't plan to make a big fight here, as long as the leader can be killed, then as the leader said just now, the dragons have no leader, and panic will disperse.

Si Moyu leaned close to Mo Xiaoxun's ear and whispered a few words, Mo Xiaoxun frowned and thought about it, then nodded.

"Get ready to escape." Mo Xiaoxun whispered to Si Moyu.

Si Moyu nodded silently, counting down to three in her heart, she quickly turned around and opened the window, while Mo Xiaoxun kicked the table in front of her, and the teapots and cups on the table also flew towards the people who surrounded her. Splash away.

Accompanied by a clear cracking sound and the bang of the wooden table, Mo Xiaoxun dragged Si Moyu and jumped out of the window!

The leader of the black pavilion saw that they had fled, but his subordinates were blocked there, cursed a trash, and jumped out of the window after the two of them.

Mo Xiaoxun glanced back, and sure enough, as Si Moyu expected, the leader was the only one catching up, and his subordinates were not skilled in martial arts, so to be honest, they just came here to make up the numbers.

Si Moyu had expected that the killer organization that Bai He was in charge of was not that powerful. Although the few people Bai He brought back were strong and strong, they had no real materials.

And those masked men who sneaked in were probably the most important killers in his killer organization, and after their death, the killer organization was hit hard.

(End of this chapter)

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