Chapter 163 The King of the Forest
Ah Qing, who was still out of the situation, suddenly picked up her speed for some reason, but when she heard him say this, she tensed up immediately, and she didn't even dare to turn her head.

At this time, the sounds of insects from the surrounding area fell silent, and only the sound of their footsteps and the sound of something passing through the bushes behind them could be heard.

"It seems that this guy is very big. We have no chance of winning in a head-to-head encounter." Yan Wuhuo said in a low voice.

"I'll count to three and run forward as fast as I can." Si Moyu thought for a while and decided to run away first.Now I don't know the attack level of the thing behind me. If I can't beat it and get injured, the consequences will be nothing good!
"One... two... three! Run!!" As soon as the words fell, the four of them rushed forward at the fastest speed in their lives!And the thing following behind also jumped out of the bushes, and with a loud roar, it shook the entire forest and also reached the ears of the fleeing people.

Ah Qing glanced back, her eyes widened and she accelerated her escape.

"Old... tiger... no, no, it's not just a big white tiger!"

Just behind them was a huge white tiger, covered in white, with two sharp teeth protruding from its mouth.If one of its claws falls, it can crush an ordinary person to death.

"White tiger?!" Yan Wuhuo yelled out in shock, and immediately panicked, "It is the king of this secluded forest, no wonder I didn't see a single beast just now!!"

"What kind of shit luck will meet it!!!" Si Moyu turned back while running, and saw that extremely big white tiger leaped, and its bloody mouth was about to come behind them.

At this time, the handsome men and beautiful women don't want to run desperately. There are so many trees on both sides that they can't use martial arts at all, and the sticks and bushes are all hanging on their bodies. Suddenly, the four young people with fluttering clothes have become Ragged beggars in general.

"What should I do?!" Ah Qing yelled at the others while screaming.

"Ah Qing! Use the sleeve arrow!" Si Moyu suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted at Ah Qing.

The Xiujian was found in the weapon shop of Xuanwu Kingdom a long time ago, and it is very powerful, so Ah Qing has not used it much until now.

Ah Qing immediately realized that she was glad that she brought the sleeve arrow just in case, she turned around while running to reveal the weapon strapped to her arm, squinted her eyes and aimed at the white tiger's heart, and fired!

With a whoosh, the sleeve arrow passed through layers of barriers, and instantly shot into the lower part of the white tiger's neck, but did not threaten its fatal spot.

Baihu felt a pain in his neck, and immediately let out a roar, opened his mouth wide and rushed towards them again.

Missed!Si Moyu frowned, looked around and thought of a solution.The Xiujian can only hold two arrows at a time, and now that one is used, there is only one left, so this one must find a way to kill it!
"Turn the corner and run back! Lead it to the bottom of the cliff just now!" Si Moyu watched the white tiger for a long time, then suddenly shouted at the others.

Because the white tiger is huge, it is extremely inconvenient for it to move in this dense forest, and they are much smaller than it, so they can move more freely here than the white tiger.So after running for so long, it failed to catch up with them.

(End of this chapter)

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