Chapter 999 The Situation of City A

Chapter 730 Condition of City A

Gong Yuechen is smart enough, he can know many things without Bai Lingxi saying, such as the words Bai Lingxi said before falling asleep, this time she will fall asleep for a long time.

Why did Bai Lingxi say that? It means that Bai Lingxi knows her physical condition.

Thinking of the treated wounds on his body, Gong Yuechen's heart ached.

Gong Yuechen hugged Bai Lingxi and comforted him like this. After a while, Bai Lingxi calmed down again, but she didn't wake up.

Seeing that Bai Lingxi was stable, Gong Yuechen put Bai Lingxi back on his coat and fell asleep.

Xi'er said that she was going to fall into a coma for a long time.

They have no food and can't go out here, no matter how they look at it, it is a dead end.

But Gong Yuechen is not in despair, as long as he is alive, there will definitely be hope.

He looked at their food, but picked up the half-eaten fruit on the ground that Bai Lingxi had eaten, washed it and ate it.

Gong Yuechen didn't know that Bai Lingxi fed him the half-eaten fruit.

Gong Yuechen ate the fruit, and then washed some dirty places on his body.

He didn't do anything else but rest, his current body needs rest just like Bai Lingxi.

Gong Yuechen lay back beside Bai Lingxi, stretched out his arms to hug Bai Lingxi, lay down quietly, recovering his strength.

The night came, and the night in this cave seemed very long. Gong Yuechen woke up twice in the middle of the night, and only touched Bai Lingxi's face when he woke up, to confirm that Bai Lingxi was still alive, and then continued to sleep.

Both of them looked like they hadn't slept in eight lifetimes, as if they were about to fall asleep all of a sudden.

At this time in City A, the Third Army arrived, as did Gong Yuechen's private forces integrated by Feng Yu, and those threatened big bosses also arrived with their large troops.

The special bloodline blocked City A, and they surrounded City A with the special bloodline.

Such a powerful plastic surgery can almost start a large-scale war.

Feng Yu didn't immediately choose to attack, but started to contact Lang Shang. He didn't underestimate the enemy just because his side was so powerful.

After the earthquake, Feng Yu and Lang Shang's people have been in contact.

At this time, through special channels, they finally got in touch. When he found Lang Shang through Lang's family, Feng Yu was shocked.

Because Lang Shang was rescuing him at this time, it had been a whole day and night, and he was still not out of danger.

The people they went to rescue told Feng Yu the scene of the corpses all over the ground, but no one was alive.

They don't know what's going on now, the people who saw it with their own eyes, except Lang Shanggong Yuechen and the others, all died.

"Quick, get out of the way, we found Angkor, he is still alive."

There were exclamations outside the door, Feng Yu watched silently, and Lang's family went up to him excitedly, and started to rescue him again.

Xiao Wu didn't die, he was controlled at that time, and then the knife missed a bit, he struggled to tell Lang Shang to run away, and then passed out.

At this time, several doctors quickly stabilized Xiao Wu's injury, and he woke up from the coma.

Feng Yu asked seriously, "What's the situation now?"

Many people surrounded Xiao Wu.

It's been a day and night, after the scene of corpses all over the ground, the whole city of A fell into silence.

Lang Shang couldn't sit in the township, and a few capable subordinates of the Lang family informed the entire city of A to be silent, because ordinary people's resistance would only cause more murders.

As for Lang Shang's strength in City A, let's not talk about whether he can deal with these women, but Lang Shang hasn't woken up, and their hearts are a little scattered.

"They were looking for someone like crazy in City A. Ms. Bai should have escaped, but they didn't find them. They are very unscrupulous. If anyone resists, they will be killed directly. No one dares to resist. The entire City A is shrouded in oppression." Xiao Wu is weak. the way.

"Does anyone know where the general and madam are fleeing?" Feng Yu asked the most critical question.

Xiao Wu shook his head.

Someone from the Lang family answered, "We have been searching secretly since we got the news last night, hoping to find them before them, but we have never found anyone. We searched almost the entire city A. They should have finally appeared in the foggy forest."

Feng Yu listened seriously, and he was relieved when he heard that the person had not been found. No news, no news, this is good news.

For nearly 24 hours, with so many special bloodlines chasing after them, no news of the admiral's death was heard, which is the best news.

Feng Yu looked at Lang's family and said, "You know City A best, and now I have brought enough strength to come here, and I need your cooperation. It is best to wipe out all these special bloodlines."

The Lang family nodded. Their patriarch was alive or dead, and their city A was in a mess overnight. How could they not take revenge.

The entire city of A is on the verge of breaking out.

Fu Ning wiped away tears and stood by Lang Shang's side.

Gong Yuechen and Bai Lingxi were sleeping in the cave.

Most of the people from the third army were shocked when they heard the news. No matter how strong and calm people are, they will be surprised when they know that their enemies are thousands of special blood.

But no one flinched. Their previous training and the iron blood of the third army created their spirit of never giving up.

Feng Yu told Zhang Yu first, and Zhang Yu decided to integrate the troops without any hesitation.

Feng Yu tried the six commanders of the Third Army one by one, and everyone's reactions seemed normal, even though the second child had a gloomy face, he decided to attack without hesitation.

This was beyond Feng Yu's expectation.

This was only what Feng Yu saw on the surface, he was not sure what the six leaders really thought.

Because the third army has an inner ghost, and was able to let Sansheng and Yaya go under his nose, Feng Yu thought that these regiment leaders, or the confidantes of these regiment leaders, could do it, so he Intentional or unintentional temptation.

At this moment, Gong Yuechen's safety was at stake, Feng Yu didn't believe anyone.

So when he integrated the third army, when he integrated the manpower of all parties, there was a faint sense of mutual checks and balances.

At this time, the arrangement is almost done, and there is no need to delay. The general has no news yet, and if there is a second delay, the danger will increase for the general.

They can't wait until dawn, although the night is very beneficial for special bloodlines.

The result of Feng Yu's discussion is to gradually break through bit by bit, because these special bloodlines are scattered, and they are looking for Bai Lingxi.

There are many people with special bloodlines, more than [-] people came, but they have more people, integrating the combat power of more than [-] people.

At this time, they didn't know that the danger was coming.

In a certain area, several powerful special bloodlines were ambushed, then knocked out and captured.

In a certain area, there are thirty or fifty special bloodlines, facing hundreds of warriors, even if they are confused, facing the absolute crush of the number of people, they can only exhaust the power of the bloodlines.

Feng Yu led the team himself, and he led the people from Gong Yuechen, people he absolutely trusted.

He has Min Xian'er in his heart, and he actually has good intentions for the special bloodline, but at this time, every time Feng Yu and the others meet each other, they choose to kill them directly.

Even though he had good intentions, the phone call made by Gong Yuechen while fleeing yesterday represented a killer attitude.

Zhang Yu's emotions are very complicated now, the other regiment leaders didn't notice anything wrong, they are vigilantly arranging all kinds of siege.

But Zhang Yu is really smart, Gong Yuechen has recognized Zhang Yu's smartness, how can Zhang Yu not think of things that Feng Yu can think of.

The third army has an inner ghost, and he can't accept the news.

He was sure that the six brothers would not betray, but who and who did this kind of thing, if something happened to the admiral and his wife this time.

Zhang Yu didn't dare to think about it this way.

The special bloodlines are powerful, even if they are scattered, after several attacks in succession, some powerful people feel the danger.

But they still gritted their teeth and did not retreat, and continued to search, and they dared not disobey the death order issued by their superiors to catch Bai Lingxi.

If so many people fail to bring Bai Lingxi back, what kind of punishment awaits them?

They knew this, so even if there was danger coming, they did not retreat.

Until there was a scream in the night sky of City A.

Screaming is not generally used to describe humans.

It is generally used to describe animals with strong sound penetration, such as the crowing of an eagle.

But at this time, everyone heard such a scream, and believed that the sound was made by one person.

After the scream, like a signal, the originally strong special blood of the entire city A began to retreat.

"Stop them, they want to escape." Feng Yu shouted loudly, many of them were aware of this.

(End of this chapter)

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