Chapter 940

Chapter 270

Gong Yuechen comforted him calmly, "Don't worry, I'll let someone see what's going on right now."

After Gong Yuechen finished speaking, Xu Fan had already started to move, so he quickly arranged for people to start inquiring.

This kind of waiting made Bai Lingxi a little restless, she unconsciously rubbed her fingers and looked outside.

Gong Yuechen wanted to touch Bai Lingxi's head to appease her anxiety.

He raised his hand, but found nothing.

Gong Yuechen froze, and stiffly withdrew his hand, clenched his fist, and put it behind him.

"I can't find Lang Shang!"

"No news!"

"Vehicles have no entry and exit records!"

The one-by-one replies made Bai Lingxi even more nervous.

"Major General, I found out. According to our undercover investigation in Lang's house, Lang Shang is now in the Lang's mansion. For some reason, Lang Yi seems to really want to attack Lang Shang."

Where is Lang's mansion? It's Lang Yi's lair!
The underworld leader, Lang Yi's home!
So what if you know the place, where is it so easy to enter, Xu Fan knows that the major general attaches great importance to Bai Lingxi, he is a little worried that the major general will send people to attack the Lang family mansion irrationally.

I couldn't help but say a few words, "Major General, you don't just go to the Lang family, it's very dangerous."

Gong Yuechen didn't express his opinion, because he was waiting for Bai Lingxi's reaction.

Bai Lingxi's eyes were a little apologetic, she is not an ignorant person, she also knows how dangerous the Lang family is, but there is no way, Lang Shang is in danger, she has to save him!
She couldn't just watch Lang Shang have an accident.

Gong Yuechen understood what Bai Lingxi meant, and waved to Xu Fan, "Get ready and visit Lang Yi at the Lang's mansion."

Xu Fan's pupils shrank, and he knew it would be like this. Every time the major general encounters Miss Bai, he always forgets himself.

But at this time, it can only be executed!

He felt that the major general was really crazy.

To put it bluntly, Lang Shang is Lang Yi's only son!Lang Yi is not a fool, how could he be detrimental to his only son.

They went deep into the enemy's camp for the sake of the enemy's son.

No matter how you look at it, it is an unreliable thing!
Once entering the Lang family mansion, all the insiders arranged some time ago will definitely be exposed.

In order to save such a person, no matter how you look at it, it is not worth it!
No matter what Xu Fan thinks, everyone has to carry out Gong Yuechen's order.

Bai Lingxi looked at Gong Yuechen gratefully, she knew that Lang Shang was not likable, and that even Gong Yuechen didn't like him very much.

But for her sake, Gong Yuechen is willing to help.

"Can you figure out what's going on? Why did Lang Yi attack Lang Shang?" Bai Lingxi asked suspiciously.

It is said that the poison of a tiger does not eat its children, so how could someone be cruel to attack his own son, let alone Lang Shang is Lang Yi's only son.

In the world that Bai Lingxi knew, not everyone was estranged like Gu Yuan and Zhang Yinlian.

Gong Yuechen shook his head, but couldn't figure out why!
No matter how he inquired, it was Lang Yi who attached great importance to Lang Shang, and even handed over part of the power in his hands to Lang Shang, so how could he kill him.

Gong Yuechen had some doubts, this was a game, a game aimed at him through Bai Lingxi.

But Bai Lingxi is so nervous, Gong Yuechen naturally won't say it clearly, even if it's a game, he has to make a breakthrough, but his eyes...

After a while Xu Fan came forward to report, "The major general is ready, shall we go now?"

Xu Fan secretly glanced at Bai Lingxi with a complicated expression, with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Gong Yuechen nodded, "Let's go now."

Bai Lingxi asked in a daze, "How do I go, just break in like this? Didn't I hear that it is not easy to enter the Lang family's mansion."

Gong Yuechen held Bai Lingxi's hand tightly and comforted him, "Don't be nervous, I'll take you in. Today we're just looking for someone, not to destroy the Lang family. Lang Yi won't fight me to death if he thinks about it."

Gong Yuechen's reassurance didn't help, Bai Lingxi was inexplicably flustered, as if something was going to happen.

But thinking of Lang Shang, Bai Lingxi had to go again.

This boy is her younger brother, and he has been giving wholeheartedly for her. She said she would treat him well.

She must be nice to him!

Gong Yuechen led Bai Lingxi into the car, and headed towards the mansion of Lang's family.

Didn't sneak in, just go aboveboard.

Major General Gong visited Patriarch Lang!

This is a big deal.

But if this is not the case, without full preparation, even Gong Yuechen cannot guarantee that he can break through the Lang family mansion smoothly.

It's not been a day or two since Gong Yuechen and Lang Yi fought. Although Gong Yuechen was slightly better, he still couldn't pull out the Lang family!

At this time, the only way to do this is to visit Patriarch Lang on the surface and find someone secretly.

Brightly repair the plank road and darken Chencang.

"Xi'er, later I will directly visit Patriarch Lang to hold him back. If you follow Feng Yu, someone inside will find a way to lead you to find someone to protect yourself!" Gong Yuechen solemnly confessed.

Gong Yuechen did not persuade Bai Lingxi not to go, because he knew that considering Bai Lingxi's character, it would be unrealistic for her not to go.

If Bai Lingxi was not allowed to go in person, she would not be able to feel at ease.

Bai Lingxi nodded. She, who was in a panic at this moment, had calmed down, with a serious and indifferent expression.

Lang's mansion, if Lang Yi really wants to kill Lang Shang, she will not be soft.

Bai Lingxi frowned slightly, thinking of Lang Shang's attitude towards life.That kind of attitude that life is meaningless, but death is liberating.

Bai Lingxi was a little annoyed, she felt that she should have discovered this problem earlier.

She always felt that there was something weird between Lang Shang and the Lang family, but she just didn't know what was wrong, she was really careless.

I don't care enough about Ah Shang.

The car arrived at the Lang's mansion very quickly, presumably the owner of the Lang family had been notified before arriving, the Lang's mansion looked heavily guarded, but the door was open!

Gong Yuechen got off the car, Bai Lingxi followed Xu Fan, and stood behind Gong Yuechen with his head slightly lowered.

"A rare guest, a rare guest! Major General Gong is here to make Lang's house flourish!" Lang Yi, the head of the Lang family, greeted him with a smile.

Bai Lingxi secretly looked at this person, Lang Yi, the head of the Lang family, with a rather elegant face, looked like a delicate scholar.

He spoke softly, but those seemingly gentle peach eyes carried a bloodthirsty murderous aura soaked in blood.

Bai Lingxi looked at Lang Yi from the corner of his eye, and it could be seen from his face that Lang Shang was six points similar to Lang Yi in appearance.

At first glance, there is a close blood relationship, but this Lang Yi seems to have a kind of pretended gentleness, while Lang Shang is exposed and vicious.

"It's nothing serious, come to Patriarch Lang to talk about the past!" Gong Yuechen said indifferently.

As he spoke, Lang Yi laughed a few times, and made a please gesture to Gong Yuechen, "Please!"

You can't just enter the hall of Lang's house casually!

(End of this chapter)

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