Chapter 758 The Studio
Chapter 830: The Studio
Yes, two days have passed, and it is too late to regret at this time.

The five mermaid fighters back then couldn't be easily solved.

This incident directly caused Bai Lingxi's disappearance, and those angers could only be healed with blood.

This turbulent development quickly ended.

Gong Yuechen's shot was a fierce lore, and he looked a little scary like this.

But while terrifying, it also completely convinced the Third Army.

Recently, Gong Yuechen took all the tasks himself, probably because he didn't want to stop, and was afraid that he would think of Bai Lingxi.

This also allowed the members of the third army to fully experience Gong Yuechen's methods. They had never seen a person as powerful as Gong Yuechen, whether it was combat ability or everything else.

The most perfect person the Third Army has ever seen is Zhang Yu.

But compared with Gong Yuechen, Zhang Yu should be a prime minister, but Gong Yuechen is the emperor who controls the world.

They are convinced that the Third Army can have such a leadership.

But the current Gong Yuechen is scary.

Today, Gong Yuechen didn't go out, because today is Bai Lingxi's birthday, today is an auspicious day, he doesn't want to kill people, he doesn't want to see blood.

Gong Yuechen locked himself in the room and didn't come out all day.

The others didn't know what he was doing and didn't dare to bother him, but everyone was worried.

Gong Yuechen was in the room, holding a little rabbit in his hand. This was the little rabbit he gave to Bai Lingxi on his 19th birthday. From that day on, his Xi'er suddenly changed and began to get close to her. him.

This little rabbit, Bai Lingxi, cherishes it very much. So many things happened, even City A was hit by an earthquake, and those old things were destroyed long ago, but this little rabbit, Bai Lingxi, put it away ahead of time, and has always cherished it very much.

Probably because Bai Lingxi often hugged and played with it, the little rabbit was getting old, so Gong Yuechen just held the little rabbit and sat there blankly for a whole day without eating or drinking.

Until the night was over and the sky was dimly lit, Gong Yuechen took a deep breath and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His expression didn't change, he raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then walked out of the room.

Xi'er, happy birthday!

San Sheng left.

Obviously there is already a stable place to stay, and he has successfully integrated into the lives of ordinary people, but Bai Lingxi disappeared, and Sansheng resolutely left.

She wants to go back to that organization.

Yes, without any hesitation, she tried every means to return to the place she escaped from.

She wants to go back to see if Bai Lingxi is there, she wants to go back to see what these people will do to her if they catch Bai Lingxi, she wants to go back to see Bai Lingxi and the child in her belly.

The human world has never belonged to her San Sheng, but her San Sheng belongs to Bai Lingxi!

Bai Lingxi said that she can follow her, but now Bai Lingxi is missing.

She doesn't belong anymore.

The organization of the Mermaid Bloodline has been changed long ago, and San Sheng was running around, asking around.

There is no Gong Yuechen behind her, she is alone without any threat, she does not hide her identity at all, the mermaid blood hates her betrayal, knowing it is her, she will definitely appear.

After searching many places, Sansheng was finally taken away quietly by the people sent by the mermaid bloodline.


After Bai Lingxi spoke, Lang Shang ran away as if stimulated.

Bai Lingxi wanted to contact Gong Yuechen, but looked at the room, there was no phone in the room, and there was no contact with anything outside.

She wanted to ask how Gong Yuechen was doing, Bai Lingxi thought that something had happened to Gong Yuechen, otherwise it would be impossible to let her be pregnant and stay outside.

There was no communication equipment in the room. Bai Lingxi walked to the door and checked the situation downstairs. She did not rush downstairs.

She still remembered that her current situation should not be disclosed, and no one with mermaid blood could know that she was pregnant.

Before she figured out what was going on, she decided to wait for Lang Shang to come back and say that she just wanted to make a phone call to make sure Gong Yuechen was safe.

She remembered that there was a study over there with computers.

Even if you don't have a mobile phone, it's the same if you have a computer, anyway, let Gong Yuechen know first.

Bai Lingxi walked towards the study. The third floor was very quiet. After Lang Shang left, she was the only one.

She turned on the computer, and luckily, the computer had internet access.

After thinking about it, Bai Lingxi decided to send Gong Yuechen an email.

This is Gong Yuechen's private mailbox. Others don't know about it. It is exclusive to Bai Lingxi. A few years ago, when Gong Yuechen taught Bai Lingxi to use the mailbox, he applied for it. Only Bai Lingxi knew about it.

There is an email in this mailbox, so Gong Yuechen knew it was her.

"Gong Yuechen, where are you? Did something happen to you? Are you okay? I'm at Langshang's place in City A, come and pick me up!"

With such a simple sentence, Bai Lingxi sent an email and then turned off the computer.

Now that she is pregnant with a child, she doesn't know what the bloodlines of those mermaids are, so it's better not to act rashly, Bai Lingxi plans to obediently wait for Gong Yuechen to pick her up.

But how did Bai Lingxi know that it was impossible to send this email.

No one else can use Lang Shang's computer without his permission, even if it's just to send an email.

The current city A is so tightly guarded, let alone the Lang family mansion.

Bai Lingxi returned to the room after sending the email. After waiting for a long time, Lang Shang still did not come back.

She was a little anxious, and walked out of the room again, looking around at the stairs, but she still didn't go downstairs, she was worried that it would be unsafe for others to find out that she went downstairs with such a big belly.

Lang Shang didn't come back after waiting for a long time, and finally couldn't sit still, and began to look in other rooms on the third floor to see if there was a phone. In such a big villa, there is no landline.

I searched all the rooms, but still nothing.

Bai Lingxi glanced at the room with the closed door, it was the only room on the third floor, she didn't go in.

Bai Lingxi walked directly towards the tightly closed room, stretched out her hand and twisted it lightly, the door was locked and did not open.

After thinking about it, she went to the study to get a paper clip, straightened it, and gently pried it against the keyhole.

After a while, with a click, the door lock opened, and Bai Lingxi walked in.

The room was very dark, Bai Lingxi fumbled on the wall to turn on the light.

Then she was dumbfounded.

Obviously, this is a studio.

All kinds of paintings, paintings of various scenes, but without exception, the characters inside are all the same person!

Bai Lingxi was shocked. When she walked in, the studio was cleaned very clean without any dust. Under the bright light, each and every portrait was lifelike, as if you could clearly see the emotions between the eyebrows and eyes of the characters in the portraits.

Bai Lingxi took a deep breath, and the studio was filled with paintings of her!

(End of this chapter)

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