Chapter 664 Injured Leg

Chapter 730: Injured Leg

Gong Yuechen continued to run forward with Bai Lingxi on his back, she didn't ask where Gong Yuechen was taking her, nor when they were going to escape.

Bai Lingxi was very tired, really sleepy, but she wasn't falling asleep.

No matter how Gong Yuechen tried to persuade her, she still did not close her eyes.

She didn't know why she was able to persevere, because the drowsiness of the exhausted blood power was originally impossible to persevere, she smelled the faint smell of blood in the air, it was the blood on Gong Yuechen's body.

The further they walked into the foggy forest, the thicker the fog became. Bai Lingxi thought to himself, anyway, he couldn't see it in the dark night, so it didn't matter if there was fog or not.

Gong Yuechen fell down again and again, and got up again and again.

Bai Lingxi didn't ask such silly things as whether it hurts or not, but just hugged Gong Yuechen's neck tightly every time he fell down.

No matter whether there is gravel or thorns in front of him, he can only fall down with Gong Yuechen.

"Brother Chen, let me sing you a song."

"it is good."

夜 半 三 哟盼 天明
寒冬 腊月 哟盼 春风
If you wish, the Red Army will come and spread all over the mountain, azalea

若要 盼 得 红军 来
岭 上 开遍 哟映山 红

岭 上 开遍 哟映山 红

岭 上 开遍 哟映山 红

夜 半 三 哟盼 天明
寒冬 腊月 哟盼 春风
Bai Lingxi's weak and melodious voice resounded in the foggy forest. She didn't look forward to the spring breeze or the Red Army, she looked forward to the dawn.

Because after dawn, Gong Yuechen can see the road under his feet clearly, and after dawn, Gong Yuechen can stop falling.

Bai Lingxi is not afraid of pain, but she is afraid of Gong Yuechen's pain.

These women seemed tireless, catching up to them time and time again, stopping them.

Bai Lingxi was furious in her heart, these women were like locusts, they could never be shaken off, they would never be extinct.

Bai Lingxi couldn't do anything except leaning obediently against Gong Yuechen.

Gong Yuechen once thought that there must be many animals in the foggy forest. If Bai Lingxi could communicate with these animals, could he help them intercept them through these animals.

But seeing Bai Lingxi's weakness after waking up, Gong Yuechen no longer thought so.

Facing the displeased Yaya, Bai Lingxi didn't even use her blood power, and Gong Yuechen didn't think so anymore.

There was something wrong with Xi'er's body, and Xi'er didn't say anything, but he knew about it.

At this critical moment, Bai Lingxi's body had problems.

Gong Yuechen didn't regret that Bai Lingxi lost the chain at such a critical moment, he became more and more worried because he didn't know what the problem was.

Bai Lingxi lay on Gong Yuechen's back, and as Gong Yuechen ran, he seemed more and more powerless.

Gong Yuechen decided not to let Bai Lingxi sleep anymore. Bai Lingxi like this was too weak, so weak that he was a little scared, afraid that after Bai Lingxi fell asleep like this, he would never wake up again.

"Xi'er, did you forget to feed potatoes yesterday?" Gong Yuechen began to find something to say.

"Uncle Zhang will help feed it." Bai Lingxi froze for a moment, but still answered obediently.

"Xi'er, I observed Team 120, and they actually like you quite a lot."

"They don't like me, and I don't like them either."

After every 2 minutes of pause, Gong Yuechen would ask something, and then listen to Bai Lingxi's answer. After Bai Lingxi answered, Gong Yuechen could feel at peace.

2 minutes, a very suitable time, neither long nor short.

If it takes too long, Gong Yuechen is afraid that Bai Lingxi will faint on his back.

If the time is too short and he keeps talking, he is worried that Bai Lingxi will feel tired if he talks too much, which will be bad for Bai Lingxi.

Bai Lingxi felt that she was much smarter, she understood what Gong Yuechen meant.

She didn't intend to sleep at first, so she answered Gong Yuechen's words one by one so obediently.

The fog forest is really big. According to their speed, they can't get out of the fog forest at dawn.

Yuechen didn't care if he could run out of the Wulin Palace, all he wanted was to persist for 24 hours and not let Xi'er fall into the hands of others.

No matter how difficult it is, he will not let Xi'er have an accident.

In another interception, Gong Yuechen's leg was injured.

Gong Yuechen started to frown. In this situation, if he hurts his leg, it will be very unfriendly to their next situation.

Gong Yuechen continued to run as if he didn't feel the pain.

There is fog in this foggy forest. Although few people come in, it doesn't mean that no one comes in at all.

There are a lot of wild animals in the foggy forest, and the residents living nearby would occasionally want to catch a few wild game to try something new.

Gong Yuechen fell down again.

This time it wasn't a slippery road or an unsteady step blocking the way.

Bai Lingxi heard the sound of metal creaking.

This time, Gong Yuechen stepped on a trap, and the trap closed violently the moment he stepped on it.

This rust-stained trap just bit Gong Yuechen's leg so hard.

The leg that was injured before was dripping with blood, which was very miserable.

Bai Lingxi was tied on her back, so petite she couldn't see the situation.

But she could smell it, how could she not smell the sudden strong smell of blood.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" Bai Lingxi asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." Gong Yuechen still said the same thing.

He squatted down, and just moved the trap with his bare hands with no expression on his face, forcefully pulled out the teeth embedded in the flesh from his leg, and glanced at his leg full of scars, Gong Yuechen frowned.

Why did you get hurt again?How could he run with Xi'er like this?

Gong Yuechen thought it was bad luck, would the sky kill him?No, what he is carrying on his back is his sky.

Gong Yuechen's eyes flickered wildly.

Gong Yuechen rarely goes crazy, but every time he goes crazy, many people find it unbearable.

At this moment, there was already a hint of madness in Gong Yuechen's eyes. If he couldn't take Xi'er away safely, then he would choose to fight to the end, and then at the last second before he died, he would bring Bai Lingxi with him.

But even if he died, he wouldn't hand over Bai Lingxi. If Xi'er falls into their hands, that special bloodline organization might as well go with him.

Gong Yuechen's madness, at some point, he and Lang Shang are actually the same kind of people.

Otherwise, in the previous life, she wouldn't have had that kind of trouble with Bai Lingxi.

Gong Yuechen continued to run, he thought that even if he died, he would have to delay for more time, so that the person he arranged could arrive in time, and he would have to make the other party pay a price he couldn't afford.

Bai Lingxi couldn't see where Gong Yuechen was injured, but she could feel that Gong Yuechen's footsteps were becoming more and more unstable, and the left foot was obviously much lighter, so Bai Lingxi came to the conclusion that Gong Yuechen was injured left foot.

Bai Lingxi shouldn't be so smart. After entering the third army, Bai Lingxi's mental damage has indeed gradually improved, but she shouldn't be too smart.

Bai Lingxi thought, maybe it was because she was very close to brother Ah Chen these days.

She had discovered before that every time she had close contact with Gong Yuechen, or stayed by Gong Yuechen's side for a long time, her mind would be clearer.

On the other hand, if she is too far away from Gong Yuechen, she will easily lose her mind.

In fact, there is another reason that Bai Lingxi doesn't know, it is Gong Yuechen's blood.

Gong Yuechen's blood kept her from falling asleep and kept her awake.

Gong Yuechen's blood cleared her mind, and her mind became clearer and clearer.

Gong Yuechen injured his leg, their speed slowed down, and they were overtaken again.

"Hehe, Gong Yuechen, your legs are hurt like this, do you really think you can escape? Where can you escape? In this world, if we want to arrest you and kill you, you will count as escape." The ends of the earth are useless."

"You call Bai Lingxi out, and we can let you live."

These uncompromising special bloodlines compromised, and felt that it was no fun to face someone as difficult as Gong Yuechen.

As long as they complete the task, they don't have to kill Gong Yuechen, well, they found out that they want to kill this man and take Bai Lingxi away, and they may pay a terrible price.

Bai Lingxi lay on her stomach quietly, and from the other party's tone, she knew that brother Ah Chen's leg was really seriously injured.

But she didn't tell Gong Yuechen to let her down, she wouldn't say that.

Gong Yuechen was still tough in this battle, but he was injured!

This time was the time when the largest number of people caught up with them, and it was also the time when the opponent's manpower was the strongest.

"Xi'er, close your eyes and don't look." Gong Yuechen said softly.

"Okay." Bai Lingxi responded obediently.

She lied to Gong Yuechen, she didn't close her eyes, she just didn't close her eyes to make Gong Yuechen feel at ease.

Gong Yuechen was probably afraid that she would feel sad seeing him get hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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