Chapter 578

Chapter 630

Bai Lingxi nodded, expressing her understanding, this was indeed too much.

Meng Lianghe continued, "It would be fine if it was someone else, but it turned out to be that black-hearted son of the old man. I have never seen such a heartless person. My own old man and child don't care about it, but they even robbed them." What happened to Shiba, what a strange town!"

It was Mei Yun's father and stepmother who robbed the stone dam on the opposite side, as well as the stepmother's family, and invited several people to help harvest the rice.

Mei Yun's stepmother immediately became dissatisfied, "Hey, what are you talking about? Go ask, who in this village doesn't know that this stone dam belongs to us. After all these years, when has this stone dam not been ours? Use it, you guys are good, don’t inquire about it, can you use it casually?”

"These stone dams are not owned by anyone. They are all chosen by yourself on a first-come, first-served basis. Why do you keep them in your house every year!" Aunt Lin snapped back rudely.

"Why, just because of your broken late rice, you can't even pave this stone dam, just because my family has the most fields, just because my family's late rice is going to be sold to the town, when the nobles from the town will come Harvesting late rice is delayed, can you afford this responsibility?"

I have really seen unreasonable ones, but I have never seen such unreasonable ones.

On the opposite side, Mei Yun's father, the old god, was waiting. He just glanced at Bai Lingxi when Bai Lingxi came, enjoying the feeling that he was the richest in the world.

Yes, one-third of the fields in this village belong to him, and every year his rice is harvested by people from the town. Everyone is having a good time.

Everyone in the town has a lot of money, but unlike the market in this village, they can't sell it even if they care about everything.

Seeing that Aunt Lin and the others were speechless, Mei Yun's stepmother became more and more proud, and even spat at the place where Aunt Lin and the others piled up rice, looking extremely disdainful.

Bai Lingxi's attention was not fully focused on the battle for the stone dam, she looked around, but she still didn't see Mei Yun.

The fight over the stone dam can take its time, but didn't that kid Mei Yun come out to find someone?I will definitely come to Shiba to have a look when I come out!Why is everyone here, but Mei Yun is not there?

"Have you seen Mei Yun?" Bai Lingxi asked suddenly.

After hearing this, Grandpa Meiyun immediately turned around, "What's the matter, isn't girl Meiyun at home? Where did she go?"

"Mei Yun said it's so late, and you guys haven't come back yet, so you came out to take a look, and you haven't gone back after you've been out for a long time." Bai Lingxi explained.

Now Grandpa Meiyun doesn't care about things on the stone dam anymore. Although Meiyun is an older child, but on the slope of the ditch, the child has been gone for so long, so he can't help worrying whether the child will fall into the In the water, will the child roll down the mountain?

"I...I'm going to find Mei Yun first." Grandpa Mei Yun said hurriedly.

Aunt Lin didn't argue anymore. Compared with children, this matter of drying rice is really a trivial matter.

At that moment, Aunt Lin said, "I'm talking about the rice. Let's all go to Meiyun first."

Meng Lianghe and the others also had no objection, and glared viciously at the person who forcibly occupied the stone dam on the opposite side.

At this moment, Mei Yun's father, who was in the presence of an old god, suddenly spoke, "I took that child Mei Yun back, so you don't have to look for it. Mei Yun is my daughter, and she should have lived with me."

Everyone was stunned, no one thought that it was Mei Yun's father who took Mei Yun away.

However, after so many years, no matter how difficult it was for the uncle to bring the young Mei Yun back, no one said to take Mei Yun back!
And Aunt Lin knew that Mei Yun didn't want to go back.

"You murderer, where did you get Mei Yun, let him out quickly." Aunt Lin was so angry that she grabbed a sickle for cutting rice and pointed at Mei Yun's father.

Mei Yun's stepmother was still in a daze of dissatisfaction when she heard that Mei Yun had been picked up, and she hadn't reacted yet, why did she suddenly pick up that money-losing item!

I saw Aunt Lin holding a sickle in her hand. Mei Yun's stepmother was not willing to admit defeat. She usually fights to win no matter what the quarrel is. Without speaking, she began to growl in a shrill voice.

"You crazy woman, what are you going to do? You are going to kill people with a knife! That dead girl Mei Yun is the seed of my man, and he will take it back if he wants to. It's your turn, a widow with a foreign surname, to yell! Did you call me? Hehe, you really are shameless."

Aunt Lin didn't put down her knife when she heard this, and Aunt Lin could still accept her other things, but Aunt Lin was really worried about Mei Yun's matter. How will you treat your child.

Grandpa Mei Yun was so angry that he staggered directly, pointing at his unfilial son with trembling fingers, he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

Cheng Ning and Wu Zhengyi supported the uncle, both very dissatisfied with this sudden incident.

"Release Mei Yun!" Bai Lingxi said indifferently, thinking of the cold medicine that the child ran all the way to buy her today, Bai Lingxi felt that this was no business to ignore.

"Little girl, what is your relationship with my Mei Yun! If you want to see her, I can take you to my house." Mei Yun's father arrived with a smile on his face.

Such a smile is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

Everyone was silent, because Mei Yun was indeed this man's woman!
The old man and Aunt Lin never thought that one day, this shameless man would come to Gun Meiyun.

Isn't it so contemptuous these years?Don't you want nothing to do with it?
At this time, Meiyun's father spoke again, "Meiyun is my daughter, I must take Meiyun back today, you people should not be so super-hearted, of course, little girl, if you can marry I'm the second bedroom, and I'll let you have the final say on Meiyun's affairs in the future."

Mei Yun's father said this very proudly. He thought that after the purchase of this batch of late rice this year, he would have a lot of income. At that time, it would be no problem to marry a second wife and have a few other lively tables in the neighborhood.

He is about to become the first person to marry a second wife, let's talk about it in the future!That's what really shines on the face.

Mei Yun's father is immersed in his fantasy.

He didn't notice the strange expressions on Meng Lianghe's face.

If you want to marry the general's wife as the second wife, how many lives are you not afraid of death!
When Mei Yun's stepmother heard this, she didn't care about arguing, and pointed at her man and shouted, "Okay! My old lady married you and worked hard to manage the house, and you dare to beat the attention of the second wife!" , You are so kind, let me tell you, I don’t agree, even if you kill me.”

(End of this chapter)

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