Chapter 543 Bai Lingxi Breaks In

Chapter 590: Bai Lingxi Breaks In

But he was still worried, so worried that he wanted to rush in to have a look while Zhang Yu was not paying attention.

At this moment, someone in the kindergarten drove the children out cursing.

"Why are you crying, you're crying and cutting your tongues!" the person driving away roared with a gloomy expression.

The expressions of the children were extremely terrified, with tears on their little faces, and this incident made them want to cry but dare not cry.

But they were still alive anyway, and they walked out slowly.

The parents on the periphery stopped crying, not because they didn't take it, but because they were too nervous to cry. The children's small steps seemed to be stepping on their hearts.

The whole scene became quiet, so quiet that there was no sound, so quiet that only the person driving the children could be heard, swearing some extremely ugly words non-stop!
"We keep our word and let these children go. Now, your members of the Third Army evacuate immediately and keep a distance from us. If you don't want your general to have an accident, act quickly."

"Where are the kindergarten teachers?" Zhang Yu asked with a serious face.

"Oh, those women, the boss said to keep it for fun, and stop talking nonsense to me. I didn't negotiate terms with you, I was asking, if you don't want to have an accident with your first general, quickly return to me!"

The man's vulgar and rude words made Zhang Yu's face even more ugly.

But it is true, it is not about terms now, the hostages are in the hands of these terrorists, how can they negotiate terms.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and stopped talking, trying to calm himself down, the general has already made arrangements, soon, wait for the general's signal, and the snipers in their hidden places will open fire!
Zhang Yu arranged for someone to quickly bring out all these little children, and the whole figure seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

It wasn't until the children reached the safe area that the crying that stopped suddenly seemed like a floodgate had been opened!
The parents of the children cried loudly, as if they wanted to vent all the fear and fear with tears. Only those who have experienced it personally understand that seeing their children in danger but being unable to rescue them is a real thing for parents. Really heartbroken.

Heart like a knife is just an adjective, but they abruptly regard it as a verb!

These parents hugged their children tightly, a feeling of lost and found, which made them cry and laugh, extremely excited.

But thinking of Gong Yuechen who used himself to replace all the children, everyone slowly calmed down, never thought that such a high-ranking and powerful person would do such a thing, it was more than admiration and touch!
The people who came out watched Zhang Yu arranging for the third army to retreat, and nodded in satisfaction.

"I'll give you 10 minutes to evacuate the entire venue. Don't let anyone from the Third Army appear in my sight, or we will all die together. You know, we are not afraid of such things as death!"

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

These people only asked them to evacuate farther away, and had no other demands, such as asking for money or transportation!

This made Zhang Yu's expression even more ugly.

This shows that these people have never thought about running away, or they have never thought about running away now.

They are all desperadoes. If they don't want to evacuate at this time, they are either waiting for time or they have no intention of saving their lives.

This kind of reckless person is really scary!

The reporter turned around and went back after finishing speaking, as if he was not afraid that the third army would say nothing.

Gong Yuechen was still inside, there was no sound from inside, Bai Lingxi felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

"I want to go in!" Bai Lingxi said suddenly.

"No!" Zhang Yu replied without thinking.

"I must go in. I want to see how Gong Yuechen is doing. Is it okay? I won't mess around. I'm not an ordinary weak woman. Let me in!" Bai Lingxi tried hard to persuade Zhang Yu.

But Zhang Yu was still firm in his mind, no matter what Bai Lingxi said, Zhang Yu would never let Bai Lingxi in.

What's more, Bai Lingxi doesn't persuade others, she just emphasizes that she wants to go in.

Bai Lingxi knew that going on like this would be fruitless, she saw that the cordon hadn't been straightened out immediately because the children had come out, and suddenly, she raised her foot and rushed in.

Zhang Yu was shocked and wanted to stop it. If Bai Lingxi really let in, he would really feel sorry for the general if something happened.

But when Bai Lingxi ran in, she suddenly called out to the third child, "Brother San, help me stop Zhang Yu!"

The third brother was called out, but the third child was startled.

At the beginning, after he and Bai Lingxi competed in marksmanship, he said that he would cover Bai Lingxi.

But Bai Lingxi is calm to everyone. Even now, Bai Lingxi has rushed over, and still keeps a certain distance from everyone. This kind of Bai Lingxi is not called the third brother, even if he talks to them, he is very calm. rare.

The third child didn't react at all, and subconsciously reached out to stop Zhang Yu.

After stopping him, the third child realized what he had done, and hurried to get out of the way, but it was too late, Bai Lingxi had already run in.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yu's reaction was a little slower, mainly because they didn't expect that Bai Lingxi would rush in so directly.

Their people can't chase in, if they anger the other party, something will happen.

Zhang Yu, who has always been gentle, gave the third brother a hard look, "Since when did you become so familiar with Madam, you don't have the guts to think about it. If you still want to be the third brother of the General, go back and receive the punishment!"

The third child shrank his neck, looked at the back of Bai Lingxi running in, and clenched his fists slightly. He had some hopes for Bai Lingxi.

Bai Lingxi's marksmanship is very good, only he knows that it is better than everyone imagined.Moreover, Bai Lingxi's appearance is very deceptive, if he enters like this, maybe he can really help the admiral!
Well, these are all excuses, he was actually slightly taken aback when Bai Lingxi called that third brother.

He didn't know why he was stunned, maybe it was the softness of the old man's heart towards that third brother!

Bai Lingxi did use the ability of the special bloodline, which slightly affected the third child. It wasn't that she used the ability disobediently. She really only used a small amount, so little that no one would find out.

Even if Gong Yuechen would spank her butt after finding out, she would definitely go in.

Bai Lingxi broke in like this, and the people inside heard the movement, and immediately sent a few people out to check.

In the end, I saw the timid Bai Lingxi rushing around here.

"Who are you? How did you get in here!" Two people walked towards Bai Lingxi with sullen faces.

Bai Lingxi didn't speak, but slowly raised her head, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the two innocently, "I... I played hide-and-seek and hid in!"

(End of this chapter)

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