Chapter 445 Must Be Still Alive

Chapter 480 Must Be Still Alive

Bai Lingxi has completely fallen into a coma, not because of claustrophobia, she just fainted from hunger!
Gong Yuechen thought, it's fine if he faints, at least he won't feel so uncomfortable when he's hungry.

Even if Bai Lingxi passed out, Gong Yuechen would feed Bai Lingxi some of his blood every once in a while.

He wanted to make sure that Bai Lingxi would not die before him.

In fact, Gong Yuechen probably guessed that Bai Lingxi survived not only because of these.

According to Bai Lingxi's physical fitness, in such a situation, Bai Lingxi could not hold on long ago.

It was probably because of the awakening of Bai Lingxi's special bloodline that her body functions were changing, but at least she held on and did not die!
Gong Yuechen thought, he finally couldn't hold it anymore.

The hope of their rescue is really very small.

Gong Yuechen thought about it, but he didn't feel too sad. He gently hugged Bai Lingxi and moved his stiff body so that Bai Lingxi could faint more comfortably.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't eaten for too long, Bai Lingxi felt a little cold, as if he had no energy to generate heat.

Gong Yuechen only wore a single shirt, and hugged Bai Lingxi tightly to his chest, wrapping his clothes tightly around Bai Lingxi.

Kissed his little face, and prepared to sleep quietly with Bai Lingxi. There were wounds on his wrists, scratched with stones, which looked horrible. They didn't heal, but they couldn't bleed anymore.

At this time, Gong Yuechen heard a little movement, a very small movement, but he heard it.

Gong Yuechen opened his eyes immediately, someone came.

Someone is actually coming, and right over their heads!
Gong Yuechen wasn't sure whether these people came to rescue them, or if they appeared here by coincidence.

He wanted to notify the people above, but at this moment his voice almost lost his voice and he couldn't shout at all.

Gong Yuechen picked up the stone in his hand and knocked on the stone next to him.

I don't know if the sound of the stone beating can be transmitted to the top.

But Gong Yuechen didn't stop, and kept tapping lightly. This was probably their only hope of being rescued!
After a long time, the sound of digging above their heads continued, Gong Yuechen breathed a sigh of relief, no matter whether they wanted to save them or not, these rescuers must be digging this place.

That means they have a chance of being rescued.

"Xi'er, listen, someone is coming to save us, we can get out soon." Gong Yuechen whispered in Bai Lingxi's ear.

Bai Lingxi seemed to be dead, without any movement.

Gong Yuechen put his hand under Bai Lingxi's nose.

Immediately, Gong Yuechen's eyes widened, and Bai Lingxi's breathing could hardly be felt, as if it might be disconnected at any time.

"Xi'er, wake up, hold on, don't do this!"

No matter what Gong Yuechen said, Bai Lingxi didn't really wake up.

Gong Yuechen picked up the blood-stained stone again, and began to cut his own wrist.

There is no place to separate the left hand, so use the right hand.

Gong Yuechen played ruthlessly this time.

Warm blood flowed down the corner of Bai Lingxi's mouth, Gong Yuechen groped and found that Bai Lingxi couldn't swallow.

Gong Yuechen's heart hurts intermittently.

He moved his wrist to his mouth, mouth to mouth, feeding Bai Lingxi with his own blood mouthful.

Gong Yuechen tasted the smell of his own blood, it really didn't taste good.

"Xi'er, swallow it, you'll be fine!" Gong Yuechen kept saying in his heart.

Just feed like this, until Gong Yuechen couldn't hold on any longer, and finally passed out.

He just held Bai Lingxi's hand, but still didn't let go.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear a dog barking.


That's right, it was Lang Shang and the others, and everyone brought by Lang Shang was digging.

Potatoes are flopping, digging the soil with their claws.

Lang Shang and the others started digging where the potatoes were digging.

Lang Shang saw hope, but also gave birth to despair!
Looking at the condition of the potatoes, he knew he had found the right place.

Tudou was raised by his sister, and the only way to get Tudou so excited is to bury his sister in the ground.

But if my sister is really buried here, is there any chance of her being alive?

Lang Shang didn't know the situation below, and it seemed that instead of being negative, he accelerated the progress of the rescue.

Even if his sister died, he couldn't let her be buried in this messy ruins!

If Tudou were a person, everyone would definitely be able to see its sad expression.

It broke one of its hind legs, so it could only dig the ground with its front paws.

Funing walked up and grabbed Tudou, "It's okay, it will be fine."

Funing slowly calmed Tudou down.

Potato lay on the side eagerly, looking at the direction of the digging.

After an unknown amount of time, someone shouted, "Master, this seems to be a cellar!"

Lang Shang hurried forward to check, indeed, many places in the underground are empty.

"Keep digging!" Lang Shang said seriously.

They dug very carefully, afraid of accidentally hurting the people buried on the ground.

Many people are afraid of hurting tools and people, so they lift them with their hands.

Big stones, collapsed beams, and planks were moved away bit by bit.

There are so many of them, they are only going to one place to rescue, and the speed is not too slow.

Soon, they dug an entrance at the top of the cellar, and when they went down, they could see the scene inside the collapsed cellar.

Lang Shang ordered people to be more careful, and he himself was at the front, checking carefully.

"Wait, stop digging, use your hands, move it with your hands!" Lang Shang shouted with his eyes widened suddenly.

Because the breath here was wrong, he seemed to smell Bai Lingxi's breath, and his sister must be here.

Lang Shang seemed to be crazy, and began to move the collapsed stones with his hands.

Suddenly, a little clothes corner was exposed under the removed stone, and there was really someone underneath.

Lang Shang's eyes turned red immediately, he remembered that this was what his sister was wearing that day.

The clothes are beautiful, with little stars embroidered with silver thread on them. When my sister was speaking on the high platform, the little stars twinkled and shone very brightly.

But at this time, the little star was full of dust and stained with blood.

Lang Shang's heart beat fast as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

At this time, it is no longer possible to dig with tools. They have already seen people, and they don't know the situation below. If they dig violently, they may hurt people. Hopeless!

Lang Shang kept throwing away the soil with his hands like crazy, and it didn't take long for his fingers to be covered with blood. He seemed a little cautious, his heart was always raised, and he was afraid of moving all the soil and rocks away, but what he saw A situation he couldn't accept.

The people around all moved by hand together.

Finally, the biggest boulder blocking it was removed!
Now the people inside could see more clearly, and everyone's heart became excited.

There was a door panel above them, and the people below were not crushed by the earth and rocks. This is undoubtedly good news.

If he hadn't been crushed to death, he might still be alive!
This is the fourth day, only four days, he must still be alive, he should still be alive...

(End of this chapter)

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