This is the most effective way to learn

Chapter 38 Graphical Memory Method

Chapter 38 Graphical Memory Method

The graphic memory method was originally derived from the research of Canadian psychologist Ender Turing.He divided the students into two groups, gave each student [-] cards with words printed on one side, asked one group of students to memorize these words, and asked the other group to classify these words according to possible logical relationships.

Then, Turing tested the memory of [-] words for the two groups of students respectively.The results were quite surprising. The second group, the group of students who were asked to organize the words logically but not specifically asked to memorize the words, scored exactly the same as the group of students who concentrated on memorizing the words.Turing concluded from this that students actively process and organize the materials, which can make the materials form certain and meaningful structures and connections, and these structures and connections will leave a deep impression on the materials in our memory. On par with intentional memory.

Application steps of graphic memory method
The first step of the graphic memory method is to write the key words of the things we want to remember in the center of a piece of paper.Then, jot down the second-level bullet points around the keyword and connect them with the central keyword with lines.Then, write down the next-level points related to each second-level point, and connect them with the related second-level points with lines.These tertiary points may or may not be related to the central point.You'll end up with a drawing with many branches that looks a little bit like an absent-minded work, and a little bit like a child's drawing.

Storing information this way is much more fun and easier than taking notes one by one.It reminds us of some key points at a glance.The graphic memory method is very effective for any information transmitted through language or visual images, such as lectures, conferences, books, reports, videotapes, TV documentaries, audio tapes, etc.

The reason why the graphic memory method is so effective is that in the process of writing down the main points of each level and drawing the connection lines to show their interrelationships, we are constantly thinking, understanding and evaluating relevant information, and transforming them into relevant information. Terms related to our personal experiences.This method is especially useful for those with highly developed visual intelligence (as opposed to verbal intelligence), since summarizing bullet points can be stressful for them.Of course, the graphic memory method is simple and easy to implement, and anyone can use it effectively.

Advantages of pictorial memory
Graphical memory method can make memory unfold at different levels at the same time, so it can be very effective in promoting memory.

(1) Diagrams can transform the flood of information into concepts or images that are meaningful to us.

(2) It not only exerts the speech and analysis ability of the left hemisphere of the brain, but also exerts the spatial and visual ability of the right hemisphere of the brain, and has a strengthening effect on the facts and data stored in the memory centers on both sides of the brain.

(3) Write down the main ideas and mark the connections between them.This organizes these perspectives in a way that makes sense to us, which can make memorized material something personal to us.

(4) Memory maps always leave room for new perspectives and connections, which can stimulate us to keep thinking from new perspectives.

(5) Since all the key elements are included on this single sheet, it is easier to see the important connections.

(6) We feel that there is a connection between which ideas, and mark this connection on the memory map.We are organizing relevant information in a way that we understand, which makes it easier for us to store and recall it.

(7) Consciously process information instead of passively listening or reading, which helps us remember information better.

(8) Connecting ideas in a non-linear way is indeed effective in promoting memory; because it works in the same way as the brain, which connects various memory impressions together in a non-linear way.

Graphical memory is a powerful tool for strengthening our immediate and long-term memory of facts and figures.It is very important to be clear about what you are feeling.Recording key words, noting the connections between them, and explaining those connections all require our full attention.Concentrating on memory mapping ensures that we retain relevant information better, longer, and more easily than passive listening, reading, and note-taking.Therefore, the graphic memory method can double the growth of memory.

memory map

The graphic memory method is very simple and easy to implement.All we need is a large sheet of paper and a pencil.The bigger the paper the better, preferably a large sheet of art paper or something the size of an aviation chart.Still, thousands of memory maps were drawn on standard letter paper.Of course, if you can only find a pen, you can use it to draw memory maps.However, when we find that a word or a connection needs to be changed, it is more convenient to use a pencil.

One writer even uses colored pencils to map memories.He recommends using three to five colors to help distinguish between different types of connections or ideas.He uses one color to represent new points he has just grasped, another color to represent what he already knows, a third color to represent information that he needs to continue exploring in the future, and other colors to represent second or third levels gist.

The process of mapping a memory consists of six steps:

(1) Write down the key words of the idea or fact to be remembered in the center of a piece of paper, and then draw a circle to enclose it.

(2) Write the main points or second-level points that we think of related to the point of view or fact around the keywords, and circle each point separately.

(3) Draw lines between these main points and the central key words.

(4) Write down examples, references or ideas related to the second-level points, and draw lines between them.

(5) Keep adding new ideas and new connections that we think of to the memory map until we feel that all important information has entered the memory map.

(6) In the future, as soon as new important information appears, add it to the graph immediately.

Precautions for application of graphic memory method

Here are some dos and don'ts from pictorial memory experts that will help you get the most out of pictorial mnemonics.

(1) Don't worry that one of the points we listed is not important.It can be removed or revised as new, more important points are thought of.

(2) In order to ensure that we can modify and supplement the memory map, you must leave enough space in the map;
(3) It is not necessary to require the memory map drawn by oneself to be accurate.This is your own record, as long as it suits your needs.

The sole purpose of memory maps is to comprehend and remember the ideas and facts we think are important in our way.

To speed things up, you can use various visual symbols that mean something to us, like dollar signs, cartoon images, whatever.For example, put a dollar sign next to elements related to increasing income, a skull and skull next to things to watch out for or avoid, and a question mark next to numbers that need to be checked.

(End of this chapter)

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