Tang Dynasty detective

Chapter 732 Conclusive Evidence!

Chapter 732 Conclusive Evidence!

Hearing Lin Yuanliang's testimony, Yang Guozhong frowned immediately.

But Song Kun's entire face was as miserable as white paper, like a dead person, without any blood.

At this moment, the guard came to report: "His Majesty, Zhou Feiyan, the director of Dali Temple, has something important to see His Majesty!"

Li Longji had just received the testimony and hadn't started to read it yet. When he heard the report, he glanced at Li Canghai and said, "Xuan."

After a while, Zhou Feiyan and several Dali Temple servants came in with two generals wearing Longwuwei armor tied up.

"Your Majesty, Zhou Feiyan, the head of the Dali Temple! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" Zhou Feiyan and others knelt down and saluted.

"Pingshen!" Li Longji waved his hand and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Feiyan said respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty, I came here this time to send witnesses to Dali Temple Minister Li."

"What witness?" Li Longji asked.

"Longwu Guards are defending the city, and Captain Lin Yuanliang." Zhou Feiyan replied.

After saying this, there was another wave of waves.

Yang Guozhong was taken aback suddenly, and his face instantly became ugly.

When Song Kun saw those two people, his head buzzed and he almost passed out.

"Criminal...know Your Majesty." The two Long Wuwei knelt on the ground, trembling.

Li Longji couldn't hide the anger on his face. He patted the armrest of the dragon chair hard, and said coldly: "I only give you one chance to tell the truth about everything. Whoever dares to speak half a lie, I will punish him!"

The two were so scared that their faces turned pale, and they kowtowed desperately, saying that they didn't dare.

"Weicheng, you speak first!" Li Longji said angrily.

Acropolis trembled and said: "Return to Your Majesty, at noon on New Year's Eve, Lieutenant Lin called me to a secluded place and gave me a pack of medicinal powder, asking me to put the medicinal powder into the meals of the team going out of the city at night before dinner." , and gave me ten taels of gold as a reward. I wanted to go to prescribe the medicine myself, but I was afraid of being seen through. Just when I was at a loss, I heard the complaint of the old white man who was in charge of doing odd jobs for the Huotou army, so I felt relieved. To make a living. I pretended to find him and asked someone to take a small bag of salt and hand it to him, but in fact I gave him the bag of medicine powder. After that, I deliberately knocked over the salt jar in the kitchen and set fire to the barracks where the salt was stored In this way, when the kitchen is cooking soup, it will worry about lack of salt. At this time, the "salt" in the hands of the old man has become an emergency thing for the fire-headed army. Put the powder into the soup."

Li Longji's face was gloomy, he grabbed the teacup beside him, threw it at the Acropolis, and said angrily: "You are really a thoughtful person, you can come up with such a trick, and you can be a small team to return What a pity!"

Acropolis trembled, almost crying, and shouted: "Your Majesty, please forgive me...Your Majesty, please forgive me! This is what Lieutenant Lin ordered the envoys to do. I beg Your Majesty to forgive me!"

Li Longji took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down his emotions, and said coldly: "Lin Yuanliang, it's your turn."

Lin Yuanliang said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, please forgive me... The guilty minister... The criminal minister was also ordered by others. If it were not for his refusal, the entire family of the criminal minister would have died... Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"I ask you, who ordered you?" Li Longji stared at him and asked sharply.

Lin Yuanliang was so frightened that his body suddenly trembled, and tremblingly said: "Yes...it is Song Kun, Master Song."

"You're talking nonsense! Why did I order you?" Song Kun said angrily.

"Come on, shut up Song Kun's mouth!" Li Longji said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the two guards immediately walked over, tore off a piece of clothes, and stuffed them directly into Song Kun's mouth.

"Lin Yuanliang, tell me exactly how Song Kun instructed you!" Li Longji shouted.

"The guilty minister obeys the order...the guilty minister obeys the order." Lin Yuanliang was sweating coldly on his forehead, gasped for a few breaths, and then said: "Return to your majesty, on the night of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Master Song asked the guilty minister to go to the Yingchun Tower ', gave the guilty minister 100 taels of gold, and asked the guilty minister to poison the meals of the team that went out to escort the prison car on New Year's Eve. The criminal minister was unwilling to accept this matter, but he threatened the criminal minister's family with his life. He also said that after the matter was completed, the criminal guardian was promoted to a guerrilla general. The criminal minister was greedy for a while... so he agreed to this matter and handed it over to his confidant Weicheng to handle it. Unexpectedly, Song Kun wanted to kill people to silence him Thanks to Master Li's ingenious plan, the lives of the two guilty officials were saved. Your Majesty, Song Kun ordered all of this, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Li Canghai couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.

Regarding this matter, he entrusted Conan with full authority to investigate.

Therefore, he has no idea what Conan found out.

He asked Zhou Feiyan to go to Longwuwei to investigate, and he only suspected that the old man Bai's death was related to this matter, but he never thought that someone would kill Lin Yuanliang and Weicheng to silence him.

Not to mention, he would make arrangements in advance to protect the two of them.

However, no matter what, they were able to testify against Song Kun, which was beyond Li Canghai's expectation.

After listening to Lin Yuanliang's words, Li Longji looked at the testimony presented by Conan, his face was so gloomy that he could almost drip ink.

At this point, everyone understood one thing, the person who colluded with the traitor was none other than Song Kun who had urged the emperor to order Li Canghai to thoroughly investigate the matter from the very beginning.

Of course, everyone understood that the reason why Song Kun tried his best to encourage the emperor at the beginning was not to make Li Canghai shine.

Instead, he wanted to use these things to deal with Li Canghai.

It's just that he didn't expect Li Canghai to be so cunning.

Being implicated in the murder case of the adopted daughter, knowing that she has no other skills, she actually entrusted the matter to the Japanese envoy for investigation.

This is not just other officials, even Cui Huan, Li Yu and others who are familiar with Li Canghai did not think of it.

And Yang Guozhong was even more suspicious.

Since the emperor ordered Li Canghai's three cases to be tried concurrently, Li Canghai's every move has been under their surveillance.

As far as he knows, since then, Li Canghai has never had any contact with people from Dongying. How did he entrust this matter to Conan for investigation?
Yang Guozhong bowed his head in thought, suddenly he remembered something that Qiu Kuang had reported.

"Yam servant! It must be Li Canghai who wrote the letter to the envoy of Dongying and asked the yamen servant to send it there secretly!" Yang Guozhong cursed bitterly in his heart.

They monitored Li Canghai's movements, but ignored the people around him.

What's more, Dali Temple is the center of the world's prisons, and there are countless government officials who come in and out every day. No one would have thought that Li Canghai would take advantage of this to secretly pass on the news.

What annoyed him the most was that Weicheng and Lin Yuanliang were still alive!

Not only were the two alive, but they also came forward to testify against Song Kun.

(End of this chapter)

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