Tang Dynasty detective

Chapter 507 Rouge Box

Chapter 507 Rouge Box

"Amitabha, benefactor, we meet again." A bald monk bowed to Li Canghai with clasped hands.

Li Canghai sized up the two monks, and found that they were shirtless, with cassocks slanted over their bodies, they were not from the Central Plains, but they looked very much like monks from Tianzhu.

"Master, have we met?" Li Canghai clasped his palms together and returned the salute, suspiciously.

Another monk said: "The benefactor must have forgotten that more than a month ago, outside Luoyang City, it was the poor monk and his younger brother who rescued the benefactor and sent him to the White Horse Temple."

When Li Canghai heard the words, he suddenly remembered that he had pretended to be Fan Tong to investigate the conspiracy of "Nilin Xuanwu". In the White Horse Temple.

At that time, he asked monk Huiguang why he was in the White Horse Temple. Huiguang told him that it was two eminent monks from India who rescued him and took him to the White Horse Temple. I didn't have time to go to thank the savior.

"It turned out that the two masters saved me, the two masters, please accept my worship!"

Li Canghai has always been a person who can clearly distinguish between grievances and grievances, and he must treat those who have graciousness with courtesy.

"Amitabha, the benefactor is too serious. As Buddhist disciples, it is our duty to save people. There is no need for the benefactor to be too polite."

"I don't know how to address the two masters?" Li Canghai asked very politely.

"The poor monk is united, this is the name of the poor monk and his brother." The monk put his hands together and said.

After Li Canghai saluted the two monks with palms together, he said, "Two masters, I need to examine the three deceased. Please move a little bit, and thank the two masters for saving their lives after the inspection."

Monk Qi Xin recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, and after nodding, he and Ju Ming walked to Zhang Wenyuan's side.

Conan pushed Li Canghai between the three firewood piles, carefully inspecting the bodies of the three deceased.

There was nothing unusual about the bodies of Juzi and Arjuna.

But when he came to Hongmei's body, he found something strange about Hongmei's body.

It's not that the corpse has rotted, but that Hongmei's right hand, which was held in vain, now stretches.

When it was discovered that Hongmei was killed, Hongmei had been dead for several hours, and her body had become stiff.

At that time, when he was examining Hongmei's body, he did find that her right fist was clenched.

It's just that the body was stiff at that time, her right hand was tightly clenched, and she wasn't holding anything in her hand, so he didn't forcefully break Hongmei's right hand.

Now after two days and one night, the body gradually began to soften from stiffness, and her right hand opened naturally.

Li Canghai unfolded Hongmei's right hand. There was no scar on Hongmei's right hand, but there was a black circle around the index finger of her right hand.

Li Canghai hurriedly asked a maid for a white handkerchief, then pressed Hongmei's index finger, and pressed hard on the handkerchief.

"What is this?" Conan asked curiously.

Li Canghai held the handkerchief in front of his eyes, sniffed it carefully, and said with a frown, "This is rosin ink. I remember that the inkstone on the desk in Hongmei's room is this kind of rosin ink."

"Why is there ink in her hand?" Conan asked suspiciously.

Li Canghai shook his head, and pondered, "Maybe she accidentally got it on her finger!"

At this time, Zhang Wenyuan came over and asked, "Immortal Chief, I wonder if you have finished the investigation?"

Li Canghai let out a groan, and said, "The dead are the greatest, so we can light the fire."

After Conan pushed Li Canghai out of the pyre, Zhang Wenyuan waved his sleeves, and several servants with torches immediately stepped forward and lit the pyre.

Soon the flames of the three pyres were burning brighter and hotter.

Looking at the three corpses in the flames, Li Canghai sighed: "The raging fire burns my body, what joy is there in life, and what pain is in death. Joy, sorrow, and sorrow all return to the dust. There is nothing, it is better to go back!"

"Nanwu Baoji Tathagata, the words of the benefactor contain supreme Buddhist principles. I didn't expect the benefactor to be so proficient in Buddhism. The poor monk has been taught!" Monk Qi Xin heard Li Canghai's words to himself, and immediately clasped his hands together in respect Salute to Li Canghai.

"Master's words are serious. I'm talking nonsense. I don't know anything about Buddhism." Li Canghai said humbly.

But at this moment, Lan Yue walked over with a box in her arms, her eyes were red, and she seemed very sad.

"Sister Lan, what are you going to do?" Seeing Lan Yue walking straight towards the fire, Yu Yanrou thought that she was thinking about self-immolation, so she hurriedly stepped forward to stop her and asked.

Lan Yue said sadly: "Don't worry, sister, I won't commit suicide, I just want to see my sisters for the last time." She stroked the box she was holding and sighed: "This is Sister Orange's favorite red sandalwood dressing box , This is her treasure. Now that Sister Orange is gone, it’s useless to keep this box, it’s better to burn it and let Sister Orange take it with you.”

"Sister Orange's vanity box, why is it in Sister Lan's hands?" Yu Yanrou sighed and asked in confusion.

Because Lan Yue was stimulated when Ah Zhu was killed, and her mood was a little unstable, so after Ju Zi was killed, Yu Yanrou stayed with Lan Yue all the time.

From the time when Juzi was killed to when their bodies were cremated, Lan Yue hadn't been to Orange's room during this period, so how could there be Orange's most precious red sandalwood vanity box?
Lan Yue's eyes were filled with tears, and she said sadly: "This orange was given to me before she was killed."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Li Canghai's heart suddenly moved, and he hurriedly asked Lan Yue, "What's going on?"

Lan Yue sighed: "Before noon, Juzi came to me in a panic and handed over the box to me for safekeeping. I saw her look strange and asked her what happened, but she didn't say anything. "

"May I have a look at the dressing box?" Li Canghai asked.

Lan Yue nodded, and handed the dressing box to Li Canghai.

Li Canghai opened the vanity box and turned inside.

The vanity box contained some rouge and gouache, nothing else.

After thinking for a while, Li Canghai asked Lan Yue, "Among these rouge powders, which one do you like most?"

Lan Yue thought for a while and said, "If you say Sister Orange likes it the most, it should be this box of 'Pomegranate Jiao'. I remember Sister Orange also used this gouache today."

Li Canghai narrowed his eyes slightly, he thought for a while, took out the box of 'Pomegranate Jiao' from the box, and said: "I will keep this box of rouge, burn the rest!"

Lan Yue made a blessing to Li Canghai, then took the red sandalwood dressing box, walked to the orange fire, and threw the box into the fire full of sadness.

"Brother Li, what do you want this rouge for?" Conan asked in surprise.

"Nothing else, I just think this kind of rouge is special, and I want to take it back and study it." Li Canghai said.

The fire burned for an hour, and then Zhang Wenyuan ordered people to collect the ashes and prepare to send them to the Avalokitesvara Temple in Longjian Ridge, so that the monks of the Avalokitesvara Temple could perform another rescue.

After the cremation was completed, everyone left one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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