Tang Dynasty detective

Chapter 447 Mutual Accusation

Chapter 447 Mutual Accusation
"You mean, all you know is from the skinny guards?" Li Canghai was a little surprised that there was such a tortuous journey with just a bowl of snake soup.

The fat guard nodded and said, "That's true. I don't know how he knew there were snakes in the swamp. He is like a lazy pig every day, and he doesn't bother to move. How could he know this?"

Li Canghai closed his eyes and thought about it carefully. With the laziness of the thin guards, it was absolutely impossible for him to run so far away.The skinny guard would know this, if there is something else wrong.

"According to Lingji, the princess left the shrine last night. As the princess' bodyguard, you are responsible for protecting the princess. Didn't you notice that the princess left?" Li Canghai asked after thinking for a while.

The fat guard shook his head and said: "No. You should go to Nobi-kun about this matter. He is in charge of guarding in front of the hall. If the princess leaves, he will definitely know."

Li Canghai looked at the fat guard, he had already gnawed the dried fish clean, but he still didn't throw away the bone, but broke the bone apart, put it in his mouth and started to smack it, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Li Canghai felt that there was no reason to ask from him, so he left the place guarded by the fat guards and walked towards the hall.

Before the shrine, the skinny guard still leaned against the wall and dozed off, but such a major event as the princess's death finally woke him up a bit.But that's all, he still dozed off little by little, as if the sky had nothing to do with him.

"Nobi, I was ordered by Master Conan to ask you something, and I hope you will answer truthfully." Li Canghai said.

The thin guard glanced at him lazily, then patted his mouth and yawned.

"First question, according to what the fat guard said, you once told him that there are snakes in the swamp east of the shrine, right?" Li Canghai knew that this person was a slacker, so he didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked straight to the point.

The thin guard nodded, as if he was too lazy to speak.

Li Canghai didn't care. He continued to ask, "Let me ask you, how did you know there was a snake there? As far as I know, you never left the shrine, right?"

The skinny guard finally opened his mouth and said weakly, "Lingji told me this."

"Ling Ji?" Li Canghai touched his chin and asked, "Why did Ling Ji tell you this?"

The skinny guard tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "That day the cook brought some food to the princess, maybe the food didn't taste like the princess, the princess was furious, threw away her rice bowl, and even scolded Ling Ji. Feeling aggrieved, she came out to talk with me. Inadvertently, she mentioned that there are snakes in the swamp east of the shrine. The cook is also an imperial cook. He said that if he could make some delicious snake soup, the princess would be satisfied. Later, The fat man came to steal my food, and when I found out, I scolded him and told him that there are many snakes in the east of the shrine, you can make snake soup, and if you want to eat something good, you can get it yourself.”

After saying this, the skinny guard yawned for a long time, as if talking so much in one breath made him tired.

Li Canghai didn't doubt the skinny guard's words, he was so tired and lazy, there was no way he would run to the swamp.

However, new doubts followed.

Li Canghai thought for a while and asked, "Second question, where were you when the princess left the hall yesterday?"

"I stayed here and didn't go anywhere." The skinny guard yawned.

Li Canghai's face darkened, and he said seriously: "Since you are staying here, why did the princess leave and you didn't report to Lord Conan in time?"

The skinny guard faltered a little, and said, "At that time... I accidentally fell asleep."

Li Canghai snorted, and said in a cold voice: "But what I heard from the fat guard was that you deliberately pretended to be asleep. You are the princess' bodyguard. How could you not know when the princess leaves? You have an unavoidable responsibility for the princess' death." Responsibility!"

The skinny guard blinked his eyes, and it took him a while to react. He hurriedly said, "You're wronged! That fat man wronged me! I really don't know when the princess left. I was really asleep at that time."

The skinny guard thought for a while, and suddenly cursed angrily: "This fat man must have deliberately framed me!"

"Why did he want to harm you?" Li Canghai said in a deep voice.

The thin guard said angrily: "Last night, when I got up to take a urinate, I found that the fat man had left his post without permission and disappeared. Later, I found out that he was stealing our food! He also gave all the dried fish hidden by the cook to him. Steal it!"

Li Canghai touched his chin, frowned and said, "You said the fat guard didn't guard the backyard exit yesterday?"

The thin guard nodded vigorously, and said: "The fat man looks simple and honest on the surface, but he is actually a very scheming person. He must be afraid that this matter will be exposed, and that Mr. Conan will punish him, so he deliberately wants to wrong me! "

"Let me ask you, when did you urinate and when you discovered that the fat man had left his post without permission?" Li Canghai asked.

"After night fell, it was only half an hour after dinner," said the skinny guard.

"You remember the time correctly?" Li Canghai questioned.

The skinny guard nodded with certainty, and said: "No, when the cook brought the dinner, I woke up for a while, but then fell into a coma. When I woke up, the meal hadn't completely cooled down, so I was very worried. Sure."

Li Canghai knew it in his heart, and he asked some more questions before leaving the hall.

"Interesting, really interesting." Li Canghai said to himself.

From the process of his questioning, it can be seen that these people have their own little calculations.

The cook blamed the fat guard, the fat guard blamed the thin guard, and the thin guard blamed Ling Ji.

In the view of the cook, except for him, everyone here is extremely lazy, and he is the only one who is dedicated to his duties and works hard without complaint.

The thin guard is lazy, the fat guard is gluttonous, and the princess is arrogant.

But in the eyes of the fat guards, the cook is an out-and-out villain. He is insidious and cunning, pours water into the meat, sells the meat to others, and thinks about getting rich all day long.

The thin guards thought that the fat guards, who looked simple and honest, also had a deep aura.

These people accused each other and exposed each other's shortcomings, but it made the whole thing complicated and interesting.

With his hands behind his back, Li Canghai paced and meditated.

Princess Dongying died of snake venom. The body was found in the swamp, but there was no trace of poisonous snake bite on the body.

Now it can be confirmed that the cause of Princess Dongying's death was eating the snake soup made by the cook.

But then came the problem.

None of them had left the shrine, so how did they know there was a swamp east of the shrine?Are there snakes in the swamp again?
The cook said he learned about it from the fat guard, the fat guard said he learned about it from the thin guard, and now the thin guard said he learned about it from Ling Ji.

Then, who did Ling Ji know about it?

Li Canghai keenly discovered that this was a murder.

(End of this chapter)

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