Tang Dynasty detective

Chapter 307 Forcing the Palace!

Chapter 307 Forcing the Palace!

Today, the most well-known fairy elder is Lu Dongbin, the son of Huashan Chunyang.

But even Lu Dongbin did not have the right to lead the Taoist sect.

The reason is that Li Longji went to ask him several times to seek the method of longevity, but Lu Dongbin asked him to cultivate his mind and nature every time, meditating and enlightening, saying that the body is nothing but a pile of bones, and only the spirit can last forever.

Li Longji wanted to live forever, and the purpose was to be with Yang Yuhuan forever, and Lu Dongbin's way was naturally not to his liking.

But this longevity scroll is different, it was bestowed by a man of God.

Although the words of this man of God are quite unpleasant, but since he can show his supernatural powers and show his real body to others, how can this longevity scroll be fake?
If she can live forever, what's the big deal about letting her lead the Taoist sect?

The woman's eyes sparkled, and she seemed to be moved by Li Longji's words, and without the slightest hesitation, she walked towards him holding the longevity scroll.

Li Longji stared closely at the bamboo slip in the woman's hand, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The woman walked up to Li Longji, and when she was only five steps away from Li Longji, she suddenly took out a gleaming dagger from the Longevity scroll, and put the dagger on his neck as quickly as lightning.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The sudden change made everyone startled, Gao Lishi shouted angrily, and slapped the woman several times.

However, just after he slapped the first palm, he suddenly felt weak in his limbs, and fell to the ground with a plop like soft cotton.

"How dare you assassinate His Majesty! Come... come quickly!" Gao Lishi lay limply on the ground and roared angrily.

However, none of the Imperial Forest Army guarding Linzhiyuan came.

"Do you know the consequences of assassinating me?" Li Longji soon found himself in danger, as long as the woman raised her hand slightly, he would be killed on the spot.

However, after all, Li Longji had been emperor for decades, he quickly calmed down, holding Yang Yuhuan, who was obviously pale in color, and looked at the Taoist coldly.

The Taoist squinted his eyes and said with a slight smile: "Your Majesty, you must know the words of Heavenly Venerable better than anyone else. Poor Dao and the others are just obeying the destiny, and only virtuous people live in this world. Your Majesty angered the heavens and made them fall into the sky." The crime has affected the people of Li, so don't you know how to regret it?"

"It's ridiculous, how can gods judge my merits and demerits? Are you trying to rebel under the guise of God's will?" Li Longji sneered.

The Taoist shook his whisk, and said calmly: "Whatever your Majesty says, Pindao is just helping His Majesty. As long as Your Majesty surrenders this world, Pindao and others will grant His Majesty the law of longevity."

Li Canghai's eyes narrowed slightly, which made her more sure that there must be a relationship between Liu Tong and 'Ni Lin Xuan Wu'.

"Abdication? How unreasonable! How can I allow others to interfere with my country?" Li Longji was furious.

"That's right, abdication. If Li Tang Jiangshan wants to last forever, he needs to abdicate the throne to a virtuous person, otherwise, the heavens will be wrathful!" The Taoist said solemnly.

"Oh? What if I refuse?" Li Longji said coldly.

"If you refuse, disaster will come from heaven, and it will be too late to regret." The Taoist shook his whisk, squinted his eyes and said, "However, this matter will soon be out of your hands."

Li Longji stared at the Taoist closely, and said coldly: "What do you mean by that?"

The Taoist laughed and said, "Soon, you will understand."

"Hmph, just relying on you rebellious officials and thieves, you also want to take over my Great Tang Dynasty. It's just a dream!" Li Longji's face was gloomy, and he tried his best to control his emotions, and said in a cold voice.

"Oh? At this point, everything is a foregone conclusion. Who can turn the tide? With these ministers?" The Taoist sneered.

All the courtiers were stunned, they looked at each other, but no one spoke, and no one dared to move.

As a result, the emperor's life was controlled by the opponent, and they had to worry about the emperor's life.Secondly, even the masters of the Forbidden Army like Gao Lishi lost their combat power inexplicably, how could they dare to act without authorization?

"How dare you, thief! Let go of Your Majesty quickly, otherwise, when the army arrives, you will be smashed to pieces in an instant!"

At this moment, an official stood up furiously and shouted loudly.

Everyone's eyes were turned to that person, Li Canghai looked at the minister, and was quite surprised in his heart.

This person is none other than Mr. Zhang who spoke to him earlier.

"Although this person is somewhat arrogant, I never thought he would be a loyal minister." Li Canghai praised secretly in his heart.

The officials present were all powerful people, but when the emperor died, after weighing the pros and cons, all of them chose to protect themselves wisely.

Of these extremely human ministers, which one is not an old fox who has been mature for many years?They are on the sidelines in order to make choices in their favor.

Li Canghai knew their thoughts like the palm of his hand, and he couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous in his heart, and at the same time felt sad for Li Longji.

These ministers were usually flattering and flattering, and their words were righteous, but when things came to an end, they each chose to remain silent.

Li Longji didn't seem to expect that the official surnamed Zhang would reprimand the Taoist with righteousness.

"Master Zhang, Minister of Dali Temple, what will be the consequences of you going against the sky?" The Taoist looked at Mr. Zhang and asked indifferently.

Li Canghai was even more surprised, he didn't expect that this lord was Dali Siqing.When dealing with Wang Buquan, he even pretended to be his student, so the two of them have quite a relationship.

Mr. Zhang looked at the Taoist without any fear, and shouted angrily: "Of course I know. Rebels like you, who go against the sky, will die without a place to die!"

The Taoist looked at Mr. Zhang, waved his whisk casually at him, and said seriously: "Mr. Zhang, the fate of those who acted against the heavens is indeed death without a place to die."

Master Zhang stared at the Taoist, and suddenly felt a very dangerous aura in his heart.


Immediately afterwards, Mr. Zhang let out a painful roar, and a stream of blood spurted out of him inexplicably, and he instantly turned into a blood man.

Master Zhang roared in pain a few times, then fell to the ground and struggled a few times, and then became silent.

A large piece of blood flowed out of him, as if the pores of his body were bleeding.

However, what was horrifying was that Mr. Zhang's body gradually shriveled, and even became distorted.

Everyone looked at all this in horror, they only felt a gust of cold air from their heels along the spine rushing directly to the Tianling Gai.

A healthy and lively person turned into a shriveled and hideous corpse in an instant. Such a strange scene made everyone tremble with fear.

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly, and Yang Yuhuan fainted from the fright of what he saw, and was held in Li Longji's arms.

The Taoist swept across the crowd, he stroked his beard, seemed to be very satisfied with the reaction of the crowd, he shook his whisk, and said indifferently: "This is the end of going against the sky, those who are punished by the sky will be punished by the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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