Chapter 229
Dongmei looked sad, not afraid of the slightest chill, and carefully helped Tao Zhaoxue tidy her hair.

"Dongmei, I have a few words to ask you, please come out." Kang Xu said casually.

Dongmei was stunned, she looked at Tao Ruozhu, and seeing Tao Ruozhu nodding, she followed Kang Xu out in a panic.

Kang Xu was speechless all the way, he walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

Dongmei lowered her head and followed behind him step by step, with a hint of panic in her eyes.

Kang Xu didn't stop until he reached a sheltered place.

"Dongmei, do you know why I am looking for you?" Kang Xu asked lightly.

"Slave...don't know." Dongmei whispered.

"I don't know?" Kang Xu's eyes were slightly cold, he suddenly flung down his sleeves, and said sharply: "Dongmei, you are so courageous, you still want to deny it now? You really think that I don't know what you are doing?" for?"

Dongmei was taken aback, she hurriedly said, "I don't know what your lord is saying."

Kang Xu snorted coldly, and said: "It's lucky that you still defend him like this, but you don't know that he has already confessed you. You conspired with him to kill your young lady, and all of this was your plan. Now that things have been revealed, you still have to confess deny?"

Dongmei's body trembled involuntarily, and her breathing suddenly became rapid.

Kang Xu squinted his eyes, caught Dongmei's expression in his eyes, and continued: "You are beautiful, not inferior to your young lady at all, but your family background is not as good as Tao Zhaoxue's. You are similar in appearance, but because of different family backgrounds, I can only be a servant girl, she is full of silks and satins, and is sought after by all the stars, you are simple and light food, no one cares about you. You have resentment in your heart, so you have malicious intentions, and conspired with others to kill your young lady, didn't you?"

Dongmei's face suddenly turned pale, and Kang Xu became more certain when he saw this.

Originally, he just wanted to cheat her, but he didn't want Dongmei's reaction to be so big, which made him more sure of his guess.

Lu Jitong was right, he trusted Dongmei too much, but he ignored that Dongmei could also lie.

Dongmei said that Zhang Hebi and Tao Zhaoxue had eloped, and no one else knew about it except them. Could it be that she was lying?

Kang Xu also suspected this, so he deliberately deceived her with words.

If Dongmei really lied, it must be closely related to this case. As long as she cheated her with words, she would definitely show her flaws, and Dongmei's reaction just confirmed his guess.

Dongmei's face was pale, her breathing became extremely irregular, it was clear that she had a ghost in her heart.

Kang Xu knew that this was the most critical time, and only when she completely broke the line of defense in her heart, would she fully confess.

Thinking of this, Kang Xu's eyes turned cold, and he said lightly: "Okay, since you don't speak up, let me tell you again, you said that no one else knew about Tao Zhaoxue's elopement with Zhang Hebi, you are actually lying .It was you who secretly replaced their letter and sent the real letter to the murderer. I am not wrong, right?"

Dongmei's face was ugly, and her eyes were extremely frightened. She suddenly knelt on the ground and cried: "My lord, it was the servant who killed the young lady. The servant deserves death, but the servant is not jealous of the young lady. The young lady treats me like a sister. How could I?" Miss Jealousy?"

Dongmei's eyes were tearful, and her eyes were full of remorse. She whimpered and said, "My lord, this servant is forced to do nothing, but this servant really didn't want to kill Miss, and this servant didn't know that he would kill Miss!"

Kang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, and shouted: "Tell me everything you have done, whether you are guilty or not, I will make my own judgment."

Dongmei knelt on the ground, crying with tears in her eyes: "It is true as what your lord said, I replaced the letter that Miss Zhang agreed with Mr. Zhang. On that day, Miss decided to elope with Mr. Zhang, and the time was originally set at Choushi. But Later, the lady was worried that the master would catch up with her, so she moved the time forward by an hour. When I took the letter from the lady to Mr. Zhang, it was discovered by Mr. Lu. He did not know where the lady was going to elope. , forcing me to tell the truth. Then, he ordered me to replace the letter with the letter of agreement that the lady had discarded before."

Dongmei's eyes were dim with tears, and she cried regretfully: "But my lord, I didn't know that Mr. Lu would kill Miss! If I knew that he was plotting against Miss, even if I died, I would not betray Miss!"

"Your Master Lu is Lu Jitong?" Kang Xu asked with his hands behind his back.

"Exactly." Dongmei nodded.

Kang Xu took a few steps, and suddenly he asked, "What is your relationship with Lu Jitong? Why do you listen to him?"

Dongmei kept stirring the corner of her clothes with her fingers, a look of sadness appeared on her face, after hesitating for a moment, she made up her mind to cry: "My servant's father was addicted to alcohol and gambling, and owed a lot of money to Mr. Lu. The servant's family is poor, although There was a young lady who helped, but the money she got was not enough to pay off the debt... One day, Lu Jitong went to collect the debt, and saw that the servant girl was quite attractive, and forcibly took away the servant girl's body..."

Kang Xu frowned. From Dongmei's words, this Lu Jitong was simply a beast, and even saying he was a beast was an insult to the word beast.

"The slave girl was unwilling to agree to him, but he threatened my father's life, saying that if I didn't do it, he would kill my father. The slave girl was afraid, and thought that nothing would happen if she just exchanged letters, so she agreed. Unexpectedly, this beast killed Miss in such a cruel way. I killed Miss, I am sorry Miss..." Dongmei knelt on the ground, sobbing.

"Let me ask you, what about the exchange of letters?" Kang Xu asked.

This question has been bothering him, making him puzzled. Although he heard some clues from Dongmei's words, he still wants to know whether the truth is the same as his guess.

"My lord, the letter was written by Miss before, and it was indeed written in Miss's font, so after changing it, Mr. Zhang didn't notice it." Dongmei sobbed.

"As expected." Kang Xu secretly sighed, it turned out that this was the real reason for losing an hour.

Regardless of whether it was the agreement of Zishi or Choushi, these two letters were from Tao Zhaoxue, and Dongmei exchanged the letters in private, so Zhang Hebi was naturally an hour late.

"My lord, I know I was wrong. Ever since I found out that Miss was murdered, I have had trouble sleeping and eating. I am sorry for Miss. It was my servant who killed Miss. I am willing to plead guilty." Dongmei knelt on the ground, kowtowed and sobbed.

With his hands behind his back, Kang Xu stomped a few steps back and forth, and said slowly, "I ask you, if you are asked to identify Lu Jitong, would you be willing?"

Dongmei burst into tears, bit her lips tightly and said, "I am willing to identify you."

Kang Xu nodded, and said calmly: "In this case, you can take care of your young lady's funeral, and I will send you to testify at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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