The Strongest Soldier of the Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 852 5 Times Against Muto's Attack

Chapter 852 Fighting Muto's Attack Five Times
Muto thought for a while, and then told the semaphore soldiers on the side to send a signal to Harada and the others, asking Harada to use mortars to cover the troops' charge.

The bannermen responded immediately, and immediately stood on a high ground, waving the banner towards Harada to convey what they wanted to convey.

Immediately afterwards, Harada let the artillery start shelling, and the booming explosion exploded at the front of the position in an instant, stirring up nearby sand and trees, and the air was filled with gunpowder smoke and the corrosive smell of soil.

Several soldiers were rolled out of the bunker by the explosion of the artillery shells, fell to the ground, and died on the spot. The soldiers were seriously injured.

When Ding Er and Gouzi saw the devil's shells kept coming, they immediately called the soldiers to hide in the bunker, trying to avoid the explosion of the devil's shells as much as possible.

After 2 minutes of shelling, the position was already in a mess, but the little devils did not give up the attack because of this. After the artillery fire stopped, Muto charged towards the position with the remaining little devils.

Ding Er saw Muto rushing up again, so he immediately called the soldiers who were still alive around him to get up and fight the devils.

For a while, gunshots rang out again, and bullets swished across the distance between the devil and Ding Er again, and even the air was filled with the sound of killing.

But the little devil seemed to be crazy, and charged forward with all his might. Gouzi and Ding Er ran out of bullets in their hands. In order to deal with the little devil's charge, they began to use the few grenades.

Rows of grenades were thrown towards the little devil, and the rumbling explosion quickly spread across the devil's path. The powerful explosion smoke filled the entire area, and the only thing left around was burning and dust.

The devils suffered heavy casualties. One of the devils in Muto's reorganized squadron was beaten less than half, and the position is still not in his hands. Muto was so anxious that he was about to go crazy.

He organized a commando team composed of crooked light machine guns to fight the whole battle, using powerful firepower to suppress the front line, preventing Ding Er and Gou Zi from having the slightest chance to raise their heads.

The dense bullets quickly made Ding Er and Niu Quan unable to raise their heads, and could only be suppressed in the trench for life.

But the little devil's attack was still going on. Under the suppression and cover of the devil's crooked assault team, they followed the footsteps of the assault team and moved forward step by step, and they were about to rush to the battlefield.

Ding Er knew that they couldn't go on like this, otherwise they would just wait here to die, so he said to Gouzi: "We use grenades and throw them directly from here based on our feeling, even if we can't kill many of them, At least it can form a defensive firepower network, so that the little devil can't walk so smoothly!"

"The method is good, but we only have one grenade in our hands, which is not enough!" Gouzi also thinks this method is good. They don't have to climb out of the trench to worry about the bullets hitting themselves, and they can block the little devil's attack very happily go ahead.

But the accuracy of their blind throwing will be greatly reduced, and the loss will be a lot of waste. Moreover, after blocking the devil's attack with grenades just now, they have already consumed a lot of grenades, which will be seriously insufficient.

"I can't care about that much anymore, let's throw two at a time, try to save a little!" Ding Er immediately said to Gouzi, "No matter what, let's suppress the devil's attack first!"

Ding Er knew very well that they couldn't just lie down and do nothing, otherwise they would have to fight head-to-head when the little devil rushed over.

"That's okay, let's go far and then close, try two for the little devil first!" Gouzi completely agreed, and then continued, "Before we hid in, the little devil was about 80 meters away from us, and now it should be 50 meters away." Already!"

"Let's count to three and start throwing them out!" Ding Er said immediately after hearing this, and immediately said after seeing Gouzi nodding, "One, two, three..."

After counting, they immediately pulled away the rings of the grenade, and threw them backwards. At that moment, the two grenades were thrown towards the little devil, and one landed about a meter away from the little devil, and then there was a bang. It exploded, blowing the four or five little devils around him to the ground.

The other one landed in the Devil's machine gun assault team. Eight or nine Devil's machine gunners were blown away with a loud bang. As a result, six were killed, three or four were injured, and the Devil's machine gun curse was almost paralyzed.

Muto didn't expect that the opponent would do such a trick to him, which caused the loss of his frontline troops, but he still did not give up moving forward.

He decided that this was a completely wrong position, and there would be no next time, so he ordered his devil soldiers to continue attacking forward, and the remaining two or three devil machine gunners continued to pull the trigger and cover in front.

The follow-up devils continued to attack the front, and the devil team kept pressing forward, and they were about to step on Ding Er's position.

Ding Er and the others knew very well that there was no way to throw the grenade at this time. If the grenade exploded, it would probably explode beside them, causing their own casualties.

So they all planned to fight with bayonets and fight the little devil. No matter what, they had to stick to the position. Before Shen Sanduo gave the order, they must not take a step back.

At this moment, Shen Sanduo gestured to Ding Er and Gou Zi, telling Ding Er and Niu Quan to retreat to the foxhole behind with the rest of the soldiers, as concealed as possible.

When Ding Er and Gou Zi saw Shen Sanduo's command expressed with gestures, they immediately called all the soldiers to retreat, left the position, and entered the foxhole behind.

Then Shen Sanduo gestured at Niu Quan in the ditch over there, ordering them to get ready for battle and be ready to attack at any time.

When the devil was close to the position, he immediately took out the grenade, pulled the tab, touched his helmet, and threw it directly into Ding Er's trench.

Then instinctively squatted down and waited for the grenade in the trench to explode and smoke would rise. Muto led the devils into the trench again, intending to fight hand-to-hand with the remaining Chinese troops.

But when they jumped into the trench and stabbed the Chinese defenders with bayonets, Niu Quan and the others suddenly rushed out of the ditch, pulled down the grenade less than two meters away from the trench, pulled the ring, and threw it into the trench. down.

It wasn't just one or two that went down all at once, but a dozen or so.Almost at the same time, more than a dozen grenades exploded at the same time. The powerful explosion made the ground tremble. The shaking people couldn't stand still. Niu Quan and the others could only lie on the ground to maintain their balance.

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(End of this chapter)

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