The Strongest Soldier of the Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 847 Received the latest order from the superior

Chapter 847 Received the latest order from the superior

When the dumb girl heard Shen Sanduo's order, she immediately turned on the radio and sent a message to the headquarters that the task would be successfully completed.

In less than a while, she received a call back from Qianzhi. The dumb girl carefully recorded the telegram and translated it according to the code. Then she brought it to Shen Sanduo and handed it to Shen Sanduo to speak.

"What about the front finger?" Ding Er couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to know if the frontline soldiers would go crazy with joy when they heard the news.You must know that after this battle, their Wolves will not be famous.

"Qianzhi only sent us a sentence, congratulations, welcome home!" Seeing Ding Er's anxious look, Shen Sanduo immediately said to Ding Er and the big guy.

"Go home? Can we really go back to our army?" Xiao Mo heard this sentence, a warm current in his heart instantly burned his body, as if to swallow his body and soul together.

They have been away from his army for a long time, just like children who have left home and haven't returned home for a long time, he is very emotional.

"Don't be too happy, what they said about going home must be returning to our station!" Shen Sanduo had to pour cold water on everyone, knowing that they had no way to return to their camp at this time, he had to do The only thing I can do is to lead everyone to continue to fight the little devils, to defend the family and the country.

But during this conversation, the radio station suddenly rang the sound of Didi again, and the dumb girl immediately started to receive and record the content.

After the translation, the dumb girl handed the telegram to Shen Sanduo without any expression on her face. She didn't make any gestures to express her meaning, but just sat on the side with her face poised, waiting for something.

Seeing her expression, Shen Sanduo seemed to feel that something serious had happened, and he turned on the computer eagerly to check the contents inside.

After reading this, Shen Sanduo's complexion also fell, it seemed that it was all because of that telegram, and that telegram had made Shen Sanduo and Dumb Girl both in a bad mood.

Everyone is very curious about this, and they all want to know what is said in the telegram, and why does it affect the mood of the people who read the telegram?

"This telegram is an order issued by the Military Committee of the National Revolutionary Army. Let us suspend returning to the garrison to rest and fly directly to Yuewang Mountain to participate in the defense of Yuewang Mountain. We have already started to attack Yuewang Mountain when we received the order, and our task is to parachute into Yuewang Mountain, occupy Yuewang Mountain first and persist until the two regiments arrive at Yuewang Mountain to participate in the battle!" Shen Sanduo knew that this task was almost impossible to complete Yes, but this is an action order directly issued by the military council, and they seem to have no other choice.

"Don't go!" Ding Er said first, and he protested, "We are not made of iron, and we are overwhelmed by the tasks one by one, so you should give us some rest time?"

"That's right, we didn't get the weapons and ammunition replenished by our superiors in time. Given the current situation, it's impossible for us to defend Yuewang Mountain!" Niu Quan also objected. He felt that this was a threat to their lives from the superiors. Absolutely irresponsible.

"Captain, if you don't want to save face, just send a telegram to the head of our New Fourth Army and ask our superiors to communicate with them!" Xiao Mo obviously disagreed with the execution of this order, in his opinion, everything was too hasty Well, if this battle continues, the entire Wolves team will be defeated.

You must know that the Wolves are the elite main force in the independent regiment of the New Fourth Army, and no one can bear this responsibility after the game, so Xiao Mo suggested to send a telegram to the chief to ask the superiors for instructions.

"I know what you said is very reasonable, but have you ever thought about it? If we don't occupy Yuewang Mountain first, the little devil will occupy Yuewang Mountain before us. At that time, even two regiments of mountain bikes of the Central Army If they are all wiped out, it may not be possible to regain them, which is extremely detrimental to China's Anti-Japanese War, isn't it?" Shen Sanduo said, he knew everyone's emotions very well, so he tried to persuade everyone.

"They can definitely send other troops to participate in the operation! Why did they choose our exhausted army?" Ah Qi also said at this time, "They are being plotted and calculated!"

"Captain, I think it's better to send a telegram to the chiefs according to everyone's wishes, and see what they mean!" Ding Er said at this time, he knew very well that everyone was emotional at this time, and it was difficult for Shen Sanduo to persuade Everyone, the only solution is to send a telegram to the head of the New Fourth Army and ask them what to do.

"Well, dumb girl, send a telegram to the head of the New Fourth Army, and forward the content of the telegram sent by the Military Commission, and ask the head what should we do?" After hearing Ding Er's words, Shen Sanduo felt that it made sense, so he immediately asked Looking at the dumb girl, she asked the dumb girl to call the head of the New Fourth Army headquarters immediately.

The dumb girl nodded, then switched the channel, and started sending the report. It could be seen that everyone was waiting anxiously this time. She had to hurry up and send the report without any delay.

"It is impossible for our plane to wait in the air, and the preemption time on the Yuewang Mountain side is tight. We must let the plane fly there first. If we receive a telegram reply from the chief in the middle, let us evacuate or go home, our plane will go back. That's it!" Shen Sanduo knew that it would take a certain amount of time to wait for the return, and that his superiors had to study and decide, so he came up with his own plan, so that he could operate two plans at the same time without delaying anything.

"We have no objection to this!" Hearing Shen Sanduo's more pertinent approach, everyone seemed to have no objection, so everyone agreed with Shen Sanduo's proposal to let the plane fly towards Yuewang Mountain first.

"James, inform George that our plane flies directly over Mount Wang!" Seeing that everyone had no objection, Shen San immediately said to James.

"OK!" James replied immediately, and then walked towards the cockpit, conveying Shen Sanduo's intentions and asking George to follow Shen Sanduo's wishes.

Then James brought all the available parachute bags in the cabin and distributed them to everyone.Fortunately, there were enough parachutes on the plane. After distributing them to everyone, there were still more than three left. God was fair to them.

"Everyone, check your equipment and get ready to go at any time!" Shen Sanduo was the first to put the parachute on his back, then checked his guns and ammunition, and took all the usable ones with him.

The grenade and the [-]-type rifle were hung on the remaining three parachutes, ready to drop off the plane at any time and jump off with the soldiers.

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(End of this chapter)

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