Chapter 781

The little devils going up and down the city tower concentrated their firepower to snatch the sandbag bunker position inside the city gate, but because of the blockage of the bunker, the speed of the devil's advance was hindered.

The comrades of the underground party used the fortifications built by the devils to resist tenaciously, covering the comrades who opened the city gate to open the city gate, and pistols and grenades smashed at the little devil from time to time.

The rumbling explosion blew the devils away, and many little devils fell on the way of charging.But the devils who were desperately trying to regain the position did not give up the attack, and still increased their offensive firepower, advancing towards the position, and let the grenadiers start to cooperate with them in the battle.

Hearing a few loud bangs, several grenades flew out in an instant and directly hit the positions of the comrades of the underground party. The powerful explosion overturned the sandbag bunker, and several comrades were also blown out, and fell directly on the ground. He landed on the inclined sandbag and died in the artillery fire.

With the cover of artillery fire, the speed of the devil's advance has been accelerated a lot, and the charging devil is not far from the underground party's position.

At this time, the comrade in charge of opening the door had lifted the latch and was slowly moving away the heavy and strong door.

When the gate was opened to allow a puppy to pass through, the devil's machine gun swept towards the underground party comrades who opened the gate.

A row of bullets directly penetrated the backs of the two comrades, and blood rushed out along the chest.One of the comrades fell to the ground on the spot, unable to get up again.

The other comrade used his last strength to slam his whole body against the opening gate, and then the moment the gate opened, his body slowly fell over. In the afternoon, blood gushed out from his throat directly. The moment it landed, it was sprayed on the ground, forming a big pool of blood.

Seeing comrades who had never met before lying on the ground like this, unable to get up again, Ding Er and the others felt very uncomfortable.

But they have no time to take care of their own feelings at the moment, rushing into the city gate opened with blood and taking the entire east city is what they must do now, so Ding Er didn't hesitate, and immediately led the soldiers to push the gate open, and then Go through that door.

Thomson in his hand began to fire intermittently, charging forward, and the sound of rattling gunfire reminded him that the east gate had been broken.

After passing the city gate, enter the sandbag position directly, and together with the living underground party comrades, suppress the little devils rushing over with firepower.

The soldiers in the front suppressed it with the powerful firepower of the Thomson submachine gun, and the soldiers in the back immediately pulled down the grenade on their chests, pulled off the buckle and threw them directly to the little devil.

Following several huge explosions and dense gunpowder smoke, many little devils were killed on the spot, and the remaining little devils were shot by submachine guns before they had time to fight back, causing serious casualties.

In order to avoid the bad luck of being completely wiped out, the devil officer ordered the troops to retreat and head towards the gate of the city.

Seeing that the city has fallen, the little devils on the tower immediately organized troops to fight down, planning to break out from the city.

But they were blocked by Ding Er and the others, and many people were killed and injured, and they still had no way to break through the encirclement.

At this time, Shen Sanduo rushed in with three fighters from the machine gun team, and ordered the three soldiers of the machine gun team to cooperate with the battle with grenade launchers to eliminate the little devils on the tower.

The three soldiers didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately loaded the shells and went down. Suddenly, there was a booming explosion sound from the city tower, and a strong and thick gunpowder smoke swept up, filling the entire city gate. The little devil's body was instantly crushed. They were blown up on the city gate and some of them fell directly under the city and hit the ground, leaving behind a heavy sound.

"Ding Er, arrange three soldiers to guard the city gate and cover our evacuation later!" Seeing that the little devil on the city gate was almost killed by the bomb, Shen Sanduo immediately said to Ding Er.

He knew very well what the way of retreat meant to them, so he had to leave a few people behind to guard this place to prevent the little devils from counterattacking and surrounding them entirely.

Ding Er didn't dare to be ambiguous, and immediately ordered the three soldiers to stay, and asked them to clean up the light and heavy machine guns next to the little devil's body, and put all the usable ones in this direction of the city, so as to be ready to stop the little devil in the city.

After arranging everything, Ding Er immediately led the team to follow Shen Sanduo, and quickly advanced towards the city.The surviving comrades of the underground party led them to find the shell warehouse quickly.

There is only one infantry platoon of puppet soldiers guarding the cannonball warehouse. This probably heard the gunshots at the gate of the city. The puppet soldiers were all panicked, holding the guns in their hands and looking around nervously, for fear that someone would rush. Come over to their warehouse.

"Captain, it's just a puppet army platoon, what shall we do?" Ding Er led his team to hide by the wall outside the warehouse, looked inside, and found that the puppet army's infantry platoon guarding the warehouse inside, immediately asked Shen San Lots of talk.

"Our troops are divided into two groups. Ding Er, take a few soldiers to the right and attack the puppet army first. As long as they are not desperately resisting, you don't have to kill them, but we can't let them spoil our affairs!" Shen Sanduo Immediately issued an order, it seems that he has a comprehensive plan.

"Yes!" Ding Er rushed over with the soldiers immediately after hearing the order, and launched a fierce attack on the right side where the puppet army was located. The sound of rattling gunfire quickly covered the puppet army's seat.

"Other comrades, follow me!" Seeing Ding Er in action, of course I couldn't lag behind, so I led the other soldiers to charge towards the puppet army on the left. Thomson in my hand charged and I took the lead. They open the way.

The two teams sprinted towards the warehouse where the puppet army was located like crab claws. Seeing that the situation was not good, the puppet army immediately squatted on the ground before the bullet hit them, raised their guns on the spot, and gave up. resistance.

"You guys, take away their guns!" Seeing that the puppet army had surrendered, Shen Sanduo immediately said to the soldiers around him.

The soldiers rushed over immediately, took off all the guns and ammunition in the hands of the puppet army, threw them aside, and started to clean up.

"Ding Er, hurry up and install the explosives, and blow up all the shells inside!" Shen Sanduo continued at this time, ordering Ding Er to start operations and prepare to blow up the shells stored inside.

Ding Er immediately responded, and under the leadership of the comrades of the underground party, they entered the warehouse smoothly, pointed out the positions of all the shells inside, and then installed explosives on them.

While Shen Sanduo and the others were busy bombing the warehouse, Sakurai Ichiro was commanding the defenders at the North City Gate to fight, but what puzzled him was that when he climbed up the city wall, he did not see the people outside the North City Gate. There was no movement.

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(End of this chapter)

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