Chapter 730
Those little devils who were washed away were washed away, but the little devils on the rope were also in a more dangerous situation at this time.

The devil's corpse hanging on the rope began to be completely washed away and floated away along the river, which caused the rope to relax, forming a huge arc, swaying in the flood.

The devil soldiers who survived with the help of the devil's corpse rushed downstream together with the devil's corpse, and the remaining little devils were all the devil soldiers holding on to the rope.

The flood was still rushing downstream, and the shaking of the rope was beyond their imagination. Their bodies were almost soaked in the flood water. The soldiers sometimes floated up to catch their breath with the shaking of the rope, and sometimes they were swept into the water by the flood. Headless.

The heavy rain continued to pour down, and the surrounding mountain torrents continued to pour into the creek, and large trees continued to appear upstream along the river.

If it weren't for the fact that the upstream river is relatively narrow and there are many trees on both sides, and the big tree was hung on it, the big tree would have rushed to the devil's rope by now, and the force of tens of thousands of catties would act on the rope at once. The rope that kept the little devils alive had broken long ago, and the dozen or so devil soldiers above lost their lives at that moment.

But that's only temporary. The big tree will block more floating objects when it is horizontally upstream. When it gathers at a certain time, the big tree will reach a time when it can't bear the pressure.

Once it breaks at that time, the impact these little devils will have to bear is far beyond the previous one. This risk is not something they can bear.

And at this time, Gouzi and the others had already started walking towards the other end of the rope, apparently wanting to completely cut off the hope of these little devils surviving.

These little devils started to panic, desperately climbing towards the direction to go back, no one dared to waste time, because they all knew that the longer the delay, the worse it would be for them.

Seeing this situation on the other side, the devil knew that it was impossible to cross the river again, so the commander there immediately ordered the machine gunners to place the heavy machine guns on the other side, and then fired at Gouzi and the others. , Cover the retreat of the devil soldiers as much as possible.

Because of the strafing of the devil's heavy machine gun, Gouzi and the others were once again hindered in their actions. In desperation, they could only hide behind the nearby stones and temporarily protect themselves.

Those bullets hit the stones from time to time, making that creepy sound of friction between metal and stone.

The battle was at a stalemate for a while, Gouzi and the others had no way to get close to the rope, Shen Sanduo and the others were on top, and there were not enough bullets. Besides, Jushang Linxia and the shaking of the water surface would not be able to hit these little devils for a while, so the two sides formed a temporary formation. into a confrontational state.

But Shen Sanduo knew very well that now is the time when the water is rising, completely blocking the little devil's chance to attack. As long as the rain stops and the water level drops, the little devil will definitely make a comeback, so his assassin is praying in his heart God, the rain will continue to fall, because it will save them nothing, even the soldiers who participated in the war will not have so many casualties.

But whether God will follow his wish, no one can predict this, but everyone knows the truth that it is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself, so the main factor that determines the outcome of this battle is between Shen Sanduo and Ito.

But those ghost soldiers at this time are not so lucky. They are already in a precarious situation, and they may be washed away by mountain torrents at any time, and their lives are at stake.

Just when they were desperately climbing in the direction of going back, the big tree upstream finally couldn't bear it because of the pressure of too much floating objects, coupled with the erosion of the water flow, and the tree blocking the big tree on the left appeared It was severely bent, followed by a tilt, and then fell down at the root, and rushed directly to the little devil who was relying on the rope to survive along with the rushing water.

The little devils screamed when they saw the upstream rushing towards their big tree like a wild horse, and they couldn't find anything other than the frightened expression on their faces.But no matter how terrified they were, their fate had already determined their fate, and no one could reverse it. The huge tree with a loud noise directly hit the rope, and the rope was rushed to the ground almost without stopping. broken, and then rushed downstream together with the big tree.

The little devils were submerged in the flood in an instant, and it seemed that there was no possibility of survival.But Gouzi and the others watched all this with their own eyes on the riverbed not far away, dumbfounded, and didn't know what they should do.

You must know that this is the first time they have witnessed this kind of scene. Although it was a little devil who was washed away, and their own people did not suffer any damage, the power of nature is really awe-inspiring and terrifying. Dogs can't imagine What would happen if the Wolves were holding the rope?
It seems that the heavens are also condemning these inhuman beasts, otherwise the flood would not have happened at this time.Gouzi couldn't help cursing the little devil in his heart, and then looked at the vast ocean in front of him, knowing that the little devil would not be able to come ashore for a while, so he led the two soldiers to climb up the mountain behind him.

They didn't dare to waste any more time at this time, because the powerful mountain flood surface had come to their heels, and if they didn't leave here, maybe the next person to be washed away by the rain would no longer be a little devil, but them There were three of them, so none of the three of them dared to waste time, and immediately climbed up towards Shen Sanduo and the others.

When the last of their soldiers climbed up, a big rock under their feet was washed away by the flood. The huge sound of the collapse and the sound of the rock rolling in the river really made the soldiers feel chills on their backs. No one dared to imagine what would happen if they climbed up one step later.

"Comrades, we have a rest meeting in the advanced shelter. I don't know when the heavy rain will stop!" Shen Sanduo saw that the soldiers were all exposed to the rain at this time, and immediately said to everyone.At this time, the shelters around them were still usable if they were not bombarded by the devils, so he hurriedly arranged for the soldiers to go in to shelter from the rain first.

The soldiers didn't dare to delay, and immediately hid in the shelter, took off the wet clothes as much as possible, wrung out the water and put them on again, and then each soldier stuck to his post, and no one dared to have the slightest negligence.

(End of this chapter)

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