Chapter 594
Behind the two devil lieutenants came a group of devil soldiers. They held rifles in their hands and looked around vigilantly, as if they were paying attention to whether there was an ambush around them.

These ghost soldiers bypassed the two talking lieutenants and the major chatting together, walked to the front of the line, spread out and stood on both sides of the jungle path, the distance between the two soldiers was less than two meters, as if standing guard here .

After the devil soldiers took their positions, the two devil lieutenant commanders and two major commanders also stood beside them, silently saying nothing, but saluting the army in the direction behind them.

"Is there any other important person?" Shen Sanduo murmured in his heart.You must know that the devil's lieutenant is already a pretty big devil officer, and now the two devil officers salute at the back at the same time, which is nothing more than a sign that the rank of the big man who will appear later must be much higher than them.

But what kind of character will appear?Is it Colonel?Major General?Or lieutenant general?All these questions filled Shen Sanduo's mind at once, and he didn't know what kind of result would happen for a while.

Just when he was making various speculations about the mystery of this team, an old man in civilian clothes with a cane in his hand walked up to the two lieutenants with the support of a senior officer, followed by a devil The major held an umbrella for him, even ignoring the rainwater falling on his neck and military uniform.

Shen Sanduo didn't know what kind of character this old man in plain clothes was in the little devil, but since the little devil respected him so much, then this person's identity and status must be unusual.

Thinking of this, Shen Sanduo immediately gestured towards Gouzi, ordering Gouzi and his sniper team to attack first.

Seeing Shen Sanduo's gesture, Gouzi immediately picked up the rifle in his hand, aimed slightly towards the front, and then there was a gunshot. A bullet passed through the rain curtain and shot directly at the head of the frontmost major.

On the spot, the devil, Shao Zuo, turned over and fell to the ground, slid down the drenched and rain-drenched hillside, rolled down the valley, and disappeared without a trace.

The little devil panicked in an instant, and immediately raised his gun and shot around. The crackling gunshots continued, and it seemed that they had no way of identifying where the shot aimed at the devil came from. Instinctively fought back.

The two devil majors immediately took out the Nanfang Fourteen from their waists, and blocked the devil chief and the old man on crutches.

A row of devil soldiers also held their guns urgently and stood in front of the devil lieutenant, forming a human wall. It seemed that if they wanted to attack the old man with crutches, they had to kill them now.

Seeing the current situation of the devil, Gouzi and the others naturally did not intend to give up, and then four or five soldiers started to rob one after another. They only heard shooting towards the little devil from four directions, several gunshots, and the little The two majors on the devil's side were hit on the head and fell to the ground, followed by the two devil soldiers.

"Sniper, China sniper!" At this time, the devil saw that a few shots had been fired without missing a beat, killing a little devil with a single shot, and the shooting was targeted and planned, and a captain immediately yelled.

The devil's side became more and more flustered, and the devil soldiers standing guard squatted around to check the movement, and surrounded the devil chief and the old man.

They can't figure out the opponent's specific direction at all now. They only know that the opponent's marksmanship is very good, almost one shot at a time, and they have never had a chance to empty their guns. The delivery of sniper skills made these little devils feel really scared.

Just when all the little devil's soldiers surrounded the old man, Gouzi and the others started their second round of shooting. Because they couldn't hit the officer inside, they retreated to the next best thing and opened fire when they saw the devil.

For a while, the little devils on the periphery were hit by bullets again inexplicably, and fell to the ground like a circle, with their bodies arranged in a circle.

"Baga!" Seeing this situation, Captain Guizi knew very well that going on like this was not a problem. When the Chinese snipers killed the surrounding Guizi soldiers, the rest should be officials like them. The opponent was eaten in one go, so the devil commander immediately said to all the devil soldiers around him, "Fight back, fight back immediately!"

Following the order of the devil commander, all the devil soldiers gathered in one direction, and the two light machine guns with crooked handles continued to shoot at the positions where Gouzi and the others fired. The sound of the gunshots broke the rain and fell on the ground The sound resounded throughout the valley.

But Gouzi and the others had received professional training. After firing the shot in their hands, they immediately changed their sniper positions. At this time, there was no one on the sniper spot they had avoided before.

Except for interrupting the branches and weeds in the rain, the devil's machine gunner's strafing seems to have no effect.

Gouzi and the others once again raised their rifles in the torrential rain, pulled the trigger at the little devil, and a few more shots were fired. The bullets shot from the devil's side and penetrated the heads of the devil's two machine gunners. , two devil captains outside were beaten to death and fell to the ground, a drop of blood was sprayed, and slowly dispersed with the rain.

"Retreat!" The devil saw that the little devil in front of him was helpless, and knew that if the battle continued, let alone his own life, even the old man with the stick they wanted to protect would die here.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the old man with the cane, the devil commander had no choice but to give the order to retreat, not daring to stay here for another minute.

Following this order, all the ghost soldiers squeezed around the old man with the cane, handed out guns to warn the old man, and then slowly retreated back together, intending to leave here.

Gouzi and the others knew that they couldn't hit the important people in the devil's encirclement, but they didn't stop shooting, so their rifles continued to shoot at the little devil.

Pa pa pa pa four or five shots came to mind almost at the same time, and four or five little devils fell down, but the ones who were killed were only devil soldiers.

But at this moment, Shen Sanduo picked up his rifle from the commanding heights, aiming at the old man with a cane who was slowly retreating under the cover of the devil.

It’s just that he can only see one shoulder of the old man in this direction, and the other parts are blocked by umbrellas and little devil soldiers. Shooting may not kill the old man, but if he doesn’t shoot, the little devil will just walk away in front of him , he was very unwilling in his heart, so Shen Sanduo pulled the trigger at the shoulder of the old man with the cane...

(End of this chapter)

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