Chapter 574

"Baga, the cunning Chinese people will hide in the dark and hurt people!" The devil Zhongzuo couldn't come up with any better solution now, but he was unwilling to be controlled by Shen Sanduo and the others, so he rushed The two remaining majors around said, "Order the troops, once you hear the gunshots, shoot out the bullets in your hands at all costs, and the opponent will deny you life and death!"

"Ha Yi!" The two major commanders responded immediately, and then ordered the devil soldiers around them to do as the devil's lieutenant commander asked, without daring to neglect them at all.

At the moment of speaking, another gunshot was heard. This gunshot seemed to deliberately break the tranquility in the forest. The sound penetrated the sky, passed through the forest, and then passed through the gaps in the big trees in the forest to the devil. in the ears.

The devils immediately raised their guns and fired. All the rifles were pointed in the direction of the sound without any accidents. There was a burst of crackling shots, and the bullets swept across a large area.

But after the gunshots, there was still silence, without any sound. The little devils finally stopped shooting in order not to waste bullets.

But at this time, everyone noticed that another devil, Major Zuo, was shot in the forehead and fell to the ground. He also lost his life before he could make any struggle.

"Yamada-kun is the same as Ishii-kun. The bullet went out through the skull. Judging from the bullet marks, the hotshot is still 500 meters away!" The only remaining major inspected the other major's wound carefully, and then judged according to the force of the ejection Calculate the effective range, and finally came to such a conclusion.

"Baga, 500 meters away, he shot and killed two of my junior officers in a row, and they were all killed by one shot. Is this a bandit army from China?" The devil's lieutenant began to suspect that the Chinese army he was facing was not An ordinary army with no special training.

At this moment, he remembered the phone calls from Kojima and Ikeda before he died in battle. At that time, he refused to believe what they said. Thinking about it now, he himself was too arbitrary.

These people in front of them came and went without a trace, moved quickly, and their fighting power was extremely powerful, even beyond their judgment. This was simply not something an ordinary bandit armed force could do.

"Your Excellency, as far as the current Chinese army can be equipped with this kind of professional snipers, there is only the teaching corps of the Central Army of the National Army, but it will definitely not be an ordinary bandit armed force!" Seeing the devil, Zhongzuo felt suspicious in his heart. Rebirth, so he analyzed and said.

"Based on this estimate, what kind of team will we be facing?" Guizi Zhongzuo felt that what he said made sense. After all, the powerful enemy they encountered before was unprecedented, and he could not rule out that they had met. China's most elite armed forces.

"The Central Army of China has always liked to compete with us on the ground, and has never been willing to hide its head and show its tail in the woods. According to this judgment, it should not be the teaching corps of the Central Army! The subordinates really can't figure out what kind of army this is! "The major thought about it, but he couldn't figure out what kind of army they were encountering in front of them.

"I think they are very likely to be the wolf team that is active near our Yuyang County!" The devil's lieutenant couldn't think of any possibility when he saw the Shao Zuo, so he boldly made his own judgment.

"Wolves?" Hearing these two words, Major Guizi looked at Lieutenant Guizi with surprise on his face. On the one hand, he was surprised that he hadn't thought of this team, and on the other hand, he felt that it was too early to make such a decision.

It is no secret that the Wolves are active in Yuyang. Many devil troops have suffered, and they once wiped out two squadrons. The combat effectiveness is evident, but it has never been heard that they are as good as they are now in sniping. Level, otherwise, they may meet a strong enemy.

"Yoxi, they are a force with absolute combat effectiveness, just like the kamikaze special forces of the empire!" The devil's lieutenant explained, "They don't participate in large-scale battles, but they can attack me with a small force. The command center of the army, causing the greatest damage, they entered Yuyang County twice, assassinated Professor Morita, and burned the empire's grain depot, this has already explained this problem!"

"If that's the case, isn't it possible that Xue Xiazi was recruited by them?" Guizi Shao Zuo felt that the situation was serious and asked immediately.

If this speculation is confirmed, the situation is too serious for them.

"It's not certain that it will be incorporated. Xue Xiazi was born as a bandit and cannot be disciplined, while the Wolves are a team under the jurisdiction of the New Fourth Army. They abide by the discipline of the New Fourth Army. It is difficult for these two teams to integrate, but they It is possible to join forces with the Wolves, because our offense has harmed the interests of Xue Xiazi, in order to protect himself, he will definitely reach an agreement with the Wolves and deal with us unanimously!"

After Lieutenant Commander Guizi made a careful analysis of this complicated form, everything seemed to be clearly visible, so he was able to say such analyses.

"Then what should we do now?" Hearing this, Major Guizi already knew that his judgment had become a fact. What they had to pay now was not only Xue Xiazi's bandit armed forces, but more importantly, they had to deal with Langdu's surprise attack.

"Now we are being ambushed by China's hot men. If we move a little bit, the commander's life will be lost, so we can only hide here for the time being, and stay still." The devil's lieutenant is very clear about their current situation. The next one to be sniped is either this major or himself, so he must hide well, so as not to lose his life without knowing who the murderer is.

"Ha Yi!" Hearing what the devil's lieutenant said, the devil's commander immediately beckoned all the little devils behind him to lie down on the ground, using weeds to hide their bodies as much as possible.

But at the moment he beckoned, there was another gunshot, and a bullet directly passed through the palm of his hand, and the blood and pain were immediately painful.

But he didn't dare to move around, for fear that if he was not careful again, his head would be pierced like the previous two majors.

"Hashimoto-kun, are you alright?" the devil's lieutenant asked immediately when he heard the bullets being shot at the young master, and when he saw the young master's face turned blue from the pain.

"It's okay, I was hit in the palm by Zhina's hot hand!" The devil Shao Zuo gritted his teeth and replied, the sweat on his face kept coming out.

"Be careful, that shooter will shoot at any time!" the devil Nakasawa immediately told Hashimoto when he saw that Hashimoto's life was not in danger.

He doesn't know when the Chinese sniper will leave now, but there must be no more changes before leaving, otherwise he really doesn't know how he died.

(End of this chapter)

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