Chapter 547

Shen Sanduo got up early and called all the soldiers in the room to get up, and then said to Li Weitt: "Now take two soldiers to the gate of the city to see, and report in time if there is any situation!"

"Okay!" Levitt said, and he took two soldiers in devil's uniforms and left the Cangchun Pavilion, walking towards the west gate.

Cangchun Pavilion is the closest to the West City Gate, and the fastest way to the West City Gate from here. Naturally, Levitt will not go to other city gates to check what is going on. He can only go to the West City to see the situation as soon as possible.

When Shen Sanduo saw that Li Weitt led two soldiers out, he immediately called the four soldiers to change the soldiers standing guard outside to come in for a rest. Ding Er and Niu Quan were also replaced to rest.

One must know that they had already stood guard there for one night, and if they continued to stand guard, their health would be too much for them, so Shen Sanduo replaced them without the slightest hesitation.

And Lin Wanquan squatted in a corner all night without any clothes on, and his whole body developed rashes from mosquito bites.

He couldn't get up until early in the morning, and he felt sorry for himself when he thought about it, but he couldn't do anything about it. He could only watch the black muzzle of the gun continue to point at his head, and he didn't have the slightest chance to get up.

Ten minutes later, Li Weitt came back from the outside with two soldiers, and said to Shen Sanduo: "Brother Zheng, you little devil was tossing around all night yesterday, and a squadron leader didn't go back. The Devil's Gendarmerie Command sent a large force out Search, and all the streets are under martial law, as long as they are not wearing devil uniforms, they are not allowed to go to the streets. The security team, gendarmerie and imperial association army brigade have not been mobilized to the street. Now, as long as it takes more than 3 minutes, there will be a patrol The team passed by the intersection!"

"It seems that our goal has been achieved. The little devil has that hot potato of Guanggu in his hand, so he has no way to let go of his hands and feet to deal with us!" Shen Sanduo responded to the news brought back by Li Weitt, and then felt himself His plan was half successful, at least for the time being, the little devil would not be able to make trouble for their resident.

"Then what are our actions today?" Li Weitt immediately asked after hearing Shen Sanse's analysis, he felt that they should go out for activities today, at least not let the little devil be so leisurely.

"Today, we will have an ultimate trial to frighten the little devils in the square in the very center!" Shen Sanduo seemed to have already thought about today's mission.

"The ultimate trial?" Li Weitt didn't know what kind of trick Shen Sanduo wanted to play. They are now in the county controlled by the little devil, and all actions may be interfered by the little devil, and there is no way to start any trial. , He didn't understand what Shen Sanduo said about the ultimate judgment.

"Didn't we catch the little devil's officer? We told him to take him to the square!" Shen Sanduo put his mouth next to Li Weitt's ear and whispered to Li Weitt a few times.

"Okay, Brother Zheng, after this action, the little devil will definitely feel more afraid of us!" After hearing Shen Sanduo's plan, Li Weite immediately showed a smile on his face, and then said to Shen Sanduo.

"Bring all these puppet troops, maybe we have a chance to use them!" Seeing that Li Weitt didn't say anything more, Shen Sanduo fully agreed with his plan, so he went on talking.

"Yes!" Li Weitt responded immediately, and then greeted all the Wolves, "Soldiers of the Wolves, take the devil officers and puppet soldiers to the square for me, and we will try them on behalf of the Chinese people! "

All the soldiers of the wolf team took action, took Lin Wanquan and the devil officer Xiaodao into custody, and led them towards the square.

At noon, Shen Sanduo and all the soldiers of the Wolves hid on the buildings around the square, holding the rifle in their hands, adjusted the sight to the maximum position, and then aimed at one of the three points in the middle of the square. Location.

In the middle of the square, several huge pillars were erected, and a traitor and a second dog were tied to each pillar, but on the middlemost and largest pillar, a small island was tied.

At this moment, Kojima's hands were tied behind the pillar, and his feet were tightly fixed to the pillar, making him unable to move.

He wanted to yell, but because his own army cap was stuffed in his mouth, even if he wanted to yell, the sound could only linger in his throat, and finally there was only a whining sound.

Kojima tried to struggle several times, but every time he was fixed by the rope and could not move, there was nothing he could do.

The situation of the other puppet soldiers was the same as that of the little devil. Their bodies were helped and their mouths were gagged. Resistance could only be said to be futile.

And on the chest of each of them, there is a sign full of large characters, which clearly reads: "Kill those who betray the people! Kill those who are convicted of human rights! Kill the little devil!"

These three killing characters are all written with red paint, which is extremely dazzling and eye-catching. It can be seen that these three killing characters are full of hatred for little devils and traitors, and hatred for national scum.

"Is everything done?" Shen Sanduo pulled the bolt, and after the bullet was loaded, he made a preliminary aim, and then asked Levitt on the side.

"Don't worry, the streets and alleys are covered with posters that we shot the devils here today. I believe it won't be long before the little devils in the city will know the news and rush to the square to find out what's going on. !” Levitt said, the rifle in his hand was also pulled on the bolt, and the bullets were pushed up.

"Ding Er, keep an eye on the movement of the little devil, and when the little devil is about to appear in the square, notify us to act immediately!" Shen Sanduo then ordered Ding Er to say.

No matter what this time, he will kill Xiao Dao under the eyes of the little devil, so that the little devil will be scared to death as soon as he hears the name of Shen Sanduo and his wolf team.

"Yes!" Ding Er replied, and then went to another building with Niu Quan, standing at the highest position and staring at the surrounding areas of the square.

Ten minutes later, devils poured in from all directions towards the square. They quickly rushed to the square with heavy machine guns and mortars, looking like they were hostile.

Ding Er saw on the roof that the little devils had already outflanked the square, so he immediately gave a thumbs up to remind Shen Sanduo that the devils had come.

Soon, Niu Quan also gave his thumbs up, indicating that Ding Er said that what he saw was correct, and that many devils still came.

"Get ready!" Shen Sanduo immediately said to Li Weitt and the others beside him after seeing the two gestures, and gave the order to prepare to aim.

(End of this chapter)

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