The Strongest Soldier of the Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 540 Shen 3 Duo 2 Enters Tibetan Spring Pavilion

Chapter 540
"Okay, I'll arrange for comrades to rest now!" Seeing that Shen Sanduo asked everyone to find a place to rest, Li Weite immediately whispered in front of Shen Sanduo.

"Detective Li, we have made a lot of noise in the city this time. The little devil naturally knows that we are in the city. The hotel search at night must be strict. We can't take the risk of staying in the hotel?" Ding Er was worried when he saw Li Weite's straightforward promise Li Weitt didn't consider the details when arranging the accommodation, so he immediately reminded him.

"We are not familiar with the place of life in this Yuyang City. If we don't live in a hotel and live in a common people's house, will the common people let us live? Besides, once the little devil searches the common people's house, we can pat our ass and leave. What should ordinary people do?" Levitt also knew that staying in a hotel was not safe, but he couldn't think of a better way for a while.

"What both of you said makes sense, but it's not impossible to take both into account!" Shen Sanduo said immediately after hearing what the two of them said, "Let's go to the Cangchun Pavilion!"

"Cangchun Pavilion? Isn't that..." Li Weitt had opened a detective agency in Yuyang County, so he naturally knew about these places in the county, so he looked Shen San up and down immediately after hearing the word "Cangchun Pavilion" and said.

"What are you thinking? Don't think so dirty, okay, am I that kind of person?" Shen Sanduo saw a strange look in Li Weitt's eyes, so he bumped the boy's chest with his elbow , and then said.

"I misunderstood! But you don't want to be so ruthless?" Levitt said while clutching his chest, looking at Shen Sanduo with an aggrieved look.

"You asked for it!" Shen Sanduo retorted, then led the soldiers out of the teahouse, and walked directly towards the Cangchun Pavilion.

Cangchun Pavilion is still crowded with people as usual, as if the martial law outside has not affected the business inside at all, it is extremely lively.

"Which girl are you here for?" Seeing Shen Sanduo and the others coming in with more than a dozen people, the proprietress naturally thought it was a big business deal, and immediately came up to greet her enthusiastically.

"Will the proprietresses not know me soon?" Shen Sanduo saw the proprietresses, so he took off his hat to let the bosses see him clearly.

The last time there was a big disturbance in the Cangchun Pavilion, Shen Sanduo came in with Ah Can and the others. It was not long ago, and I believe the proprietress should still remember it fresh.

"It's you?" The proprietress recognized Shen Sanduo at a glance, her little heart almost jumped out of her heart.You must know that the Cangchun Pavilion was almost closed because of the riot last time. I didn't expect that Shen Sanduo would appear in front of me again now, and I decided that nothing good would happen.

"The proprietress has a good memory. It seems that you haven't forgotten what happened in the Cangchun Pavilion last time!" If Shen San dared to bring someone here, he would not be afraid of being recognized by the proprietress here, so he was surprised when he saw the other party. After looking in his eyes, he said immediately.

"I said, my lord, don't stay here anymore. Commander Lin has booked a place here, and this talk is about to come. It's not bad for you two great gods to meet in my small temple. And my pond fish? Please take pity on my old lady, it’s not easy to have a business, you should hold your feet high and get out of here!” After the incident last time, the proprietress of course knew that Shen Sanduo was not easy to mess with. host.

Last time, there were only three of Shen Sanduo and the others, and they were surprised that Lin Wanquan, the commander of the puppet army in Yuyang County, had been subdued. Now she is an old woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, how could she dare to provoke Shen San? How many?That's why she said such words in front of Shen Sanduo at a loss.

"Madam, what are you talking about? How can a businessman dare to go out with his customers? Could it be that you don't want to do business with the door open?" Although Li Weite didn't know what Shen Sanduo and the lady boss were talking about However, he guessed that the bosses must have suffered at the hands of Shen Sanduo, otherwise they wouldn't make people miss Shen Sanduo so much, so he pretended to intimidate the boss lady.

"Grandpa, you are uncle, we really can't afford to offend you, how about you go to another house to play, how about all the expenses on my Cangchun Pavilion account?" The proprietress obviously didn't want to keep them here for a moment.

She is very clear about what these people are doing. You must know that there are ghost soldiers shuttling back and forth outside, and there will be a few second ghosts with old men in this Cangchun Pavilion from time to time. , the trouble will be big, so of course she hopes that Shen Sanduo and the others will leave here as soon as they get the benefit, so that she can save herself from getting into trouble.

"No, we'll just live here today!" Levitt said unconvinced.There must be some reason why Shen Sanduo arranged for everyone to rest here, so no matter what troubles he had, he must let the soldiers have a good rest here.

After saying this, regardless of whether the proprietress is willing or not, she directly led the Wolves upstairs and walked towards the uppermost room on the right.

"Boss lady, don't worry, that Lin Wanquan won't have time to come to you today to make troubles, just put your heart in your stomach!" Shen Sanduo said to the bosses when he saw Li Weite and the others went up, and said He was about to take Ding Er and Niu Quan upstairs, but after walking two or three steps, he stopped suddenly and returned to the proprietress, "By the way, my brothers haven't eaten yet, prepare some food for us right away." My brother has a bad temper, it's better not to let him cause any trouble here, understand?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Sanduo immediately took Ding Erniuquan upstairs, and walked towards the location where Li Weitt and the others were.

"Miss Boss, shall we go to Commander Lin and ask him to bring people to capture these plague gods?" The big teapot immediately ran over to ask the lady boss, apparently seeing Shen Sanduo and the others insisted on forcibly living there. Come in, feel sorry for the bosses.

"What are you looking for? Can we afford to provoke these people?" The proprietress was not happy with Shen Sanduo and the others staying in her Tibetan Spring Pavilion, but she had no choice but to go, "Hurry up and prepare some food and wine for them to eat." When you're full, go away!"

"But lady boss, have you forgotten that guy paid us with bricks last time?" The big teapot can clearly remember what happened last time, as if it happened yesterday.

"When are you still worrying about money? As long as they don't cause trouble in our store, we will burn the incense if they don't cause trouble for us!" The bosses said impatiently.

At this time, she dare not think about money. The most important thing at this moment is to serve Shen Sanduo and the others quickly, so that Shen Sanduo can leave here before Commander Lin arrives. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how to deal with the situation. .

(End of this chapter)

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