Chapter 408

"Immediately call the division headquarters and report the situation on Highland No. [-], and ask the division headquarters to give me reinforcements from one battalion, no, two battalions!" Chen Yuewu immediately said to the chief of staff after hearing the soldier's report .

"I'll call the division as soon as I get there!" The chief of staff didn't dare to neglect, and immediately responded, then walked and ran to the phone in two steps, picked up the phone and immediately said, "Pick me up the division, I'll find Yang Master Zhen!"

"Master, I am Li Wei, Chief of Staff of the [-]th Regiment. Now the Devil Kawase Regiment is attacking our No. [-] highland defense line with two brigades armed with heavy weapons. The firepower is extremely fierce. The third battalion has already contacted the enemy. Request for reinforcements!" The chief of staff asked Yang Zhen for reinforcements while introducing the situation at the front of the position, "Yes, we must persist for three hours, yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

After talking on the phone, Li Wei hung up the phone, then walked up to Chen Yuewu, and said to Chen Yuewu: "Regimental Commander, the Commander said that an hour ago, the Sixth Battalion and one Reorganized Battalion were dispatched from the [-]th Regiment for reinforcements." We have completely lost contact on the battlefield. It may be more or less auspicious, resulting in no reinforcements to be sent. Facing the current situation, the division is making strategic adjustments. It will take three hours to order our division to stick to the position and win for the division's strategic adjustment. time."

"Guard platoon!" After hearing the order, Chen Yuewu did not hesitate, and immediately shouted to the soldiers outside the command post, "Follow me to the sixth position and reinforce the third battalion!"

"Yes!" The brothers in the guard platoon responded immediately, and then lined up neatly, waiting for Chen Yuewu to walk out from the inside, and then they followed.

"Boss, you are the leader of the regiment. You must be in command. I will take the guards to the No. [-] highland!" Li Wei immediately stopped Chen Yuewu, then pulled out the pistol at his waist, and was the first to rush forward. He took the guard platoon and ran towards the No. [-] highland, without waiting for Chen Yuewu to react.

"Old Li, you must come back alive!" Chen Yuewu said tremblingly with his eyes wet.

"Regiment, we can't count on the reinforcements from the division headquarters. We have been fighting the devils for nearly nine hours, and the shortage of ammunition and soldiers is already very serious. If we persist for another three hours, I am afraid that even if we can survive, we will not be able to survive." There is a way to break out!" Liang Botao, the former commander of the first battalion and now the deputy of the lieutenant colonel, walked up to Chen Yuewu and said, obviously he felt that the situation in front of him was a deadlock, and there would be no way to solve it for a while.

"We are soldiers. It is our duty to defend the country against the enemy and protect our family. It is our destiny to die in a horse leather shroud on the battlefield. We have no choice!" Chen Yuewu said. He was not moved by it at all.

"Defending the country and dying on the battlefield, horse leather shrouds are all right. From the moment we put on this military uniform, our fate has been determined, but we can't make unnecessary sacrifices until the end. You must protect the safety of our entire regiment. Make a plan!" Liang Botao said calmly, not thinking that there was anything wrong with what he said.

"How to save the safety of the whole regiment, give up the position and take the initiative to retreat, or surrender to the little devil and become a traitor?" Chen Yuewu was furious when he heard this, and wanted to tell Liang Botao to be strangled to death immediately, "That is a crime against the entire Chinese nation, and against our own. Do you know that family members and brothers who died under the iron heel of the Japanese army committed crimes?"

"Tuan Zuo, don't get excited, that's not what I meant!" Liang Botao saw Chen Yuewu so excited that he almost hit him. There was no trace of anger or dissatisfaction on his face, but a look of joy and admiration , and then continued, "I mean, after we hold on for three hours, we must rely on external forces to cover our entire regiment's retreat!"

"The division has no reinforcements at all, and we are surrounded by little devils. After this battle, how can there be any external forces?" Chen Yuewu calmed down after hearing these words, and then said to Liang Botao.

He knew very well that what was in front of them was a dead end, and there was no chance of turning over. Liang Botao said this as a meaningless joke.

"Why not?" Liang Botao said at this time, as if he already had a comprehensive plan in mind, "Wuzhen, which is three hours away from us, has a regiment from Chu Huainan of the New Fourth Army and our own battalion. We can definitely Send a telegram to the New Fourth Army for help!"

"That's the Communist Party's troops. How do you know where they are operating? Who are you?" Chen Yuewu immediately raised his sword eyebrows when he heard this, staring at Liang Botao and said, "Are you the Communist Party?"

"Tuan Zuo, can you give up your prejudice against the Communist Party first? Now is the united front period where the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperate to fight the little devils, and the little devils are our real enemies, aren't they?" Liang Botao was not intimidated by Chen Yuewu's eyes, Instead, he continued talking.

"What the higher-ups dislike most is dealing with the Communist Party. If we have anything to do with them, those from the intelligence department of the military department and the military command will jump out to make trouble again. Finding them is absolutely not advisable!" Chen Yuewu did not agree to this request. , but did not say that he wanted to trouble Liang Botao.

"Then send a telegram to our independent battalion and ask a battalion that arrived in Wuzhen to help us quickly. They are relatively close to us, and they will definitely appear in the southeast corner of us in three hours. Make a hole in the back, and then we will break through from there, and then go north to Quyang to build a defense line and wait for the division headquarters' combat order!" Liang Botao said, he knew that Chen Yuewu refused to join the New Fourth Army, so he felt that Shen Sanduo's team had advanced The troops arriving in Wuzhen can be used.

"Is it Shen Sanduo's independent camp?" When Chen Yuewu heard the title of the independent camp, he immediately heard Shen Sanduo who he had placed in Qigen Village, Qinshan.

"That's right, it's this kid!" Liang Botao said with certainty, completely agreeing with Chen Yuewu's deduction.

"This kid dared to drag the entire battalion to Wuzhen without an order. What is he trying to do? Is he lawless?" Chen Yuewu shouted loudly, as if scolding Shen Sanduo for acting without authorization.

"You really wish for him, the troops in Wuzhen are only a part of his subordinates!" Liang Botao helped Shen Sanduo to speak, as if not to let Chen Yuewu make mistakes.

"Didn't you just say a battalion?" Chen Yuewu said he didn't understand, so he looked at Liang Botao questioningly.

"In the past few months, you, the little battalion commander, have been doing a lot. At the beginning, you gave him a company of troops, plus his own brothers who were less than a platoon to form a battalion. The defense area was set up in Qigen Village, but now it belongs to the army. There are a total of eight companies!" Liang Botao said immediately after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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